Print EEO-1 Report

Use the Print EEO-1 Report screen to print a statistical analysis of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) code found on the Employee Salary Information screen in Costpoint Employee.

Terminated employees and those flagged as contractors in the Manage Employee Information screen are excluded. This report includes a classification of the number of male and female employees by EEO-1 race category and job category, in accordance with the EEO-1 format.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has changed the requirements of the EEO-1 Report. The changes to the EEO-1 Report's job categories include dividing "Officials and Managers" into two levels based on responsibility and influence within the organization and moving non-managerial business and financial occupations from the "Officials and Managers" category to the "Professionals" category.

Once you populate this screen and select the Preview or Print button on the toolbar, Costpoint selects those employees based on the following.

If the Employee Salary Information option is selected on the Configure Affirmative Action Settings screen, the program selects employees according to the following criteria:

  • The employee record's Taxable Entity (on the Manage Employee Information screen) is the same as the specified Taxable Entity on this screen. If the All Taxable Entities check box is selected, all employee records will be selected according to the other settings on this screen.
  • The employee record's Affirmative Action Plan is the same as the specified Affirmative Action Plan on this screen, or if the All Affirmative Action Plans check box is selected. This criteria applies only if the Use Affirmative Action Plans to Select Employees option is selected.
  • On the Employee Salary Information screen, the Empl Type is P (Part time) or R (Regular), and the Effective Date is Term Date check box is not selected.
  • The employee record's Labor Location (on the Employee Salary Information screen) is within this screen's Labor Location range. This criteria applies only if the Use Labor Locations to Select Employees option is selected.

If the Basic Employee Information option is selected on the Configure Affirmative Action Settings screen, employees are selected according to the following criteria:

  • The employee record's Taxable Entity (on the Manage Employee Information screen) is the same as the specified Taxable Entity on this screen. If the All Taxable Entities check box is selected, all employee records will be selected according to the other settings on this screen.
  • The employee record's Affirmative Action Plan is the same as the specified Affirmative Action Plan on this screen, or if the All Affirmative Action Plans check box is selected. This criteria applies only if the Use Affirmative Action Plans to Select Employees option is selected.
  • On the Employee Salary Information screen, the Employee Type is P (Part time) or R (Regular), as of the Effective Date specified on this screen.
  • The employee record's Labor Location (on the Employee Salary Information screen) is within this screen's Labor Location range. This criteria applies only if the Use Labor Locations to Select Employees option is selected.
  • On the Manage Employee Information screen, the employee's Term Date is blank or is later than this screen's Effective Date, and the employee's Current Hire date or Adj Hire date is the same as, or earlier than, this screen's Effective Date.