Manage IWO Expense Mappings

Use this screen to define all the receiving accounts to be used in the IWO transfer entry. Use the Link Expenses subtask to link each of the receiving accounts to one or more sending accounts, optionally delimited by organizations.

All accounts in the sending project’s project account group that have a function code of labor or non-labor must be linked to a receiving account.  The IWO transfer process uses all transactions in the BILLING_DETL_HIST table during the transfer process. An error message results if there are missing links for transactions in this table.  Only labor, non-labor, and units accounts exist in the BILLING_DETL_HIST table.  Unit transactions, however, cannot be included in an IWO transfer. 

If you want to transfer at the lowest level of detail, you can assign a new transfer account for each type of cost. These expense mappings are created here and later linked to the sending IWO projects. Create as many expense mappings as you need; however, only one expense mapping can be assigned to an IWO project.

At the conclusion of the IWO process, you post a journal entry to the receiving database, transferring costs from the sending location. The expenses on the receiving side may or may not have the same account numbers or structure as the sending database.

This is the second step in setting up the transfer process. Unless you have previously created transfer location(s), please begin the process with the Configure Transfer Locations screen.