Print State Overtime Wages Report

Print the aggregate amount paid and the total number of hourly employees who received overtime pay in the specified taxable entity, check date range, and withholding state.

Currently, this report is only applicable for the State of Alabama.

If check dates are before January 1, 2024, or after June 30, 2025, which are outside the effectivity of Alabama's temporary Overtime Pay Exemption, the overtime wages paid shall be determined using overtime pay types only. The pay type's Overtime check box must be selected on the Manage Pay Types screen.

If check dates are within the effectivity of Alabama's Overtime Pay Exemption, the overtime wages paid shall be determined using overtime pay types and overtime pay type taxability. You must set up Alabama's temporary Overtime Pay Exemption pay type on the Manage Pay Types screen and the Manage Pay Type Taxability screen.

Attention: For more information, refer to: Set Up Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption