Deltek Costpoint 8.0.10 Release Notes (Build
Welcome to the Deltek Costpoint 8.0.10 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Costpoint 8.0.10, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Costpoint.
Release notes are available from the landing page and the Costpoint Information Center. We will make a PDF available for a while, as we transition to the new format.
We want the release notes to be as easy to use as possible. To this end, we will continue to analyze and improve upon the format. If you have feedback, please email
Installation Notes
The MR installer reads all Costpoint systems selected. If a Time & Expense segment exists, the installer searches for the presence of a Time & Expense license in that Costpoint system, and lists any systems for which there is no Time & Expense license.
If a prompt displays, review the list and select the appropriate action:
Using the Apply License utility in the Costpoint DB Wizard, apply a Time & Expense license to the Costpoint system(s) in the list for which the connected Time & Expense segment is not for a stand-alone, external connection that should have a Time & Expense license applied to it.
Any stand-alone, external Time & Expense segments for which a Time & Expense license is not present, or for which the Time & Expense segment is for a Time & Expense 901 system, will not have the MR Time & Expense patches, SPs, or Data Dictionary files applied to them. These Time & Expense segments are marked as External TESS segments.
If all the systems listed are actual stand-alone, external (non-licensed) Time & Expense segments and you want them converted to external segments without applying the MR to them, click OK to proceed.
If you are unsure, please contact Deltek Costpoint Technical Support.
California Pay Data Reporting
California employers of 100 or more employees must report pay and hours-worked data by establishment, job category, sex, race, and ethnicity to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) by March 31, 2021 and annually thereafter. This reporting is required under Government Code section 12999 enacted in SB 973.
To support this state requirement, Costpoint adds the following Report Type option to the Print EEO-1 Report screen.
California Pay Data
Note: To run the California Pay Data Report, you must have a Costpoint Payroll license.
Select this option to print the California Pay Data report. This report contains information on the pay and hours-worked data by establishment, job category, sex, race, and ethnicity for the State of California.
You must enter the start date of the “Snapshot Period” (single pay period between October 1 and December 31) in the Effective Date-Start field, and the end date of the Snapshot Period in the Effective Date - End field.
The following Job Category codes are used in the report:
1: Executive senior level officials and managers
2: First or mid-level officials and managers
3: Professionals
4: Technicians
5: Sales workers
6: Administrative support workers
7: Craft workers
8: Operatives
9: Laborers and helpers
10: Service workers
The following Race-Ethnicity-Sex codes are used in the report:
A10: Hispanic/Latino - Male
A20: Hispanic/Latino - Female
A30: Hispanic/Latino - Non-Binary
B10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - White
B20: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Black or African American
B30: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
B40: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Asian
B50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - American Indian or Alaskan Native
B60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Two or more races
C10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - White
C20: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Black or African American
C30: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
C40: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Asian
C50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - American Indian or Alaskan Native
C60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Two or more races
D10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - White
D20: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Black or African American
D30: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
D40: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Asian
D50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - American Indian or Alaskan Native
D60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Two or more races
The following numerical Pay Bands codes are used in the report:
1: $19,239 and under
2: $19,240 - $24,439
3: $24,440 - $30,679
4: $30,680 - $38,999
5: $39,000 - $49,919
6: $49,920 - $62,919
7: $62,920 - $80,079
8: $80,080 - $101,919
9: $101,920 - $128,959
10: $128,960 - $163,799
11: $163,800 - $207,999
12: $208,000 and over
Attention: For more information, refer to the following
Complete list of FAQs:
California Pay Data Reporting Main Page:
California Pay Data Reporting User Guide:
Note: The ability to link an employee to a non-binary gender is being added through the “New Non-Binary Gender Category” enhancement.
Kentucky Revised 2021 SUTA Wage Base
Kentucky’s unemployment-taxable wage base for 2021 was revised to be the same as for 2020. The unemployment-taxable wage base for 2021 was lowered from $11,100 to $10,800.
This Costpoint release sets Kentucky's Unemployment Limit to $10,800.00 effective 01/01/2021 on the Manage State Taxes screen.
