Deltek Costpoint 7.1.2 Release Notes (Build

Welcome to the Deltek Costpoint 7.1.2 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

Important Notes

These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Costpoint 7.1.2, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Costpoint.

Release notes are available from the landing page and the Costpoint Information Center. We will make a PDF available for three months, as we transition to the new format.

We want the release notes to be as easy to use as possible. To this end, we will continue to analyze and improve upon the format. If you have feedback, please email


Installation Notes


The MR installer reads through all Costpoint systems selected. If a Time & Expense segment is found, it searches for the presence of a Time & Expense license for that Costpoint system. It provides a listing of all such systems found, prompting you to review the list and remove (using DBWizard, Remove License) any TE license from the Costpoint system where the connected TE segment is for a stand-alone, external connection that should not have had a Time & Expense license applied to it.


Any external Time & Expense segments found where a Time & Expense license is not present, or where the Time & Expense segment is for a Time & Expense 901 system, the MR Time & Expense patches, SPs, or Data Dictionary files will not be applied.


If all systems listed are properly licensed for Time & Expense and you do want the MR applied to them, please proceed.  If you are unsure, please contact Deltek Technical Support.

Regulatory Enhancements


2020 January Tax Table Updates

This Costpoint release includes tax table updates for several states effective January 1, 2020.


Attention: For more information, refer to the Minnesota Income Tax Withholding, Instruction Booklet and Tax Tables:


The annual withholding table was updated.

Attention: For more information, refer to the Computer Payroll Accounting - For Periods In 2020:

Rhode Island

Attention: For more information, refer to the Rhode Island Employer’s Income Tax Withholding Tables:


Versions 7.0.1 and 7.1.1 - Calendar Year End 2019: Please be aware that you must have the following System JARs loaded before loading the Calendar Year End 2019 release.

Calendar Year End 2019 System JAR Requirements

Note: System JAR 049 for Costpoint 7.0.1 and System JAR 028 for Costpoint 7.1.1 introduced a much-needed change to the State Filing Statuses in Costpoint. Rather than using filing statuses that only applied to Costpoint (Both, Miscellaneous 1, Miscellaneous 2, and so on) and had to be manually mapped to each state’s actual filing statuses, Costpoint 7.0.1 and 7.1.1 were updated to use each state’s actual filing status(es). Any tax updates starting in January 2019 only support the new state filing statuses that were introduced in System JAR 049 for 7.0.1 and System JAR 028 for 7.1.1 (both released in April 2017).

In order to update the old state filing statuses to the new state filing statuses, you must run the Update State Filing Statuses utility which you can access by going to People » Payroll » Payroll Utilities menu. You must run this utility before you can load any tax table updates that were released by Deltek starting in January 2019.



DBWIZARD Changes for Maintenance Release


To support the new Costpoint Maintenance Releases (MRs), changes were made to the DBWizard and View Help About application.


Costpoint DB Wizard

The Deploy Hotfix option is removed.


View Help About (SYMABOUT)

  • The System Hot Fix File field is replaced with the Monthly Release field that displays the most recent MR version installed.

  • The Product Version(s) field is replaced with the Emergency Release field that displays the most recent emergency release version installed.

  • The Product Common Version(s) field is replaced with the Regulatory Release field that displays the most recent regulatory release version installed.

  • The Hot Fix File column is removed from the Open Applications subtask.

  • The Budgeting & Planning DB Patches, Time & Expense DB Patches, Features, Deployed Libraries, and Linked Libraries subtasks are removed from the application.


Generate Costpoint Users from the Manage Employee Information Screen

Costpoint currently provides the ability to create Costpoint User IDs from the Manage Employee Information screen. This allows you to provide access to Deltek Employee Self Service version 9 or Deltek Time and Expense users from this screen. You can enable this functionality by selecting the Auto-create User Accounts check box on the Configure System Settings screen. To further enhance Costpoint’s existing automatic user account creation functionality, this release adds a new toolkit in the Employee Utilities and applies changes to multiple applications in the People and Admin domains.

