Customize the Screen for a UI Profile

Select a UI profile to apply layout, color theme, and toolbar changes to it.

You must have the user privilege Allow Screen Configuration Changes for UI Profiles selected to save changes for a UI profile. This setting is on the User Interface tab of the Manage Users screen for your user ID and is managed by the administrator.

All applications must be closed to access User Profiles. If applications are open, click Close Applications to close them or click View Applications on the Screen Configuration panel to identify the open applications and then close them.

To edit a UI profile:

  1. Close all active applications.
  2. Open the Screen Configuration Panel that is located next to the Global menu.
  3. Under Manage User Profiles, select a UI profile in the list.
  4. Click Manage Profile.
    In the Screen Configuration panel, the Exit Profile button is highlighted to indicate that you are in the edit UI profile configuration mode. All the changes you make while in this mode are applied to the selected UI profile instead of your user ID.