Display Open Jobs on Client Terminal

This feature allows users to view their open labors (labors that have started but not yet stopped). When the user selects Open Jobs View in the terminal menu, a view-only form will display with any open labors the user has.

The Open Jobs View form will display labors that have a start timestamp but no end timestamp on the “effective” Post Date. The “effective” Post Date is determined by the user’s Post Date Policy.

To display the Open Jobs View form, you must add the OPEN_JOBS_VIEW event to the terminal’s menu tree. You can also change the fields in this form by modifying the user’s Form Profile.

See Also:

Supported Terminals

Using the Open Jobs View Form

Add the OPEN_JOBS_VIEW Event to the Terminal Menu

Modify Open Jobs View in Form Profile

How the Effective Post Date is Determined


Supported Terminals

The Open Jobs View form can be shown on the following terminals:

InTeract Client


Web Time Clock

B-Net 9580

B-Net 9540

B-Web 9500

Kaba Terminal 9700


Using the Open Jobs View Form

The Open Jobs View option will display in the terminal menu if the OPEN_JOBS_VIEW event is included in the terminal menu.

When you select this option, the Open Jobs View form displays. This form will display any open labors that the logged-in user has on the effective Post Date. Open labors have a start timestamp but no end timestamp. The form will display single, batch, and multi labors that are open. The form will be blank if there are no open labors on the effective Post Date.

The information on the Open Jobs View form can also be viewed in the Action form.

The columns that are visible by default are listed below. Additional columns can be enabled in the Form Profile. You can also reorder the columns in Form Profile.

Event Name

Action Key Name

Action Key Value

Start Timestamp

Order Num

Operation Num

Activity Num

Project Num

Task Num

Indirect Charge Code

Note: Open Jobs View is different from the Open Labor option in the terminal menu. The Open Labor option only displays when the logged-in user has open Multi Labors (Multi Labors are labors that are started and stopped at different times under one event). You can use the Open Labor option to add labor to the Multi or to close one or more labors in the Multi.


Add the OPEN_JOBS_VIEW Event to the Terminal Menu

To display the Open Jobs View form, you must add the OPEN_JOBS_VIEW event to the terminal’s menu tree.

OPEN_JOBS_VIEW is an event of type INFO:DATA that displays the Open Jobs View button on the terminal. You do not have to modify this event. However, you need to add this event to the terminal menu.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Menu Tree.

  2. From the Menu Group Name field, select the terminal menu you want to modify.

  3. In the middle of the form, select the folder next to the Menu Group and click Add Event.

  4. Select the event Open Jobs View (OPEN_JOBS_VIEW) and click Save.


Modify Open Jobs View in Form Profile

You can show or hide the columns on the Open Jobs View form by editing the form in Form Profile.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. From the Form Profile Name field, select the Form Profile for the terminal users.

  3. On the left side of the form, click Terminal Forms > Open Jobs View.

  4. On the Form Profile Detail tab, go to the Resultset Fields section.

  5. To make a column visible, move it from the Available box to the Selected box. You can also reorder the Selected columns.

  6. Click Save.

Note: If your labor event uses a Confirmation Number prompt (FC_CONFIRMATION_NUM) instead of Order Num and Operation Num prompts, you can display the Confirmation Number prompt on the Open Jobs View form. To do so, you need to enable the Flex Field to which this prompt is mapped. Check the event’s records in the Prompt Mab tab of the Events form to see the Flex Field to which the FC_CONFIRMATION_NUM is mapped. Then, make sure you enable this Flex Field on the Open Jobs View form in your Form Profile.


How the Effective Post Date Is Determined

The Open Jobs View form will display labors that are open (have a start timestamp but no end timestamp) on the “effective” Post Date. The “effective” Post Date is determined by the user’s Post Date Policy.

In most cases, the effective Post Date is the current date and time. In some cases, however (such as when the employee’s schedule crosses midnight), the effective Post Date may not be the current date/time.

For example, a person’s Post Date Policy is configured to determine the post date based on the person’s schedule instead of the calendar date. The person’s shift is from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The person clocks in Monday at 10 p.m. and starts a Work Order. At 2 a.m. (Tuesday), the person goes to the Open Jobs View form. Although the calendar date is Tuesday, the person sees the labor he started on Monday because the effective post date is the date of the clock-in, which is Monday. If the person’s Post Date Policy was based on the calendar date, then the person would not have seen any labors on the Open Jobs View form.