
Meal/Break Override

This feature will allow a punched meal or break to override the automatic meal or break defined in an employee’s schedule.

If the employee punches the meal/break before the automatic meal/break occurs, only the punched meal/break will post.

If the employee punches the meal/break after the automatic meal/break occurs, both the punched and the automatic meal/break will be posted. However, the RECALCULATION service will remove the automatic meal/break.

The automatic meal/break and the punched meal/break must have the same name in order for the override to occur. If the employee punches a meal/break with a different name than the automatic meal/break, then both events will post.

To use this feature, the following configuration is required:

The Meal/Break Override feature is also used in the calculation of California Meal Rules. If you are using California Meal Rules, you will need to set your Meal and Break events to OVERRIDE in the schedule.

See Also:

Set the Automatic Meal/Break to Override


Examples of Meal/Break Override

California Meal Rules


Set the Automatic Meal/Break to Override

  1. Find the schedule you want to modify on the Schedule Cycle, Employee Schedule, or Edit Template form.

  2. Select the day in the schedule that has the automatic meal or break.

  3. On the Event tab (the Event Template Event tab for the Edit Template form), select the event and click Modify. If you are adding the event, click Add and define the new automatic event.

  4. Set the Auto Event field to OVERRIDE.

  5. Click Save. If this schedule is part of a Schedule Cycle, you will need to assign and generate the schedule.

If the day will have more than one meal or break, and you want to allow override for all of them, make sure each event has a different name. This configuration will help distinguish between the automatic event and the punched event.



You will need to run or schedule the RECALCULATION service to remove the automatic meals/breaks when the same event is punched after the automatic event.


Examples of Meal/Break Override

In the following examples, the employee has an automatic lunch scheduled from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Auto Event setting for the lunch event is set to OVERRIDE.