Warning: You should run the new Identify and Flag Deltek Time & Expense Users toolkit before running the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense application if:

  • Your company uses Deltek Time and Expense, and

  • Costpoint is set up to automatically generate a user ID when a new employee is entered. This functionality is enabled when the Auto-Create User Accounts check box is selected on the Configure System Settings screen.

This toolkit is located in People » Employee » Employee Utilities » Employee Toolkits.

Manage Employee Information (LDMEINFO)

This release applies the following changes to the Manage Employee Information screen:

  • The User Data tab was removed and the following fields were moved to the Employee Info tab:

  • Login ID

  • ESS User

  • The Authentication Method drop-down list was removed. New complexity was implemented regarding the authentication method which made it illogical to set the value from the Manage Employee Information screen. The Authentication Method value from the Configure System Settings screen will be assigned to any new user generated from the Manage Employee Information screen and the value can be updated on the Manage Users screen, if necessary.

  • A new User ID field is available on the Employee Info tab. If the Auto-create User Accounts check box is selected on the Configure System Settings screen and the employee is not yet linked to a user ID on the Manage Users screen, you may use this field to specify the ID to be used in the automatic creation of Costpoint user record for the employee.

  • The Login ID field is now available on the Employee Info tab. The screen now only displays this field if the Employee ID is not yet linked to a Costpoint User.

  • A new Deltek Time & Expense User check box is available on the Employee Info tab. Select this check box to grant Deltek Time and Expense access to the specified user ID. When you save the employee record, the Costpoint user’s Use as Login ID for Deltek Time & Expense check box will be selected. If an employee is linked to more than one Costpoint user, only one of those users can be flagged as a Deltek Time & Expense user. The screen only displays this check box if the Employee ID is not yet linked to a Costpoint User.

  • Costpoint no longer stores the Login ID (USER_LOGIN_ID) and the ESS User flag value (ESS_USER_FL) in the Employee (EMPL) table. The link between the Costpoint User and the Employee is now only stored in the Manage Users table.

Manage Users (SYMUSR)

A new Use as Login ID for Deltek Time & Expense check box allows you to indicate that the user ID should also be used as the Deltek Time & Expense Login ID for the specified employee. When you run the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense process, the user ID will be assigned as the Deltek Time & Expense Login ID. If the employee is linked to more than one user ID, only one of those users can be flagged as the login ID for Deltek Time & Expense.

If you are licensed for Deltek Time and/or Deltek Expense, this check box will automatically become selected when you enter an Employee ID. However, you may clear the check box if you prefer not to use the user ID as the Deltek Time & Expense login ID for the employee.

This field is enabled if the Employee ID field is populated with a valid value and you have a license for Deltek Time and/or Deltek Expense.

Employee Toolkit (EMPTOOLKIT)

This screen provides the ability to run the Identify and Flag Deltek Time & Expense Users toolkit. You should run this toolkit before running the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense application if:

  • Your company uses Deltek Time and Expense, and

  • Costpoint is set up to automatically generate a user ID when a new employee is entered.

This process selects the Use as Login ID for Deltek Time & Expense check box on the Manage Users screen for any existing user ID that is currently linked to an employee in the Employee (EMPL) table. If you opt not to run the toolkit, and the employee’s Costpoint user ID is not flagged as a Time and Expense user on the Costpoint Manage Users screen, the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense application will continue to populate the Time and Expense Login ID field with the user ID found in the EMPL table. However, it is important to run this toolkit to avoid confusion.

This check box will not be available if one or more of the following conditions are true:

  • You already successfully ran this toolkit.

  • Your company does not have a license for Deltek Time or Deltek Expense.

  • Your company does not automatically generate users when new employees are created. (The Auto-Create User Accounts check box is not selected on the Configure System Settings screen.)

Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense (LDPDTC)

The screen will display a warning message if you need to run the Identify and Flag Deltek Time & Expense Users toolkit from the Employee Toolkit screen. This occurs if you have not run the toolkit.

