Contents of the Configure Engineering Change Report Print Options Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Engineering Change Report Print Options screen.

Include on Traveler

Field Description
ECN Notes

Select this check box to print ECN notes on the engineering change notice traveler.

Technical Notes

Select this check box to print ECN technical notes on the engineering change notice traveler.

Implementation Notes

Select this check box to print ECN implementation notes on the engineering change notice traveler.

Standard Text

Select this check box to print standard text attached to an ECN.

Impacted Projects

Select this check box to print the impacted projects attached to an ECN.

Impacted Groups

Select this check box to print the impacted functional groups attached to an ECN.

Estimated Costs

Select this check box to print the estimated recurring and non-recurring costs of an ECN.


Select this check box to print the parts affected by the ECN.


Select this check box to print the documents affected by the ECN.

MBOM Components

Select this check box to print the manufacturing BOM components affected by the ECN.

MBOM Assemblies

Select this check box to print the manufacturing BOM assemblies affected by the ECN.

EBOM Components

Select this check box to print the engineering BOM components affected by the ECN.

EBOM Assemblies

Select this check box to print the engineering BOM assemblies affected by the ECN.


Select this check box to print the routings affected by the ECN.

Customer Information

Select this check box to print ECN customer approval information affected by the ECN.

Charge Number

Select this check box to print the project/account/org to charge for ECN work performed.


Select this check box to print the organization responsible for the ECN.

User Defined Fields

Select this check box to print ECN user-defined fields marked as printable.