Contents of the Manage Labor Operations Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Labor Operations screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new Operation ID or to retrieve a previously saved one. An Operation ID represents a set of operation details. After you have saved an Operation ID and its details, you can retrieve them using Query.

When you select a previously saved Operation ID or Name, the associated details automatically display as selection defaults. You can change any of the associated defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Operation ID

Enter, or click to select, an Operation ID. Choose characters for your Operation ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen.

When you save your record, all the details made in the screen are stored with the Operation ID. Later, you can retrieve the labor operation using Query.

You can maintain labor operations more efficiently because you can select the Operation ID with its previously defined parameters. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select a labor operation name.

Operation Details

Field Description
Operation Type

Enter, or click to select, the type of operation.

Process Type

Enter, or click to select, the type of process that is performed by the labor operation.

SFC Operation

Select the SFC Operation check box if this operation requires users to record completion in any of the screens in the Shop Floor Control menu in Costpoint Production Control.

QC Operation

Select the QC Operation check box if this operation is a quality control operation that will require quality control approval in any of the screens in the Shop Floor Control menu in Costpoint Production Control.

Default Work Center

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the work center where the labor operation is typically performed.

Key Resource

Enter, or click to select, the key resource consumed by the labor operation.

Organization Details

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the organization to which the equipment belongs. The organization name is displayed to the right of the Organization field.

Org Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, the abbreviation of the organization to which the equipment belongs. This field may display a default abbreviation associated with the organization ID you selected in the Organization field.

Default Run Information

Field Description
Run Type

Use this drop-down list to select a default run type. Valid options are:

  • Variable: This type calculates the run hours on a per unit basis.
  • Fixed: This type refers to run hours that are not based on order size.
Unit Run Hours

Enter the number of hours typically required to complete the labor operation for one unit.

Default GLC

Field Description
General Labor Category

Enter, or click to select, the default General Labor Category (GLC) for the labor operation. The adjacent field displays the GLC description.

Project Manufacturing Information

Field Description
Export to Manufacturing Execution

If selected, this check box indicates that labor operation is included in the export of date to Manufacturing Execution.

Default Account by Project Classification

Field Description
Direct Project

Enter, or click to select, the default account for this operation based on the project classification of direct project.

Work in Process

Enter, or click to select, the default account for this operation based on the project classification of work in process.

Common Inv

Enter, or click to select, the default account for this operation based on the project classification of common inv.


Subtask Description
Account Defaults Click this link to open the Account Defaults subtask where you can specify the project, account, and account name of the labor operation.
PLC Defaults Click this link to open the PLC Defaults subtask where you can set up the default project and Project Labor Category (PLC) for the labor operation.
Labor Rate Click this link to open the Labor Rate subtask where you can specify the hourly and labor burden rates.
Detail Click this link to open the Detail subtask where you can enter specialized information about the labor operation.
Labor Click this link to open the Labor subtask where you can specify the labor classifications used in the labor operation.
Equipment Click this link to open the Equipment subtask where you can specify the equipment used by the labor operation.
Text Click this link to open the Text subtask where you can attach standard text to the labor operation.