This enhancement also updates the logic for populating the Login ID field in the EMPL (Employee) file generated by this application.

Configure System Settings (SYMSETNG)

Costpoint will no longer allow users to specify login rules from the Manage Employee Information screen. You can now only set up the login rules from the Configure System Settings screen. As part of this change, the existing Allow Employee Override check box was removed from the Configure System Settings screen.

Paystub Enhancements

This Costpoint release provides updates for the paystub generated from the Print Paychecks screen and Print Payment Advices screen. The following enhancements are included in this release:

  • Consolidation of Hourly Rates on the Paystub: Deltek Time & Expense and Costpoint users need to reverse, replace, and manually recast their timesheets before applying weighted averages which results in a lot of timesheet lines. Since the space on the paystub is limited, Costpoint now allows you to consolidate the hourly rates that are presented on the paystub.

  • State Required Data on the Paystub: Virginia Code § 40.1-29 was amended to require employers to provide employees with a written statement, by paystub or online accounting, showing the following:

  • The name and address of the employer;

  • The number of hours worked during the pay period;

  • The rate of pay;

  • The gross wages earned by the employee during the pay period; and

  • The amount and purpose of any deductions

In compliance with the requirements of the State of Virginia, and other several states, Costpoint provides options to include specific data on the paystubs.

Manage Pay Types (LDMPAYTP)

The Manage Pay Types screen now allows you to link pay types for pay stub consolidation under a parent pay type. If you establish a parent/child link on this screen, when you print a paycheck or payment advice in Costpoint, the child pay type earnings and hours will “roll-up” to the parent pay type. This allows for less pay types to print on the pay stub. If you assign child pay types to a parent pay type, all earnings and hours from the child pay types will be reported under the parent pay type only.

Warning: The pay types will only be linked on the pay stubs generated by the Costpoint Print Paychecks screen and the Print Payment Advices screen. This link will not consolidate timesheet data or the pay type earnings history in Manage Employee Earnings History.

This release includes the following updates:

  • A new Paystub Description field allows you to enter a description for the pay type. The application will use the value on the paystub to describe the parent pay type. If you opt not to enter a value, the Pay Type Description value will be used on the pay stub.

  • A new Link Pay Types for Paystub Consolidation subtask allows you to link child pay types for pay stub consolidation under the parent pay type. A pay type cannot be linked as a child pay type to more than one parent pay type. Also, a parent pay type cannot be specified as a child pay type to another pay type.

Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)

This release applies the following changes to the Manage State Taxes screen:

  • In compliance with current Virginia state law, a new Include Salary for Exempt Employees check box is available on the screen. Select this check box if the State requires the salary on the paystub for FLSA- exempt employees.

  • The labels of the following check boxes changed:

  • Include Hourly Rates for Non-Exempt Employees: This check box was previously labeled as Include Pay Rates on Checks and Advice.

  • Include Rate Type for Non-Exempt Employees: This check box was previously labeled as Include Employee Rate Type.

  • In Form view, the labels of the following fields in the Payroll Tax Interface group box changed:

  • Withholding Code: This field was previously labeled as Withholding Tax Service Code.

  • SUTA Code: This field was previously labeled as SUTA Tax Service Code.

Print Paychecks (PRPPCHK)/Print Payment Advices (PRPPPAF)

Paystub hourly rates are always consolidated for distinct Pay Type/Hourly Rate combinations. If the Pay Cycle’s Print Pay Types by Week for Fair Pay and Paycheck Transparency Compliance check box is selected on the Configure Paycheck Settings screen, paystub hourly rates also consolidated based on the work week.

If the paycheck has a SUTA State that uses the Include Hourly Rates for Non-Exempt Employees check box on the Manage State Taxes screen, Costpoint prints hourly rates on the paystub. This is in accordance with some U.S. state laws (for example, California). In some cases, you may want to consolidate the hourly rates and hours from multiple pay types and present it as one hourly rate on the paystub or consolidate the hourly rates from recasted timesheet lines into the original timesheet lines.

