The Config Export form is used to export configuration data (Calc Rules, Policies, Events, etc.) to an XML file which can then be imported into a different database. For example, your company may initially install and configure the application on a test database. Once testing is complete and all the necessary configuration changes have been made, a production database will be used. The Config Export form allows you to export the configuration data from the test database. You can then use the Config Import form to import the configuration data to the production database.
The Config Export and Config Import forms are part of the Data Migration feature.
You can only import to a database that has the same schema version as the database that exported the data.
Note that system-defined records (such as the System Default policies and event templates) will only be imported if you check Include System when you create the export file.
See Also:
Config Export Field Descriptions
Click the Filter
button to view all these fields.
Updated Person Num
If you only want to export records that were updated by a specific person, enter the Person Number in the Updated Person Num field. If you leave this field blank, then records “Updated By” any person will be exported.
The Updated Person Num filter will apply to both header and detail records. For example, a Pay Policy has detail records for Events, Event Types, and Hours Class that may be updated by different persons. The Updated Person Num filter will apply to the Pay Group Name (header) record in the top half of the form and all the detail records (Events, Event Types, and Hours Class).
If your filter includes both the Updated After date and Updated Person Num, a record will only be exported if its header record and all detail records meet these criteria. For example, if one detail record matches the Updated After date and Updated Person Num but another detail record does not, then the entire record will not be exported.
Use Updated After / Updated After
To export only those records updated after a certain date, check the Use Updated After box and select the Updated After date. If you do not check Use Updated After, then records will be exported regardless of their “Update Date” value.
The Use Updated After / Updated After filter will apply to both header records and detail records.
If your filter includes both the Updated After date and Updated Person Num, a record will only be exported if its header record and all detail records meet these criteria. For example, if one detail record matches the Updated After date and Updated Person Num but another detail record does not, then the entire record will not be exported.
Include System
Check this box if you want to include system defined records in your export file (records for which Updated By is set to SYSTEM). For example, check this box to include SYSTEM DEFAULT policies and event templates.
If you do not specify an Updated Person Num and Include System is checked, then a record will only be exported if its header and detail records are updated by the system. If any of a record’s details were not updated by the system, then the entire record will not be exported.
File Name
Name of the XML file that will be exported. The default export File Name is MigrationExport.xml.
Data Migration Contexts (folders)
The folders in the middle of the Config Export form represent the various Data Migration Contexts. These contexts are used to group the exported data into categories.
Click the button to expand
a context and view the data types that are included in it. Check the options
you want to include in the export.
To export all contexts, check the All box.
Log in to the application that is connected to the database you want to export (e.g., your test database).
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Migration > Config Export.
The folders that display in the middle of the form are the Data Migration Contexts.
To export all contexts, check the All box.
To select which contexts to
export, click the button to expand the folder
and check the option you want to export.
The default export File Name is MigrationExport.xml. Change the name as needed.
Use the Updated Person Num, Use Updated After, Updated After, and Include System fields to filter the records you want to export.
To reset all the filter fields to their default values, click Clear.
Click Export.
Your browser will display a message asking if you want to save the file.
Save the file to the location of your choice.
See Config Import for information on importing the data to a different database.