Print Local Withholding Report

You can print this report for each locality in which employees have withholdings.

You can often submit this report "as is" as a supporting schedule for local payroll reporting.

Print this report any time locality withholding data is required. Print and review it at the end of each calendar year as part of your process of closing the Payroll Year. If the Local Tax is based on state tax withheld, Costpoint uses the state corresponding gross wage as the report source for the gross amount, rather than the gross wages of all states.

Multi-state functionality has been added to a number of applications. This functionality allows the proper calculation of withholdings for employee who work in multiple states during a single pay period. Because of the new tables needed for multi state calculation, the payroll reports use a new table, EMPL_EARN_STATE, which can hold multiple state taxes for one paycheck.

This report is used only to assist in the preparation of the quarterly and annual tax reports and is not part of the system audit trail. If you submit the report to the locality, however, retain a copy of the submission as part of your tax records.