Limit by Month/Consume Earliest Forecast

The Default Consume Forecast by Period Method is Limit by Ship-By Month, and the Consume Earliest Forecast Demand option is selected.

You enter a sales order for 1000 units to ship by 7/30/08.

The forecast that is earliest within the same calendar month as the ship-by date (the 7/29 forecast) is consumed first and moved to the sales order demand quantity.

The 7/29 open forecast quantity of 200 is insufficient to meet the sales order demand; 800 units remain. The next 200 units are consumed from the earliest remaining date (7/30), followed by another 200 units on the next earliest date (7/31), leaving 400 units.

The sales order line total demand quantity was not met, but further forecasts cannot be consumed because there are no more open forecast quantities within the same calendar month as ship-by date.

Date Open sales forecast SO line demand

(out of limit)

200 0

(out of limit)

200 0
7/29/08 0 0
7/30/08 0 1000
7/31/08 0 0

(out of limit)

200 0

(out of limit)

200 0

(out of limit)

200 0