Job Templates

Job Templates are optional data that provides Talent Management with the valid list of Job Templates in Costpoint that can be associated to new hires.

These Job Templates provide additional data defaulting capabilities when importing new hires into Costpoint.

Talent Management Destination Field Description Required (Y/N) Costpoint Source
job_template_id Costpoint job template ID Y H_POS_RQ_RQST.company_id + “|” H_POS_RQ_RQST.rq_no
job_template_name Costpoint job template name Y Job Title Description:

DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_desc where

DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_cd =


IF the Manager Default Method in the Login Company’s Configure

Personnel Settings screen = ‘HR Organization'

(H_PER_ADM_SETTINGS.s_mgr_dft_mthd_cd = 'H'

where H_PER_ADM_SETTINGS.company_id = <Login 
 Company>) and H_POS_RQ_RQST.hr_org_id is not NULL

Org = H_POS_RQ_RQST.hr_org_id


Org = H_POS_RQ_RQST.org_id


ELSE (IF client is not licensed for Costpoint HR)

Job Title Description = H_POS_RQ_RQST.title_desc

Org = H_POS_RQ_RQST.org_id


Costpoint Job Template Name: Org + “|” + Job Title Description