
Discipline Balance (Employee Form)

The Discipline Balance tab of the Employee form is used to view and manage a person’s discipline balance transactions. Discipline balance transactions are the changes made to a person’s discipline balance amounts, either by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service or manually using this form. Discipline balances (or Discipline Balance Codes) are used to hold the points that are generated for attendance infractions.

The DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service updates a person's discipline balances based on the Discipline Balance Codes and settings in the person's Discipline Balance Policy.

See Also:

Discipline Balance Tab Field Descriptions

View Transactions

View Level History

View Ticket History

Add a Discipline Balance

Delete a Discipline Balance

Add a Discipline Balance Transaction to a Discipline Balance

Cancel a Discipline Balance Transaction

Add a Discipline Level to a Discipline Balance Transaction

Deactivate a Discipline Level

Add a Discipline Ticket

View or Print a Ticket

Deactivate a Ticket


Discipline Balance Tab Field Descriptions

Leave Type Code

Displays the person’s Discipline Balance Codes. These codes come from the person’s Discipline Balance Policy and they can be added using the Discipline Balance tab form.

Balance Value

Amount of points in the Discipline Balance Code. The points are added and reduced by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service. The points can also be added or reduced manually in this form.

Last Accum. Date

Date that the Leave Type Code was last processed by the BALANCE_ACCUMULATION task of the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service for this person. The DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service uses this date to establish the start date for the range of records that need to be processed.

When an adjustment is made to a person’s timecard (a transaction is added, modified, or deleted on the timecard), and the transaction has a corresponding (Discipline) Balance Transaction, this adjustment causes the Last Accum. Date in the person’s Discipline Balance record to change. It changes to one day prior to the date of the adjusted transaction. This date change will allow the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service to reprocess the Balance Transactions to adjust for the one that was removed. See How the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE Service Works for more information.

Last Reduction Date

Date that the Leave Type Code was last processed by the BALANCE_REDUCTION task of the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service for this person. The DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service uses this date to establish the start date for the range of records that need to be processed.

When an adjustment is made to a person’s timecard (a transaction is added, modified, or deleted on the timecard), and the transaction has a corresponding (Discipline) Balance Transaction, this adjustment causes the Last Reduction Date in the person’s Discipline Balance record to change. It changes to one day prior to the date of the adjusted transaction. This date change will allow the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service to reprocess the Balance Transactions to adjust for the one that was removed. See How the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE Service Works for more information.

Last Point Date

Date when a point was last added to the Leave Type Code for this person, either by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service or manually in this form.

The Last Point Date acts as a limit for how far back the BALANCE_REDUCTION task of the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service can look for balance changes when determining whether or not to reduce the balance. For example: The Last Point Date is 10-17-2014 and the reduction ruleset specifies that if there is no change to the discipline balance in the last 180 days, then the balance will be reduced by 1 point. When the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service runs on 10-20-2014, it cannot look any further back than 10-17-2014 to find changes in the balance amount. It will not detect any changes in the last 180 days and will not reduce the balance.

The Last Point Date can also prevent the BALANCE_REDUCTION task of the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service from reducing or resetting any manually inserted or imported discipline balances. If a point is added to a Leave Type Code by some mechanism other than the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service or the Employee Discipline Balance form (e.g., the point is inserted into the database via a script), you should set the Last Point Date as well.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View Transactions

Select a discipline balance record on the Discipline Balance tab and click View Transactions . The Balance Transactions form will open. This form will display the balance transactions that have increased or reduced the discipline balance.

You can also use this form to:

Add a Discipline Balance Transaction to a Discipline Balance

Cancel a Discipline Balance Transaction

Add a Discipline Level to a Discipline Balance Transaction

Add a Discipline Ticket to a Discipline Balance Transaction


Balance Transactions - Field Descriptions

Leave Type Code, Amount

Leave Type Code shows the Leave Type Code you selected on the Discipline Balance tab.

Amount is the number of points added to the Leave Type Code for each discipline balance transaction.

Post Date

Date that was processed by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service when this discipline balance transaction was created. If this discipline balance transaction was added manually, the Post Date displays the date the discipline balance transaction was added on the form.


If the discipline balance transaction was added manually, this field displays any comments that were included.

