Field Map

The Field Map tab is used to associate source data with more than one field name. For details about the Import Data feature, see Import Data. 

The Field Map tab is available when you click the Source Fields tab on the Import Definition form.

See Also:

Field Map Field Descriptions

Find/View a Field Map Record

Add a Field Map Record

Delete a Field Map Record


Field Map Field Descriptions

Import Name

Identifies the Import Name the record applies to. Import names are configured via the Import Source form.

Record Name

Identifies the Destination Records the field map applies to.

Field Name

Identifies the Field Name the source data is associated with.


When this box is checked the record is required.

Updated By

Identifies who created the record.

Update Date

Identifies when this record was created.


Find/View a Field Map Record

You must have a Destination Record and a Source Field record before you can configure field map records.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Name from the Import Name drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab.

  4. Select the Source Field record you want to view.

  5. The Field Map tab below will display the configured values.


Add a Field Map Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Name from the Import Name drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab.

  4. Select the record that uses the source data you want to associate with additional field names.

  5. Click Add on the Field Map tab.

  6. Select a Record Name.

  7. Select a Field Name.

  8. Click Save and Add to add more records.

  9. Click Save when you are finished adding all the field names.

  10. Click Validate on the Import Definition toolbar to confirm that the mandatory field names have been selected. The mandatory field names are listed in the list of Context Names. An error message will display if the mandatory field names have not been configured.


Delete a Field Map Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Name from the Import Name drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab.

  4. Select the record that contains the field map you want to remove from the record.

  5. Select the record you want to delete on the Field Map tab below.

  6. Click Delete.

  7. Click OK to confirm the action.

  8. Click Validate on the Import Definition toolbar to confirm that the mandatory field names have been selected. The mandatory field names are listed in the list of Context Names. An error message will display if the mandatory field names have not been configured.