Note: This enhancement requires patch dbc_800_10603.
Support for Minnesota SUTA Electronic Filing
Costpoint now allows you to generate an electronic file for Minnesota's quarterly unemployment wage detail report in EFW2 format.
Note: This enhancement requires patch dbc_800_10595.
Manage SUTA Tax File Data (PRMSMM)
You can now create and manage a SUTA Tax File Data record for Minnesota.
The screen provides a new Pay Types Excluded in Hours Worked subtask where you can list pay types that will not be included in determining the employee’s number of hours worked for the quarter. This subtask is currently available for Minnesota only. Use the following fields on the subtask to select the pay types that you want to exclude:
Pay Type
Enter, or click
to select, a pay type that you want to exclude in determining the employee’s number of hours worked for the quarter.
Not all hours recorded on the timesheet may be included in the number of hours worked, depending on the state regulations. For example, in Minnesota, vacations without pay should not be counted as hours worked.
This field displays the description of the selected pay type.
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The Owner field now applies to Minnesota. If you select the employee's Owner check box, the application will set Officer Code to Y (affirmative) in the SUTA file.
The section label was updated to indicate “Minnesota.”
Note: This update was also applied to the Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen.
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
You can now generate a SUTA file for Minnesota in the EFW2 format.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information for the SUTA_EXCLUDE_PAY_TYPE table.
Base Benefit Premiums on Pay Cycle Settings on Employee Self Service Benefits Enrollment and Life Events
Costpoint updates the computation of non-FSA/HSA premium amounts on the Life Events/New Hires screen and Benefits Enrollment screen. The premium amounts will now be based on the Deduction/Contribution Timing assigned to the employee’s pay cycle. This update provides a more accurate estimated premium amount since this same logic is used by the Update Employee Package Deductions screen to generate the benefits premium deductions.
This update affects following tabs of the Life Events/New Hires screen and Benefits Enrollment screen:
Dependent Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Long-Term Disability
Medical Insurance
Other Benefits
Short-Term Disability
Spouse AD&D
Spouse Life Insurance
Supplemental AD&D
Supplemental Life Insurance
New Non-Binary Gender Category for Employees
Under the California legislation enacted on September 30, 2020 (Senate Bill 973), private employers of 100 or more employees (with at least one employee in California) must report certain pay and other data to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) by March 31, 2021 and annually thereafter. Under the Gender Recognition Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 179), California officially recognizes three genders: female, male, and non-binary. Therefore, employers should report employees’ sex according to these three categories.
To support the legislation, Costpoint adds Non-Binary as an option in the Gender drop-down list on multiple screens. In addition, this release updates all applicable reports and processes to support the new gender option. Since the federal government still only allows reporting of two genders (male and female), the federal reports where gender is required will be updated to exclude non-binary individuals and an additional report shall be added to report non-binary numbers.
Multiple Costpoint screens now reference the new system table, S_SEX_CD, which contains the gender records in Costpoint.
Manage Employee Information (LDMEINFO)
The application now provides Non-Binary as an option in the Gender drop-down list.
View Employee Information (PRQEINFO)
The Gender field displays X as the value for non-binary employees.
Employee Personnel Info (ESQEMPLPERINFO)
The Gender field displays X as the value for non-binary employees.
Manage Accident Information (HPMAINFO)
The Gender field displays X as the value for non-binary employees.
Manage Employee Benefit Elections (HBMEBELC)
A new Benefit Gender field was added to the screen. The default value of the field will come from the Gender field on the Manage Employee Information screen. A warning will display if the selection is Non-Binary or Unknown. The new Benefit Gender field will be referenced in the Print Census Report.
Manage Employee Dependents/Beneficiaries (HBMEDEP)
The application no longer applies default values in the Gender field based on the relationship type. The Gender field is now a drop-down list.
Dependents/Beneficiaries (ESMDEPBEN)
The application no longer applies default values in the Gender field based on the relationship type.
Life Events/New Hires (ESMLIFEEVENT)
The application no longer applies default values in the Gender field based on the relationship type.
