Contents of the Manage Engineering Change Project Approvers Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Engineering Change Project Approvers screen.


Field Description
Approval Title

Use the Find or the Query button on the toolbar to select the Approval Title Code from Engineering Change Approval Titles screen.

Company ID

This field displays the Company ID.

Approval Title Users

Field Description

This field displays the user ID from the Assign User Approval subtask of the Manage Engineering Change Approval Titles screen.

User Name

This field displays the user name.


This field displays the employee ID from the Assign User Approval subtask of the Manage Engineering Change Approval Titles screen.

Approver Name

This field displays the employee name.

Approver Title

This field displays the title of the employee.

Pref Seq No

This field displays the preferred sequence number from the Assign User Approval subtask of the Engineering Change Approval Titles screen.


This field displays Y (Yes) if the approver is active or N (No) if the approver is inactive.

Employee Title

This field displays the approval title code.


Field Description
Project Abbrev

This field displays the project abbreviation from the Manage Project User Flow screen in Costpoint Project Setup.


This field displays the project ID from the Manage Project User Flow screen in Costpoint Project Setup. This is the project for which the approver can approve ECNs.

Project Name

This field displays the name of the project.

Table Window

This table displays the combination of users that will approve the projects and the projects that are linked to the ECN. The results in this table are based on the items listed in the Approval Title Users and Projects table windows.

Field Description

Highlight the users who will approve the project (on the Approval Title Users table window) and the projects that link to the ECN (on the Projects table window). Click this button to link the highlighted users and projects.


This field displays the user ID code.

User Name

This field displays the user name.


This field displays the employee ID.

Approver Name

This field displays the employee name.


This field displays the project ID.

Project Abbreviation

This field displays the project abbreviation code.

Project Name

This field displays the project name.