
Dialog Message

The Dialog Message form is used to create a dialogs using the messages and responses you defined on the Dialog Element form. These dialogs are used to generate dialog messages.

Dialog messages are two-way messages between the Shop Floor Time application and the user. When a user receives a dialog message, the user must respond to the message. Based on the user’s response, the message will stop appearing, continue appearing, or show a related message that also requires a response.

Note: The Dialog Element form requires that the Messaging module be licensed and enabled.

See Also:

Find a Dialog

Add a Dialog

Modify or Delete a Dialog

Change the Order of the Responses


Find a Dialog

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Messages > Dialog Message.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button at the top of the form to display the filter fields.

  3. To display a specific Dialog Name, select it from the Dialog Name field.

  4. You can also click the quick link next to the Dialog Name field and select Lookup. Select the dialog from the pop-up form and click OK.

    The Dialog Name you select will appear in the middle of the form.


Add a Dialog

You will use the Add Child button to add messages and responses to the dialog.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Messages > Dialog Message.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button at the top of the form to display the filter fields.

  3. If you have already defined a Dialog Name, select it from the filter field at the top of the form.

  4. If you need to define a Dialog Name, click the  quick link next to the Dialog Name field and select Add.

    Enter the Dialog Name and Description, then click Save.

    Select the new Dialog Name from the filter field at the top of the form.

  5. With the Dialog Name selected in the middle of the form, click Add Child.

  6. In the Element Name field, select the first message in this dialog. These messages are defined in the Dialog Element form.

  7. In the Response Ruleset field, select the Message Ruleset that will update the message status based on the responses.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click the  button next to the dialog name. The message you just created will appear below it.

  10. Select the message and click Add Child.

  11. From the Element Name field, select the response to this message. These responses are defined in the Dialog Element form.

  12. If you need to add another response, click Save and Add and select the next response from the Element Name field. Click Save after you add the last response.

  13. Click the  button next to the message; the responses you just added will appear below it.

  14. If one of the responses will display another message, select the response and click Add Child.

  15. In the Element Name field, select the message that should appear.

  16. In the Response Ruleset field, select the Message Ruleset that will update the message status based on the responses.

  17. Click Save.

  18. An button will appear next to the response. Click this button to show the message you just added. To add a response to this message, select the message and click Add Child. Choose the response and click Add.


Modify or Delete a Dialog

You can use the Modify button to change the Response Ruleset for a message. To do so, select the message in the middle of the form and click Modify. Select the new ruleset and click Save.

To delete a message or response from the dialog, select it in the middle of the form and click Delete.

You cannot delete a Dialog Name if it has any child elements beneath it. Once you delete the child elements (messages and responses) from the Dialog Name, you can use the Dialog pop-up form to delete it. Click the  quick link next to the Dialog Name field and select Maintain. Select the Dialog Name and click Delete.


Change the Order of the Responses

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of a message’s responses. The response that appears first in the dialog will also appear first in the terminal.