This release applies the following changes to the Print Paychecks screen and Print Payment Advices screen:

  • A new Paystub Hourly Rate Consolidation Method group box provides you with the following options for consolidation:

  • Consolidate linked pay types: Select this option to combine the hourly rates and hours from multiple pay types and present them as one line in the hourly rates section of the paystub. You can use the Link Pay Types for Paystub Consolidation subtask on the Manage Pay Types screen to link “child” pay types to the pay type on the main screen. When paychecks or payment advices are printed, the child pay types will be rolled into the parent pay type so that the hourly rate information is presented as one line in the paystub. For example, if timesheet lines consist of the following pay types:

Pay Type 

Pay Type Desc

Entered Hours

Charge Hours







O6S (Shift 6 Overtime Shift Premium “Child” Pay Type)





When you select the Consolidate linked pay types option, the paystub Hourly Rates row would be:




Add’l Amt







This option will also take timesheet lines generated by Costpoint’s Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines utility and consolidate them with the original overtime timesheet line. For example, if timesheet lines consist of the following pay types:

Pay Type

Entered Hours

Hourly Rate


OT (Overtime)




OT (Overtime – back out premium)




OTP (OT Premium Recast)




When you select the Consolidate linked pay types option, the paystub Hourly Rates row would be:




Add’l Amt







  • Do not consolidate: Select this option to consolidate paystub hourly rates for only distinct pay type/hourly rate combinations.

  • If hourly rate detail is printed on the paystub, it will also be stored in the new Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask table on the Manage Payroll Records screen. The hourly rates will be stored as they are shown on the paystub. If the hourly rates were consolidated, the hourly rates will be stored with the consolidated pay types, hourly rates, and amounts. Upon posting payroll, the Paystub Hourly Rate Detail information will be transferred to Employee Earnings History so that a record of the hourly rate information can be retained.

  • If the check/advice includes earnings from a C, D, or N timesheet, the employee’s SUTA State is California, and the pay cycle’s Print Pay Types by Week for Fair Pay and Paycheck Transparency Compliance check box is selected on the Configure Direct Deposit Settings screen or Configure Paycheck Settings screen, the Earnings Week will be based on the timesheet Correcting Reference Date. As a result, correcting timesheet data for California employees will reflect the date of the original timesheet.

  • The following paystub information will be stored in the Manage Payroll Records table when a paycheck/advice is printed:

  • Name: The name used on the paycheck/advice

  • Employee Type: The Employee Type (Regular/Part-Time/Temporary) assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen as of the open pay period end date

  • Rate Type: The Rate Type (Hourly/Salaried) assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen as of the open pay period end date

  • FLSA Classification: The FLSA Classification (Exempt/Non-Exempt) assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen as of the open pay period end date

  • Pay Frequency: The pay frequency (weekly/bi-weekly/semi-monthly/monthly) assigned to the employee’s Pay Cycle on the Manage Pay Periods screen

  • Pay Period Salary (Exempt Employees): The Salary Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen as of the open pay period end date

  • Employee Mailing Address: The employee address used on the paycheck/advice

  • If you are using the Pre-Printed or Blank Stock check/advice type, the paystub includes a new Amount column in the Hourly Rates section.

  • If the SUTA State’s Include Salary Amount for Exempt Employees check box is selected on the Manage State Taxes screen (STATE_TAX_INFO.paystub_include_salary_fl is Y), the application then includes the employee’s Salary Amount on the paystub. It will be listed below the State Withholding table on blank-stock and pre-printed check types and in the heading section of the paystub for Z-fold check types.

Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)

This release applies the following changes to the Manage Payroll Records screen:

  • A new Paystub Information tab displays information that was included on the paystub or which was in effect when it was printed. This new tab includes the following fields:

  • Name: This field displays the name that was used on the employee’s paycheck or advice. Changing the employee’s name after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History table.

  • Social Security Number: This field displays the Social Security Number assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Changing the employee’s Social Security Number after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History table.