Benefits Enrollment (ESMBENENROLL)
The application no longer applies default values in the Gender field based on the relationship type.
Export Payroll Taxes (PRPEXTAX)
The application now has the ability to export non-binary gender values.
Transfer Talent Management Data (EMPHRSDAT)
When you import gender information from Deltek Talent Management, the application now includes X (Non-Binary) as a valid value on the SEX_CD column of the EMPL table.
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now supports the X (Non-Binary) gender value on the SEX_CD column of the EMPL table.
Import Employee Data (AOPUTLEL)
The application now includes X (Non-Binary) in the validation of the SEX_CD column of the EMPL table.
Print Employee Roster (HAREROST)
The report now displays X in the Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print New Hire Analysis Report (HARNHIRE)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print Personnel Action Analysis Report (HARPERS)
The report adds a new Total Non-Binary column, which sums all non-binary employees for a functional job title. The Total Non-Binary value is included in the Total Employees column.
Print Promotion Report (HARPROMO)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print Termination Report (HARTERM)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print Training Report (HARTRAIN)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
The Adverse Impact Report provides new totals for non-binary.
Print Availability/Utilization Report (HARUTIL)
The report includes non-binary employees in the Total Employees column.
Print Transfer Report (HARTRANS)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print EEO-1 Report (HAREEO1)
Currently, Component 1 or 2 reports do not include non-binary employees. To support this state requirement, Costpoint adds the following Report Type option to the Print EEO-1 Report screen.
Additional Employee Data
Select this option to print the Additional Employee Data report. This report will display the data for non-binary employees needed for Component 1 or Component 2 reports. Non-binary employees are not included on the Component 1 or 2 reports at this time as the government has not specified this on the EEO-1 report.
Print Equal Pay Report (HAREPR)
The report adds a new section for non-binary employees, which is identical to the section for male and female employees.
Print Job Category Analysis Report (HARJOBGP)
The report includes non-binary employees in employee totals.
Print Organizational Profile Report (HARPROF)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print Workforce Analysis Report (HARWORK)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Race/Gender column for non-binary employees.
Print Census Report (HBRCEN)
The report now uses the employee's Benefit Gender field from the Manage Employee Benefit Elections screen. If the employee does not have a Benefit Gender selected, the report will use the Gender field from the Manage Employee Information screen.
Print OSHA Report (HPROSHA)
The report now displays X in the Gender row for non-binary employees.
Print Worker's Compensation Incident Report (HPRWCI)
The report now displays Non-Binary in the Sex field for non-binary employees.
Accounts Payable >> Approve PO Invoices
Defect 1452711: Costpoint did not save the notes you entered and did not send an email notification to the supplier. This happened when:
The supplier entered information in the Notes field of the Supplier Approval group box but did not approve the invoice.
You logged in as a payer, entered information in the Notes field of the Internal Approval group box but did not approve the invoice, and clicked Save.
Accounts Payable >> Import Purchase Order Vouchers
Defect 1444545: If you are using Costpoint with an MS SQL database, no errors were listed in the error report when you imported purchase order (PO) vouchers. This happened when you selected Process None on the Input Error Handling drop-down list. As a workaround, select Process Valid Vouchers instead of Process None.
Accounts Payable >> Manage Purchase Order Vouchers
Defect 1441603: When you were creating a voucher for a purchase order (PO) and another user created a receipt for that PO, the updated details of the PO were not reflected on the voucher when you saved the record. As a workaround, do not enter receipts before PO vouchers are saved.
Workflow >> Approval Workflow Models
Defect 1430780: You did not have the option to reject an activity or see the rejection code and comments in the workflow approval email.
Defect 1430781: The Approval Workflow functionality did not include comments or notes for an approved complete workflow (All). If a workflow had only one activity, there was no option to approve the activity.
Contract Management Controls >> Manage FAR Library
Defects 1451987 and 1452613: A system error occurred when you tried to save a record with an entry in the Notes or Subcontract Notes field exceeding the maximum number of characters allowed. As a workaround, enter no more than 256 characters in the Notes and Subcontract Notes fields.
