

The Margins form allows you to add margins to daily schedules for individual employees. Margins represent the amount of time that a person can clock in or out before their schedule start or end without receiving a violation notice.

This tab is available when you add or modify a record on the Employee Schedule, Schedule Cycle, Ad Hoc Templates, or Edit Template form.

Margins will always display in minutes on the Employee Schedule, Schedule Cycle, Ad Hoc Templates, or Edit Template form. However, you can enter margins value using minutes, seconds, or hours. Margins must be entered as whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).

When you modify a margins value, the form will use the largest possible unit (hours, minutes, or seconds) for which all the values can be expressed as integers. For example, you enter 120 seconds for the margin values and click Save. When you modify the record, the Margins tab will display the values as 2 minutes. If you enter 90 seconds for the margin values and click Save, the Margins tab will display the values as 90 Seconds when you click Modify.


Margins Field Descriptions

Start Early Margin

This whole number represents the number of Units the employee can start the schedule before a schedule start without receiving a violation notice.

Start Late Margin

This whole number represents the number of Units the employee can start the schedule after a schedule start without receiving a violation notice.

End Early Margin

This whole number represents the number of Units the employee can end the schedule before the schedule end without receiving a violation notice.

End Late Margin

This whole number represents the number of time units the employee can end the schedule after the schedule end without receiving a violation notice.


Indicates whether the margins are in Hours, Minutes, or Seconds. The default value is Minutes.

When you modify a margin value, the form will use the largest possible unit (hours, minutes, or seconds) for which all the values can be expressed as integers. For example, you enter 120 seconds for the margin values and click Save. When you modify the record, the Margins tab will display the values as 2 minutes. If you enter 90 seconds for the margin values and click Save, the Margins tab will display the value as 90 seconds when you click Modify.