  • Rate Type: This field displays the rate type (Hourly/Salaried) assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Changing the employee’s rate type after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History table.

  • FLSA Classification: This field displays the FLSA Classification (Exempt/Non-Exempt) assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Changing the employee’s FLSA Classification after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History table.

  • Pay Frequency: This field displays the pay frequency (weekly/bi-weekly/semi-monthly/monthly) assigned to the employee’s pay cycle.

  • Pay Period Salary (Exempt Employees): If the employee’s FLSA Classification is Exempt, this field displays the salary amount assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Changing the employee’s salary amount after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History table.

  • Employee Mailing Address: This field displays the mailing address assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Changing the employee’s Mailing Address after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History table.

  • A new Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask displays any hourly rate information that was included on the paystub. This new subtask includes the following fields:

  • Pay Type Description: This field displays the pay type description that was assigned to the pay type when the paycheck/advice was printed. The Print Paychecks screen and Print Payment Advices screen uses the pay type’s new Short Description if it is populated. Otherwise, the pay type’s Description is used. Changing the pay type’s Description or Short Description after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen.

  • Earnings Week: The application populates this field if the pay cycle’s Print Pay Types by Week for Fair Pay and Paycheck Transparency Compliance check box was selected on the Configure Paycheck Settings screen or Configure Direct Deposit Settings screen when the check/advice was printed. Note that hourly rates based on a C, D, or N type timesheet will be linked to the original timesheet date if the employee’s SUTA State is CA (California).

  • Hours: This field displays the number of hours charged against the specified pay type. If the paystub hourly rates were consolidated, this could be the sum of hours from multiple pay types.

  • Hourly Rate: This field displays the amount paid per hour worked against the specified pay type.

  • Additional Amount: If the record type is R, W, V, or B and the pay type’s Additional Calculations Based on an Amount is set to Add Pay Type Amount to Timesheet Line, this field is populated with that additional amount. This is reported separately from the Hourly Rate since it is a fixed amount that was added after the hours were multiplied by the hourly rate. This field will be populated with 0.00 if there is no additional amount.

  • Amount: This field displays the amount charged against the specified pay type. If the paystub hourly rates were consolidated, this could be the sum of amounts from multiple pay types.

Post Payroll Journal (PRPPPCLS)

This release applies the following changes to the Post Payroll Journal screen:

  • The contents of the Manage Payroll Records Paystub Information tab will be posted to the Manage Employee Earnings Paystub Information tab.

  • The contents of the Manage Payroll Records Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask will be posted to the Manage Employee Earnings Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask.

Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)

This release applies the following changes to the Manage Payroll Records screen:

  • A new Paystub Information tab displays information that was included on the paystub or that was in effect when it was printed. This new tab includes the following fields:

  • Name: This field displays the employee’s name that was used on the paycheck or advice. This field will not display subsequent changes to the employee’s name on the Manage Employee Information screen.

  • Social Security Number: This field displays the Social Security Number assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. This field will not reflect Subsequent changes to the employee’s Social Security Number on the Manage Employee Information screen.

  • Rate Type: This field displays the Rate Type (Hourly/Salaried) assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Subsequent changes to the employee’s Rate Type on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen will not be reflected here.

  • FLSA Classification: This field displays the FLSA Classification (Exempt/Non-Exempt) assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. Subsequent changes to the employee’s FLSA Classification on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen will not be reflected here.

  • Pay Frequency: This field displays the pay frequency (weekly/bi-weekly/semi-monthly/monthly) assigned to the employee’s pay cycle.

  • Pay Period Salary (Exempt Employees): If the employee’s FLSA Classification is Exempt, this field displays the Salary Amount assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. This field will not reflect subsequent changes to the employee’s salary amount on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

  • Employee Mailing Address: This field displays the mailing address assigned to the employee when the check/advice was printed. This field will not reflect subsequent changes to the employee’s mailing address on the Manage Employee Information screen.