Cancel Date, Cancelled By, Cancel Comment

If the discipline balance transaction was cancelled, these fields identify the date of the cancellation, the person who cancelled the transaction, and any comments that were included.

Date Created, Created By

Date when the discipline balance transaction was created and the person or DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service that created it.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View Level History

Select a discipline balance record on the Discipline Balance tab and click View Level History to display the discipline levels that have been added to the discipline balance.

You can also use this form to deactivate a discipline level.


Discipline Levels – Field Descriptions

Leave Type Code

Leave Type Code shows the Leave Type Code you selected on the Discipline Balance tab.

Discipline Transaction ID

System-assigned ID number that identifies the discipline balance transaction for which you are viewing a discipline balance level.

Level Number, Level Name

These values are assigned by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service based on the Level Ruleset in the Discipline Balance Policy. If you add a discipline level manually, you will specify the Level Number and Level Name.


Indicates whether the discipline balance level is active (checked) or if it has been deactivated (unchecked)

Start Date, End Date

Dates when the Level Number and Level Name are in effect for this discipline balance transaction.


If the discipline balance level was added manually, this field displays any comments that were included.

Cancel Date, Cancelled By, Cancel Comment

If the discipline balance level was deactivated, these fields identify the date it was deactivated, the person who deactivated it, and any comments that were included.

A discipline level may deactivate when a balance transaction is deleted, or you can manually deactivate a level. The deactivated record is no longer in effect.

Date Created, Created By

Date when the discipline balance level was created and the person or DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service that created it.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View Ticket History

Select a discipline balance record on the Discipline Balance tab and click View Ticket History to display the discipline tickets that have been added to the discipline balance transaction.

You can use this form to view/print a ticket or deactivate a ticket.


Discipline Tickets – Field Descriptions

Discipline Ticket ID

System-assigned ID number for the ticket.

Leave Type Code

Leave Type Code shows the Leave Type Code you selected on the Discipline Balance tab.

Discipline Transaction ID

System-assigned ID number that identifies the discipline balance transaction for which you are viewing a discipline balance level.

Post Date

Date that was processed by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service when this discipline balance transaction was created. If this discipline balance transaction was added manually, the Post Date displays the date the discipline balance transaction was added on the form.


Indicates whether the discipline balance ticket is active (checked) or if it has been deactivated (unchecked)


If the discipline balance ticket was added manually, this field displays any comments that were included.

Cancel Date, Cancelled By, Cancel Comment

If the discipline balance ticket was deactivated, these fields identify the date it was deactivated, the person who deactivated it, and any comments that were included.

Date Created, Created By

Date when the discipline balance ticket was created and the person or DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service that created it.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Discipline Balance

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab. The tab will display the Discipline Balance Codes that have already been assigned to the person from the person’s Discipline Balance Policy or from being added manually in this form.

  3. Click Add. The Add Discipline Balance form opens.

  4. Select the Leave Type Code for the discipline balance. The available options are the Discipline Balance Codes that have not yet been assigned to the person.

  5. Enter the Balance Value you want to add to this discipline balance.

  6. If you want to add another discipline balance, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Discipline Balance form open. Or click Save to save your discipline balance and return to the main form.


Delete a Discipline Balance

You cannot delete a discipline balance if it has any discipline balance transactions. Select the record and click View Transactions to see if the discipline balance has any discipline balance transactions.

To delete a discipline balance, select the record on the Discipline Balance tab and click Delete.


Add a Discipline Balance Transaction to a Discipline Balance

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the Discipline Balance Code to which you want to add a discipline balance transaction.

  4. Click View Transactions.

    The Balance Transactions form opens.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In the Amount field, enter the number of points you want to add to this discipline balance. If you want to deduct points, enter a negative number.

  7. In the Post Date field, select the date when this discipline balance transaction occurred (e.g., the date of the person’s Late Arrival or Unexcused Absence).

  8. Click Save.

  9. If you want to add another discipline balance transaction, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Balance Transactions form open. Or click Save to save your discipline balance transaction and return to the main form.

The record’s Balance Value on the Discipline Balance tab will be changed to reflect the amount you added.


Cancel a Discipline Balance Transaction

When you cancel a discipline balance transaction, you reduce the amount of points in the discipline balance.

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the discipline balance record for which you want to cancel a discipline balance transaction.

  4. Click View Transactions.

    The Balance Transactions form opens.

  5. Select the transaction and click Cancel Transaction.

  6. Click OK to confirm.

  7. If the person’s Discipline Balance Policy has Transaction comment set to Enabled Required or Enabled Optional, you may need to enter a Comment.

  8. Click the button to close the Balance Transactions form.

The record’s Balance Value on the Discipline Balance tab will be reduced by the Amount of each discipline balance transaction you cancelled.


Add a Discipline Level to a Discipline Balance Transaction

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the discipline balance record to which you want to add a discipline level.

  4. Click View Transactions.

    The Balance Transactions form opens.

  5. Select the transaction and click Add Discipline Level.

    The Add Discipline Level form opens.

  6. Select the Level Number and enter the Level Name.

  7. In the Start Date and End Date fields, select the dates when this level is in effect.

  8. If the person’s Discipline Balance Policy has Level Comment set to Enabled Required or Enabled Optional, you may need to enter a Comment.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click the  button to close the Balance Transactions form.

You can view the level you just added by clicking the View Level History button.


Deactivate a Discipline Level

A discipline level may deactivate when a balance transaction is deleted, or you can manually deactivate a level as explained below. The deactivated record is no longer in effect.

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the discipline balance record to which you want to add a discipline level.

  4. Click View Level History.

    The Discipline Levels form opens.

  5. Select the discipline level and click Deactivate Level.

  6. Click OK to confirm.

  7. If the person’s Discipline Balance Policy has Level Comment set to Enabled Required or Enabled Optional, you may need to enter a Comment.

  8. The Active box will no longer be checked on the Discipline Levels form. The Cancel Date will display the current date.

  9. Click the  button to close the Discipline Levels form.


Add a Discipline Ticket

Depending on how the Discipline Balance rules are configured, the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service can create a ticket and attach occurrences to the ticket. For example, a rule may state that if a person has two absences in 30 days, the person will get 1 point and a ticket will be created. Both of the timecard event postings that make up these occurrences will be included in the ticket.

You can also manually create a ticket for a discipline balance transaction as explained below.

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the discipline balance record to which you want to add a discipline ticket.

  4. Click View Transactions.

    The Balance Transactions form opens.

  5. Select the transaction and click Add Discipline Ticket.

    The Add Discipline Ticket form opens.

  6. If the person’s Discipline Balance Policy has Ticket Comment set to Enabled Required or Enabled Optional, you may need to enter a Comment.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click the button to close the Balance Transactions form.

You can view, print, or deactivate a ticket by clicking the View Ticket History button.


View or Print a Ticket

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the discipline balance record for which you want to view or print the ticket.

  4. Click View Ticket History.

    The Discipline Tickets form opens.

  5. Select the discipline ticket you want to view or print and click View/Print Ticket.

    The fields at the top of the form display the person’s name, the Discipline Balance Code, the date the ticket was created, and the last Posting Date that was processed by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service when the discipline balance transaction was created. The discipline also ticket includes Signature Date and Person Signature fields so the person can sign the ticket after you print it.

    The fields in the middle of the form display the event names and post dates of the events that made up the occurrence for which the ticket was generated. These fields will be blank if the ticket was generated manually on the Discipline Balance tab of the Employee form.

  6. Click Print Ticket to display your web browser’s Print form and print the ticket.

  7. Click the button to close the View/Print Discipline Tickets form.

  8. Click the  button to close the Discipline Tickets form.


Deactivate a Ticket

When you deactivate a ticket, you will no longer be able to view or print it using the View/Print Ticket button.

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee and select the person record.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance tab.

  3. Select the discipline balance record for which you want to deactivate a ticket.

  4. Click View Ticket History.

    The Discipline Tickets form opens.

  5. Select the discipline ticket and click Deactivate Ticket.

  6. If the person’s Discipline Balance Policy has Ticket Comment set to Enabled Required or Enabled Optional, you may need to enter a Comment.

  7. The Active box will no longer be checked on the Discipline Tickets form. The Cancel Date will display the current date.

  8. Click the  button to close the Discipline Tickets form.