
OT Offer Schedule

When gap or holiday overtime has been offered, a supervisor can authorize the offer by clicking the Authorize Gap/Hol. button on the OT Offer Detail form. The OT Offer Schedule pop-up form will open. Use this form to configure the overtime schedule, its margins, properties, and events.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Select the overtime offer record and go to the OT Offer Detail tab.

  3. On the OT Offer Detail tab, select the employees for whom you want to authorize gap or holiday overtime. To select multiple employees, press the CTRL key as you select them.

  4. Click Authorize Gap/Hol.

    The OT Offer Schedule pop-up form appears.

  5. The Schedule Type indicates the type of schedule that will be used for this overtime offer.

  6. If this is a Gap day, enter the Gap Day Num. A Gap day is a day when the employee is not scheduled to work. If this schedule applies to one of those gap days (for possible use in pay rules), enter that number here (for example, Sunday = 1).

  7. Select a Start Day (YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW) and select or enter the Start Time.

  8. Select an End Day (YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW) and select or enter the End Time.

  9. Select an Applicable Start Day (YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW) and select or enter the Applicable Start Time. The Applicable Start Time is the effective start time of the schedule.

  10. Select an Applicable End Day (YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW) and select or enter the Applicable End Time. The Applicable End Time is the effective end time of the schedule.

  11. Select the Shift for this schedule. Note that the Shift will be used only if the employee has a Shift Policy that uses the Shift From Schedule setting. Shifts are created on the Shift Definition form. If no shift is to be used, then leave blank.

  12. Enter an (optional) Description for this schedule.

  13. Click the Schedule Margins tab.

    This tab is used to configure the amount of time that an employee can clock in or out before their schedule start or end without receiving a violation notice.

  14. Enter a Start Early Margin. This setting is a whole number representing the number of minutes that the employee can start the schedule before a schedule start without receiving a violation notice.

  15. Enter a Start Late Margin. This setting is a whole number representing the number of minutes that the employee can start the schedule after a schedule start without receiving a violation notice.

  16. Enter an End Early Margin. This setting is a whole number representing the number of minutes that the employee can end the schedule before the schedule end without receiving a violation notice.

  17. Enter an End Late Margin. This setting is a whole number representing the number of minutes that the employee can end the schedule after the schedule end without receiving a violation notice.

  18. In the Unit field, select if the amount of time for the margins in HOURS, MINUTES, or SECONDS. The default value is minutes.

  19. Click the Schedule Properties tab.

    This tab is used to configure details such as applicable start and end times.

  20. Select the Protected box if you want to protect this schedule from being deleted or modified.

  21. Select the Is Elapsed box if you expect the employee to post time using the elapsed type entry method. Employees can enter one or more days' worth of time entries at a time. This is a method typically used by salaried employees.

  22. Select a Split Day if the schedule applies to a 9-80 schedule. Select NO SPLIT if this is a regular schedule. Select FIRST HALF if the split schedule day occurs in the first half of the schedule period. Select SECOND HALF if the split schedule day occurs in the second half of the schedule period.

  23. The Pay Week and Pay Period fields also apply to a 9-80 schedule.

    For the Pay Week, select CURRENT if the split schedule day occurs in the current pay week. Select PREVIOUS if the split schedule day occurs in the previous pay week. Select NEXT if the split schedule day occurs in the next pay week.

    For the Pay Period, select CURRENT if the split schedule day occurs in the current pay period. Select PREVIOUS if the split schedule day occurs in the previous pay period. Select NEXT if the split schedule day occurs in the next pay period.

  24. Click the Schedule Event tab.

    This tab is used to configure specific blocks of time where the employee has a specific event occurring, such as a BREAK or a MEAL. You can also define events that may not be used, like when an employee is not allowed to take a break or a meal. Events include both Punched and Automatic Events.

  25. Select the Event you are defining (BREAK or MEAL). MEAL is used for meal breaks such as lunch, and BREAK is used for any other kind of break within the schedule you are defining.

  26. In the Posting Basis field, select whether the event is STRICT or OFFSET. A STRICT event has a specific start and stop time, no matter when the person clocks in or out. The start and stop times are defined in the Start Time stamp and End Time stamp fields. An OFFSET event will post at a certain time after the raw timestamp of the most recent Clock In, based on the values you enter in the Start Hours Offset and End Hours Offset fields.

  27. In the Required field, select whether the event is MANDATORY, OPTIONAL, or PROHIBITED. Select Mandatory if the employee is expected to post the event. Select Optional if the employee may adhere to the event but there will not be a violation if time is not posted. Select Prohibited if the employee is not allowed to post the event.

  28. In the Auto Event field, select how the event will post. Select AUTO if the event posts automatically. The event start and end times are defined in the Start Timestamp and End Timestamp fields. Select PUNCH if the event posts only if and when it is punched in real-time. Select OVERRIDE if the event will post automatically unless it has been punched.

  29. If you selected STRICT Posting Basis, select the Start Day, Start Time, End Day, and End Time. These timestamps represent the date and time that is “stamped” on the employee’s time sheet to signify an event posting.

  30. If you selected OFFSET Posting Basis, enter the Start Hours Offset and End Hours Offset. These fields define the number of hours after the raw timestamp of the most recent clock in when the Event will start and end. For example, the Meal event has a Start Hours Offset of 4 and an End Hours Offset of 5. If the employee's raw clock-in time is 8 a.m., the Meal event will be posted from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

  31. Enter a Start Early Margin and a Start Late Margin.

    The Start Early Margin is the number of minutes that the employee can leave for break before the scheduled event start without receiving a violation notice. The default value is 0.

    The Start Late Margin is the number of minutes that the employee can leave for break after the scheduled event start without receiving a violation notice. The default value is 0.

  32. Enter an End Early Margin and an End Late Margin.

    The End Early Margin is the number of minutes that the employee can return from break before the scheduled event ends without receiving a violation notice. The default value is 0.

    The End Late Margin is the number of minutes that the employee can return from break after the scheduled event ends without receiving a violation notice. The default value is 0.

  33. In the Unit field, enter the unit of measure for the Margin values (HOURS, MINUTES, or SECONDS). The default value is minutes.

  34. Click Authorize Gap/Hol. to save the schedule.