External Tools >> XTDESIGNER
Defect 1451683: The following error might have occurred when you used extensibility in the Time and Expense application: "Add On Code 'WTC' not found for selected Product: Costpoint. Please either select valid Add On or log in into different product."
Defect 1441300: You might have received an error when you clicked the Business Intelligence (ERCOGNOS) application in a navigation banner.
Defect 1463081: In the Costpoint Configuration Utility, when you added a blocklist/allowlist type to the Access List on the Systems tab, selected a Product (Costpoint, TE, or something else), entered an IP Address, and then clicked Save, the entries disappeared. However, if you added a blocklist/allowlist type, selected ALL as the Product, entered an IP Address, and then clicked Save, the entries were saved.
Runtime >> Server
Defect 1445667: The Approval Workflow did not recognize the Project Manager built-in role and gave the following error: "Approval workflow cannot proceed: No users found for Role Project Manager in activity PM_Approval."
Defect 1457928: An error occurred when you tried to capture and save a receipt in the My Outstanding Expenses application in Costpoint Mobile Time and Expense.
Master Production Scheduling >> Manage Master Production Schedule Action Messages
Defect 1443122: The validation message for Inventory Abbreviation has been modified to disallow firming of Planned Orders if the abbreviation is Inactive. If you change the abbreviation on the Planned Order subtask to make it active, then you can firm the row with the Inactive Abbreviation message type.
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders
Defect 1444549: When you generated a requisition and reservation for a firmed Buy part originating from a Buy with Component part, the Planned Owed Quantity was incorrectly updated.
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage Detailed Part Schedule
Defect 1441125: When you firmed and saved a supply order, you were able to firm planned orders to outgoing Inventory Abbreviations instead of receiving a validation message. To address this, the validation message for Inventory Abbreviation has been modified to disallow firming of Planned Orders if Inventory Abbreviation is inactive/outgoing.
Defect 1447946: When you tried to increase the quantity for an MRP Transfer Message, you received an error stating that there is not enough available quantity in the From Abbrev even though there was adequate inventory.
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage MRP Action Messages
Defect 1442317: The message on a planned order that validates for inactive or outgoing-only inventory abbreviation has been modified. In addition, this screen now allows an action code of Firm or Release on a row of Inactive Inventory Abbreviation message type if the inventory abbreviation has been modified to be active.
Defect 1447948: When you tried to increase the quantity for an MRP Transfer Message, you received an error stating that there is not enough available quantity in the From Abbrev even though there was adequate inventory.
Material Requirements Planning >> Update Material Requirements Plan
Defect 1466821: Performance has been improved by adding an index on SHOP_CALENDAR.
Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line
Defect 1459269: When you assigned purchase order (PO) information using the Assign PO-Combined subtask, you encountered a system error.
Procurement Planning >> Create Purchase Orders
Defect 1444547: When you created a purchase order (PO) for a requisition line with a corresponding Pending Request (issue to PO reservation for a component of a Buy with Component part), the process resulted in an incorrect Planned Owed Qty.
Defect 1451035: When you created a purchase order (PO), Costpoint did not correctly update the On Requisition Quantity and On Order Quantity.
Procurement Planning >> Manage Purchase Requisitions
Defect 1441118: When you clicked Load Inv Abbrev Charge Numbers from the Action Menu Global Toolbar icon, you encountered a system error.
Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Issues
Defect 1422126: When you issued the same serial ID and part ID, and then selected the same serial ID for the serial-lot tracked part, you were able to save the data instead of receiving a validation message.
Production Control >> Manage Manufacturing Orders
Defect 1439002: Changes to the application were made to support the new Obsolete check box in Manage Routings. A new validation was also added to prevent using obsolete routings, and the lookup was modified to exclude obsolete routings.
Defect 1451031: When you updated the As of Date on a manufacturing order (MO) that had a status of Firm Planned, the routing lines did not update based on the new effectivity date when multiple effectivities exist. This resulted in Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Costpoint to be out of sync because MES picks up the new effective routing based on the As of Date sent with the export, while Costpoint will have the old As of Date routing lines.
