The Employee Group Manager tab on the Hierarchy Elements form is used to configure the managers of a hierarchy element. When you add a manager you can choose to make him or her a member of the group also.
Note: The fields and functions on this form are the same as those on the Employee Group Manager tab of the Employee Group form.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Hierarchy > Hierarchy Elements.
Select the hierarchy element to which you want to add managers.
On the Employee Group Manager tab, click Add.
The Add Employee Group Manager form opens.
Click the
button next to the Manager Num
field to display the Employee pop-up form.
Select a person and click OK.
If you want the manager to also serve as a member of the hierarchy element, check the Add As Member Also box. If you leave it unchecked, the manager will not be considered a member of the group.
If you want to assign a Supervisor Role, select it from the drop-down list. A Supervisor Role determines what functions a manager can perform for a person they supervise. If a supervisor does not have an assigned Supervisor Role, then that supervisor has access to all functional areas for the employees he or she supervises.
Enter the Start Date and End Date of the manager assignment.
If you want to add more than one manager to the hierarchy element, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Employee Group Manager window open. Or click Save to save your record and return to the main form.