
Discipline Balance Code

The Discipline Balance Code tab on the Leave Type Code form is used to define Discipline Balance Codes. Discipline Balance Codes are used to hold the points that are generated for attendance infractions. A person’s Discipline Balance Code can be viewed and modified on the Discipline Balance tab of the Employee form.

You can define a single Discipline Balance Code that accumulates points for multiple types of attendance infractions. For example, you may define a Discipline Balance Code for which an hourly punch employee will accumulate points based on the number of absences, tardies, and early departures he has in a specific time period.

You can also define separate Discipline Balance Codes for different attendance infractions. For example, you may define a Discipline Balance Code called ABSENT for which a person will accumulate points based on the number of absences they have in a specific time period. Likewise, you may have a Discipline Balance Code called TARDY for which a person will accumulate points based on the number of late arrivals they have.

After you define your Discipline Balance Codes, you will configure them in a Discipline Balance Policy. This policy contains the settings and rulesets that the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service uses to accumulate points in the discipline balance, set the discipline balance level, and reduce the discipline balance level based on the discipline balance history.


Add a Discipline Balance Code

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration> Payroll > Leave Type Code.

  2. Click the Discipline Balance Code tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter the name of the Discipline Balance Code and a Description.

  5. If you want to add more than one Discipline Balance Code, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Discipline Balance Code window open. Or click Save to save your Discipline Balance Code and return to the main form.


Modify or Delete a Discipline Balance Code

To modify the Description of a Discipline Balance Code, select the Discipline Balance Code and click Modify. Change the Description as necessary and click Save.

To delete a Discipline Balance Code, select the Discipline Balance Code and click Delete. You cannot delete a Discipline Balance Code if a person has discipline balance records for this code.