Defect 1451038: You received the following critical system error when you processed routers with more than 45 lines: "The number of connections requested by this application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20."
Purchasing >> Import Purchase Orders
Defect 1441121: When you imported a purchase order (PO) input file, the PO Status and PO header vouchered amount did not update correctly.
Receiving >> Manage Quality Control Inspections
Defect 1451033: When you processed an inspection order and the default inspector employee was inactive, you received an error. To address this, the logic of the application has been modified to leave the header default inspector blank for inspections coming from Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
Routings >> Manage Routings
Defect 1439000: A new Obsolete check box has been added to the screen. Select this check box to make the routing obsolete and prevent it from being used in manufacturing orders (MOs).
Sales Order Entry >> Import Sales Orders
Defect 1441119: When you loaded a sales order (SO) import file with a status of A (Approved), and the approval process assignment code (S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD) was Y (Yes) on the Order Entry Settings table, Costpoint processed the file instead of displaying an error message.
Defect 1460226: When you tried to run the Import Sales Orders function, you encountered a critical system error.
Benefits >> Manage Dependent Care FSA Plan Year
Defect 1463113: If the Dependent FSA limit increased mid-year, the application did not allow you to change the Maximum Amount field since the application disabled the field after employee deductions have been withheld.
As a workaround, you can change the individual employee limits. This workaround does not allow employees to use that higher limit in ESS.
Labor >> Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 1432536: When you transferred leaves from one leave type to another, Costpoint displayed the correct balance. However, when you exported the data to Deltek Time and Expense, the export file updated the balance for the new leave type only. The balance for the old leave type remained the same in Deltek Time and Expense.
Labor >> Manage General Labor Categories
Defect 1433434: When you used same GLC names in multiples companies, the application did not allow you to delete the same GLC in a company where it was not used. This issue occurred if the same GLC existed on the Employee Salary Information table of one of the other companies.
Labor >> Post Timesheets
Defect 1380149: The Labor Distribution Journal displayed the value of the Reference 1 field twice instead of the values of both Reference 1 and Reference 2 fields.
Administration >> Refresh Process
Defect 1469848: The refresh process took longer than expected to finish.
Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Project
Defect 1366516: When you created P&L by project report, the probability percent calculation caused variance in the report.
Project Budgeting >> Project Budgets/EACs
Defect 1351471: When you manually changed an incorrect EAC end date, an error message displayed. Deleting the EAC and then recreating it produced a new EAC with the same incorrect end date.
Defect 1428690: You encountered an error when you tried to save a burden template due to distributed transaction.
Defect 1453885: The Org Name and Manager Name were not included in the Advanced Search lookup.
Defect 1463798: Actual rate did not come from the Last Closed Period for the current fiscal year.
Defect 1470394: The system was using the wrong account as the source account for burden calculation.
Project Budgeting >> Project Status
Defect 1455692: When you tried to run the Project Status report, it did not load the report as expected.
Project Budgeting >> Revenue Breakdown
Defect 1447467: The current Project Budget function did not work as expected.
Project Budgeting >> T&M Billable Revenue Breakdown
Defect 1369246: When you ran the T&M Billable breakdown report, the system included over ceiling burden in allowable burden calculation, which caused the non-labor revenue to be incorrect.
Resource Planning >> Budget by Resource
Defect 1453882: The Org Name and Manager Name were not included in the Advanced Search lookup.
Billing >> Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables
Defect 1434884: COMPANY_ID has been added to some SQL statements to improve the application's performance.
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Redistribute Revenue
Defects 1442755 and 1434867: Updates have been made to enhance the application's performance.
Inter-Company Work Orders >> Create IWO Allocations
Defect 1454245: All lines in the IWO allocation were being posted to the organization ID specified on the sales tax line when the Destination Sales/VAT Tax line has a higher organization ID than the Destination Project line on the Manage IWO Projects screen. As a workaround, you can manually correct the organization(s) in the Manage IWO Allocations application.
