
Polling Group Detail

On the Polling Group Detail tab of the Polling Group form, you group transaction data into polling groups. When transaction data that belongs to a specific polling group is downloaded, all transaction data belonging to the same polling group is also downloaded. Polling Groups are created on the Polling Group form. The grouping of transaction data is configured here on the Polling Group Detail form.

See Also:

Polling Group Detail Field Descriptions

Add a Polling Group Detail

Delete a Polling Group Detail


Polling Group Detail Field Descriptions

Interface Name

Displays the Interface Name that this record applies to. Interface names are configured on the Interface form.

Polling Group

Identifies the name of the group.

Sender Name

Identifies the sender of the data. Available options are defined on the Interface Host form.

Transaction List

The Available box displays the transaction data that is available to add to the selected Polling Group for the specified Sender Name. The Selected box displays the transaction records that are currently enabled for the selected Polling Group.


Add a Polling Group Detail

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Database Polling > Polling Group.

  2. Select the Polling Group record to which you want to add transaction data records.

  3. On the Polling Group Detail tab, click Add.

  4. Select the Sender Name from which the data will originate.

  5. In the Transaction Name field, select a transaction to add to the Polling Group.

  6. To save this detail record and continue adding new ones, click Save and Add. Click Save when you have added the last record.


Delete a Polling Group Detail

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Database Polling > Polling Group.

  2. Select the Polling Group record from which you want to delete transaction data records.

  3. On the Polling Group Detail tab, select the record you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.