Data Transmission

To implement data transmission, you must have a modem, communications software, and a phone line through which outgoing calls can be made.

The transmission of data is a separate process from Costpoint Payroll. In other words, after Costpoint has written the Transmission File, usually to a disk using the user-defined path, the Costpoint job ends. Use the communications software to transmit the data after you log out of Costpoint.

Your bank can provide technical information outlining the communication protocol requirements. Check with the cash management representative at your bank to see if they support data transmission.

Most banks that receive data transmissions have a dial-up feature that allows you to initiate the transmission by calling the bank's host computer within a certain time period on the day of the transmission. The host computer answers and waits for the transmission to begin, or, in some cases, hangs up and returns the call automatically to your modem. This procedure verifies the source of the transmission. In other cases, voice contact is made with the modem operator at the host who then switches the modem into data mode. You then initiate the transmission using the communications software send function. Another method involves the use of a third-party intermediate that receives and converts asynchronous transmissions to tape, which they send to the bank.

Note: The receiving bank may require the file to be named per their specifications.