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Create Project Report Tables
Defect 1434914: COMPANY_ID has been added to some SQL statements to improve the application's performance.
Project Setup >> Manage Project User Flow
Defect 1447016: In Manage Contracts, you were able to initiate a project from a contract record associated with an opportunity ID that does not exist in Costpoint. In Manage Project User Flow, however, when you tried to copy the newly created project to create a new project record (for example, a lower-level project), the following error message displayed: "This Opportunity ID does not exist."
Project Setup >> Mass Add Project Master Data
Defect 1447410: In Manage Contracts, when you initialized a project from a contract with the CAS Covered? option set to Yes on the Contract Info tab, the newly created project has the CAS Covered check box cleared on the Gov't Contract subtask of Manage Project User Flow.
Project Setup >> Mass Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations
Defect 1403210: The system linked only one account to the selected organization(s) even if you selected multiple accounts to link. As a workaround, link the additional accounts one by one to the organization(s).
Subcontractor Management >> Approve Subcontractor Invoices
Defect 1450945: If neither party has approved the PO invoice and the payer used the Notes field in the Internal Approval group box of the Approve Subcontractor Invoices or Approve PO Invoices application to communicate with the supplier, Notes entries were not saved on the Invoice Approval History subtask and an email notification to the supplier was not triggered.
Subcontractor Management >> Manage Work Assignments
Defect 1456728: When your query returned many records and you modified one record, the system took longer than expected to save your edits.
Expense >> Expense Report
Defect 1472683: A SQL statement contributed to blocking the warning messages users should have received when they entered a date outside of a project end date.
Expense >> Export ERs/Advances
Defect 1456041: As part of a cleanup effort, certain back-end tables that are no longer used were eliminated. These were the tables Z_EXP_EXPORT01-10 and Z_ADV_EXPORT01-10.
Expense >> Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations
Defect 1457985: When, operating in the same role, you performed an approval task and an attach task as the final two tasks for an expense authorization, the authorization status did not change to Approved.
Time >> Change Timesheet Status
Defect 1444468: When you unmarked processed timesheets, the updated timesheets retained cells as processed and also changed other timesheets for the same user that were not in the selected batch.
Defect 1466408: When you changed the status of a SubContractor timesheet to Un-Processed, this information was not shared with the Costpoint Invoice application. This resulted in duplicated invoice lines.
Time >> Daily Floor Check
Defect 1416305: Clients who created hyperlinked messages that were incorporated into the Daily Floor Check emails they sent to employees found that the hyperlink became nonoperative after they upgraded to Costpoint 8, with the hyperlink code displaying in the body of the email.
Time >> Timesheet
Defect 1449627: Because Time & Expense failed to check for overlaps of Start/Stop times across days, when users did submit overlapping work periods, they were not notified of their error.
Defect 1457983: The Revision Explanation dialog box did not display if you first selected a pre-set revision explanation, canceled that revision, and then made new changes. As a result, you were unable to select a different pre-determined text from the drop-down list.
Defect 1460154: When using the timesheet in PWA mode, you were able to enter .7 hours even though the accepted increments were quarter-hours.
Business Intelligence (ERCOGNOS) Application Display
When you launch ERCOGNOS directly from My Menu, the Navigation Banner is blocked by the ERCOGNOS screen and My Menu does not close automatically. Also, if you launch ERCOGNOS from the Navigation Banner, its screen blocks the Navigation Banner.
A Benefit Gender Field Error Displays on the Manage Employee Benefit Elections Screen
When you update existing records on the Manage Employee Benefit Elections screen, the following error message displays: “The following field is required: Benefit Gender.”
Possible Additional Fix for Duplicate Total Trained and Total Workforce Sections on the Training Report
The Print Training Report screen may require additional fixes since it is possible that duplicate Total Trained and Total Workforce sections may occur. The first printed section displays zero values, and the second printed section displays the correct value.
You may encounter this issue when you use the following settings:
The 1st Sort option is Job Category / EEO Code.
The Calculate Adverse Impacted check box is selected.
The Include Employee Detail check box is clear.
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