Message Response

The Message Response tab indicates when a message was read and how the person responded to it. The form is used for viewing purposes only.

This tab is available from the Message Log form and the My Messages form.

All messaging features are outlined in Messaging Feature topic.


Message Response Field Descriptions

Response Date

Date when the message was read.

Responded By

Name of the person who read the message.

Response Source

Indicates whether the message was read in the Web application, on a Terminal, or sent to an EMAIL address.

Message Status

Read: The message was read by the recipient.

Acknowledged: The recipient acknowledged the message.

Acknowledged and Agreed: The recipient agreed with the message.

Acknowledged and Disagreed: The recipient disagreed with the message.

Sent/Delivered via email: The MESSAGE_DELIVERY service delivered the message to the recipient's email address.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.