Charge Filter

The Charge Filter pop-up form is used to create Filtration and Approval Groups. To open this form, click the button next to Filter Name on the Charge Filtration form and select Add, Lookup, or Maintain.

A Filtration Group specifies the charge elements that are enabled for filtration. You need to configure Charge Filtration Groups if you are using the Charge Element Filtration feature.

An Approval Group defines the charge elements that supervisors (defined on the Managers tab) can view and approve on the Invoice Approval form. You need to configure Approval Groups if you are using the Subcontractors feature.

See Also:

Charge Filter Field Descriptions

Lookup a Charge Filter Name

Add a Charge Filter Name

Copy a Charge Filter Name

Delete a Charge Filter Name


Charge Filter Field Descriptions

Group Type

Indicates whether this group is a FILTRATION Group or an APPROVAL Group.

A FILTRATION Group limits users to a certain list of charge elements and thus restricts them from charging time to elements that do not apply to them.

An APPROVAL Group controls which charge elements that supervisors (defined on the Managers tab) can view and approve on the Invoice Approval form.

Filter Name

The identifying name of the Filtration Group or Approval Group. This is the name of the Charge Element Filtration Group that will display as an option when you assign the group to an Employee, Employee Group, or System Settings.


Description of the Filtration Group or Approval Group.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Lookup a Charge Filter Name

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the button next to the Filter Name and select Lookup from the pop-up menu.

  3. On the Charge Filter pop-up form, use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to select the filtration or approval group you want to view.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Select the group and click OK.


Add a Charge Filter Name

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the button next to the Filter Name and select Add from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select the Group Type (FILTRATION or APPROVAL).

  4. Enter a Filter Name.

  5. Enter a Description of the Charge Filter.

  6. If you want to add more than one Filter Name, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the window open. Or click Save to save your Filter Name and return to the main form.


Copy a Charge Filter Name

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the button next to the Filter Name and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. On the Charge Filter pop-up form, use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to select the filtration or approval group you want to view.

  4. Select the record you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  5. You must change the Filter Name. You can also change the Group Type and Description.

  6. If you want to make another copy of this Filter Name, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the window open. To save your Filter Name and return to the main form, click Save.


Delete a Charge Filtration Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the button next to the Filter Name and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. On the Charge Filter pop-up form, use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to select the filtration or approval group you want to view.

  4. Select the record you want to remove and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.