

The Order form allows you to look up orders based on their order number, order status, item number, and/or data group. By default, you can modify the Order Status (Open, Active, Hold, etc.). You can modify additional Order properties if you enable these fields in your Form Profile.

The Operation, Quantity, and Element Activity tabs on the Order form show details about the order’s operations and activities, such as quantities and standard hours.

Detail Forms:



Element Activity

See Also:

Order Field Descriptions

Find an Order

Modify an Order

Restrict Access to Orders


Order Field Descriptions

Order Number

This is the identifying number for the Order.

Order Status

Indicates the status of the order. In the Filter area of the form, you can use the Order Status field to look up orders that are COMPLETE, INACTIVE, CANCELLED, or OPEN. You can modify an order's status to OPEN, ACTIVE, HOLD, COMPLETE, CLOSED, CANCELLED, and INACTIVE.

Record Status

Indicates whether the order is Active or Inactive.

Item Number

Identifies the item number.

Data Group Name

Click the button to display this Filter field. Use this field to find orders that are associated with a specific Data Group.

Element Group Name

Click the button to display this Filter field. If you are using Data Access Rights to restrict access to orders, you can use this filter field along with the Element Group Value filter field to display only the orders enabled for a specific facility. Select Facility in this field and select the name of the facility in the Element Group Value field. See Restrict Access to Orders for more information.

Element Group Value

Click the button to display this Filter field. If you are using Data Access Rights to restrict access to orders, you can use this filter field along with the Element Group Name filter field to display only the orders enabled for a specific facility. Select Facility from the Element Group Name field and select the name of the facility from the Element Group Value field. See Restrict Access to Orders for more information.

If your Security Data Role does not include the FACILITY item, then no values will be available in this field.

Sender Name

Click the button to display this Filter field. Use this field to find orders that originated from a particular sender.

Note: The available Sender Name options may be affected by your Security Data Role. If your Security Data Role includes the SENDER_NAME item, this setting will restrict your access to Sender Names.

The Sender Name column in the middle of the form identifies the sender from which the order originated.

Primary UOM

Indicates the primary unit of measurement.

Order Qty Planned

Indicates the planned amount for the work order.

Overreporting Type

Determines whether over reported quantity will be specified as a PERCENTAGE or fixed AMOUNT. Percentage is calculated based on the value in the Order Qty Planned field.

Overreporting Amount

The percentage or amount value that can be over reported for the Order.

Underreporting Type

Determines whether under reported quantity will be specified as a PERCENTAGE or fixed AMOUNT. Percentage is calculated based on the value in the Order Qty Planned field.

Underreporting Amount

The percentage or amount value that can be under reported for the Order.

Qty Overcompleted

Indicates the (UOM) amount overcompleted compared to the Order Qty Planned value.


Identifies the order priority.

Inventory Code

Inventory Code associated with the Order. The Inventory Code is imported from Costpoint.

Start Date

Indicates the order start date.

End Date

Indicates the order end date.

Parent Order Num

Identifies an Order that is one level higher than the selected Order.

Reference Order Num

An internal reference number used to identify something related to this Order (i.e., a part number that the Order is building).

Order Type

ERP order type.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Order

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Order.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Use these fields (Order Num, Order Status, Record Status, Item Num, Data Group Name, Element Group Name, Element Group Value, and Sender Name) to narrow your search.

  3. Click Find.


Modify an Order

To modify an order, select the order on the Order form and click the Modify button. Change the field values as necessary and then click Save.

The fields you can modify on the Order form will depend on which Modify Criteria are enabled in your Form Profile.

The DEFAULT Form Profile only has the Order Status field enabled for modification. You can enable other fields for modification in a custom Form Profile. To do so:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Select a custom Form Profile from the Form Profile Name field.

  4. On the left side of the form, click Web > Administration > Charge Element > Order.

  5. On the Form Profile Detail tab on the right side of the form, go to the Modify Criteria section.

  6. Move the fields you want to enable from the Available box to the Selected box. The fields in the Selected box can be modified on the Order form.

  7. Click Save.

  8. The next time you click Modify on the Order form, you will be able to modify the fields you enabled.

When you modify an order, the changes you make will only apply to new transactions posted for that order. If you modify an event and its order has also been modified, the new (modified) event will be based on the newest order settings.


Restrict Access to Orders

You can use a person’s Facility Data Access Rights to control which items they can view and modify on the Charge Element form and the Order form. Data Access Rights (also called “DAR”) refers to the data that a user can access in the application. This access is controlled by a Security Data Role, which is defined on the Security Data form.

To restrict which charge elements or orders a person can view, you must: