Update Job Status

This screen displays the jobs in the job queue. It provides information on the status of a particular queue, the attached server(s), and the jobs that the queue contains.

You can edit the Status, Start Time, and Start Date fields of a specific job. You can edit a job only if you have submitted it to a job queue. Before a job is added to this screen, you must submit the job to the queue using the Submit Job to Queue screen. When the job server executes a job, Executing displays in the Status field. If the job is not executed successfully because of a job server failure, Aborted displays in the Status field.

This screen is similar to the Manage Job Queues screen but does not have administrator functions such as creating a new queue. You can update or delete the job already sent to the queue if Aborted, Hold, or Suspended displays in the Status field. If Executing displays in the Status field, you cannot edit the job. Remember to click on the toolbar whenever you update or delete the jobs in this screen.

The Server and Status fields are non-editable. You can make changes to the attached server or to the server's status using the Update Job Queue Status screen.

Before you can use this screen, you must first create a job in the Manage Jobs screen and submit it in the Submit Job To Queue screen. After you click or to select a queue, the fields in this screen will be populated. You can then use this screen to edit the jobs that you submitted.

If Suspended displays in the Status field, the Start Time and the Start Date will determine when the job is executed on the job server.