
Field Format

The Field Format tab is used to format source data before it is converted to XML via the IMPORT_FILES service. A source field can have 0 or more formats. The format listed first on the Field Format tab is applied first.

For example, a Person/Employee import includes the birth_date field. The person’s birth_date is January 13, 1967 and in the import file it is formatted as 01/13/1967. In order for the IMPORT_FILES service to correctly import this date, you would add a Field Format record for the birth_date field. This Field Format record will be for the format_date setting with the parameter MM/dd/yyyy.

The Field Format tab is available when you click the Source Fields tab on the Import Definition form.

See Also:

Field Format - Field Descriptions

Simple Date Formats

Find/View a Field Format Record

Add a Field Format Record

Modify a Field Format Record

Delete a Field Map Record

Move Up/Down


Field Format - Field Descriptions

Import Name

Identifies the Import Name that the record applies to.

Format Name

Identifies the format that will be applied to the source data. The available functions are listed in the table below.

Format Name


Capitalize First Character of All Words


The first character of each word in the field will display in upper case.
Example: Jane Doe


Capitalize First Character of First Word


The first character of the first word in the field will display in upper case.
Example: Jane doe


Decimal Hours to Seconds


Converts decimal hours to seconds.


Format a Date String


Used to identify the date format of the source field.

When you select this Format Name, you must enter the Date Format. See Simple Date Format for the letters you can use to create your Date Format.


Format a Date and Time String


Used to identify the datetime format of the source field.

When you select this Format Name, you must enter the DateTime Format. See Simple Date Format for the letters you can use to create your DateTime Format.


Format a Time String


Used to identify the time format of the source field.

When you select this Format Name, you must enter the Time Format. See Simple Date Format for the letters you can use to create your Time Format.


ISO_8601 Duration to decimal hours


This format rounds imported values to two decimal places.

If you want to specify the number of decimal places to round the value, use the duration_to_decimal_hours_precision Field Format (see below).


ISO_8601 Duration to decimal hours with precision


This format allows imported values to round to the specified number of decimal places if the original value is longer.

For the Decimal Places parameter, you can enter a number between 1 and 12.


Left Padding


Adds a specified character to the left side of the value until the value meets a specified length. When you select Left Padding, you must also specify the Pad Character and the String Length.

For example, if the Left Padding format is applied to person number 123, with Pad Character “a” and String Length 5, the person number will be imported as aa123.


Left Trim by Character


The value will have the specified Trim Character removed starting from the left.

For example, if the Left Trim by Character format with Trim Character 0 is applied to person number 0015679, then the person number will be imported as 15679.


Lower Case All Characters


All characters in the field will display in lower case.
Example: jane doe


Right Padding


Adds a specified character to the right side of the value until the value meets a specified length. When you select Right Padding, you must also specify the Pad Character and the String Length.

For example, if the Right Padding format is applied to person number 123, with Pad Character “b” and String Length 5, the person number will be imported as 123bb.


Right Trim by Character


The value will have the specified Trim Character removed starting from the right.

For example, if the Right Trim by Character format with Trim Character 9 is applied to person number 1567999, then the person number will be imported as 1567.




Select this format to import the part of the value that is between the Start Position and End Position.

Counting for the Substring is zero-based. For example, to start counting from the beginning of the string, set the Start Position to 0. Negative Start and End Positions indicate offsets from the end of the string.

For example, if the Substring format is applied to Person Number aa123bb, the Start and End Positions shown below will result in the following values:

Start Position 2, End Position 5 = 123

Start Position 0, End Position 4 = aa12

Start Position 4, End Position 0 = null value (If the Start Position is not strictly to the left of the End Position, no value will be returned).

Start Position -4, End Position 5 = 23


Trim Left Spaces


Any white spaces located to the left of the first character in the field will be removed.


Trim Left and Right Spaces


Any white spaces located to the left of the first character and to the right of the last character in the field will be removed.


Trim Right Spaces


Any white spaces located to the right of the last character in the field will be removed.

Un-Capitalize First Character of First Word


The first character of the first word in the field will display in lower case. Example: jane Doe


Upper Case All Characters


All characters in the field will display in upper case.
Example: JANE DOE



Parameter 1, Parameter 2

The Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 fields are used to specify fill characters or trim characters that are applied to the field’s value based on the Format Name you select. For example, if you select the Format Name “Left Trim by Character” and specify “@” as your Trim Character, the @ symbol will appear in the Parameter 1 column. 

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Simple Date Formats

When you are formatting a date and/or time string for a source field, you can use the following letters to specify the year, month, day, hour, etc.


Date or Time Component



Era designator (AD)

2001.07.04 AD = yyyy.MM.dd G


Year (2001, 01)

Jul 4, '01 = MMM d, "'yy


Month in year (July, Jul, 07)

Jul 4 = MMM d

07.04 = MM.dd


Week in year



Week in month



Day in year (1-3 numbers)

189 = DDD


Day in month (1-2 numbers0

Jul 4 = MMM d

Jul 04 = MMM dd


Day of week in month (1 number)

Ex: “2” represents second week in the month


Day in week

Wed, 4 Jul 2001 = EEE, d MMM yyyy


AM/PM marker

12:08 PM = hh:mm a


Hour in military time (0-23)

Ex: HH:mm = 13:05


Hour in AM/PM (1-12)



Hour in AM/PM (0-11)



Hour in day (1-24)



Minute in hour






Second in minute



Time Zone

Ex. -0800


Time Zone

Ex. Pacific Standard Time, PST


Examples of Date Formats:

Source Data Example

Simple Date Format

2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT

yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z

Wed, Jul 4, '01

EEE, MMM d, "'yy

12:08 PM

h:mm a

12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time

hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz

0:08 PM, PDT

K:mm a, z

02001.July.04 AD 12:08 PM

yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa

Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700

EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z




Note: Once the source data is imported you can configure how the values are displayed in the application using the Date Pattern setting in System Settings.


Find/View a Field Format Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab and select the record that contains the details you want to view.

  4. Click the Field Format tab to view the configured values.


Add a Field Format Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab and select the field for which you want to add a format record.

  4. Click Add on the Field Format tab.

  5. Select a Format Name.

  6. Depending on the Format Name you selected, you may also have to enter a value in the Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 fields. The names of these fields will change depending on the Format Name you select. For example, if you select the Format Name “Left Trim by Character” and specify “@” as your Trim Character, the @ symbol will appear in the Parameter 1 column.

  7. If you selected date/time related strings in the Format Name field, you must identify the source data pattern. Enter the pattern using a Simple Date Format in the Date Format, Time Format, or DateTime Format field. Once the source data is imported you can configure how the values should display in the application using the Date Pattern setting in System Settings.

  8. If you want to add more than one Field Format record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Field Format window open. Or click Save to save your Field Format record and return to the main form.

    The Formats column on the Source Field tab will update with the formats you have added.


Modify a Field Format Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab and select the record that contains the details you want to view.

  4. Select a record on the Field Format tab and click Modify.

  5. Change the parameters as necessary and click Save.


Delete a Field Format Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. Click the Source Fields tab and select the record that contains the details you want to view.

  4. Select a record on the Field Format tab and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.


Move Up/Move Down

The Move Up and Move Down buttons allow you to change the order of the Field Format records. The sequence of the Field Format record is important if you want the service to apply the format to the applicable values. The format listed first will apply first.

To move a record up, select the record on the Import definition form and click the Move Up button until it is positioned where you want to keep it.

To move a record down, select the record on the Import definition form and click the Move Down button until it is located where you want to keep it.