  • A new Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask displays any hourly rate information that was included on the paystub. This new subtask includes the following fields:

  • Pay Type Description: This field displays the pay type description that was assigned to the pay type when the paycheck/advice was printed. The Print Paychecks screen and Print Payment Advices screen use the pay type's new Short Description if it is populated. Otherwise, the pay type’s Description is used. Changing the pay type's Description or Short Description after the paycheck/advice has been printed will not update this value. The field is only populated when the paycheck/advice is printed. Upon posting payroll, this value will be stored in the Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen.

  • Earnings Week: The application populates this field if the pay cycle’s Print Pay Types by Week for Fair Pay and Paycheck Transparency Compliance check box was selected on the Configure Paycheck Settings screen or Configure Direct Deposit Settings screen when the check/advice was printed. Note that hourly rates based on a C, D, or N type timesheet will be linked to the original timesheet date if the employee’s SUTA State is CA (California).

  • Hours: This field displays the number of hours charged against the specified pay type. If the paystub hourly rates were consolidated, this could be the sum of hours from multiple pay types. 

  • Hourly Rate: This field displays the amount paid per hour worked against the specified pay type.

  • Additional Amount: If the record type is R, W, V, or B and the pay type’s Additional Calculations Based on an Amount is set to Add pay type amount to timesheet line, this field is populated with that additional amount. This is reported separately from the Hourly Rate since it is fixed amount that was added after the hours were multiplied by the hourly rate. This field will be populated with 0.00 if there is no additional amount.

  • Amount: This field displays the amount charged against the specified pay type. If the paystub hourly rates were consolidated, this could be the sum of amounts from multiple pay types. 

Void/Replace Posted Paychecks (PRPAVCK)

This release applies the following changes to the Void/Replace Posted Paychecks screen:

  • The Paystub Information tab data from the voided Manage Employee Earnings record will be carried over to the V records and, if applicable, the W record.

  • The Paystub Hourly Rate Detail subtask information from the voided Manage Employee Earnings record will be carried over to the V records and, if applicable, the W record.

Payroll Checks (ESMPAYCHECKS)

This release applies the following changes to the Payroll Checks screen in Costpoint Employee Self Service:

  • New fields display information that was included on the paystub or that was in effect when it was printed. This update includes the following fields:

  • Name: If available, this displays the value from the Name field on the Paystub Information tab of the Manage Employee Earnings History record. Otherwise, this field will be populated with the employee’s Display Name from the Manage Employee Information screen.

  • Rate Type: If available, this displays the value from the Rate Type field on the Paystub Information tab of the Manage Employee Earnings History record. Otherwise, this field will be populated with the employee’s Rate Type from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

  • FLSA Classification: If available, this displays the value from the FLSA Classification field on the Paystub Information tab of the Manage Employee Earnings History record. Otherwise, this field will be populated with the employee’s FLSA status from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

  • Pay Frequency: This field displays the pay frequency (weekly/bi-weekly/semi-monthly/monthly) assigned to the employee’s Pay Cycle.

  • Pay Period Salary (Exempt Employees): If the employee’s FLSA Classification is Exempt and a Salary Amount was stored on the Paystub Information tab of the Manage Employee Earnings History record, this field displays that amount. Otherwise, this field will be populated with the employee’s Salary Amount from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

  • Employee Mailing Address: If available, this displays the Mailing Address on the Paystub Information tab of the Manage Employee Earnings History record. Otherwise, this field will be populated with the employee’s Mailing Address from the Manage Employee Information screen.

Note: The Paystub Information tab on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen will only be populated for checks/advices printed after implementation of this feature.

  • A new State Withholding table displays the state withholding details for the check/advice.

  • On the Hourly Rates subtask, if the hourly rates were stored in the Manage Employee Earnings History record, those rates will be displayed. Otherwise, the application will calculate the hourly rates.

Note: The hourly rates on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen will only be populated for checks/advices printed after implementation of this feature.

Time and Expense

New Mobile Responsive Design Interface Check Box

A new Enable New Mobile Responsive Design Interface check box was added to the Miscellaneous tab of the Configure General Settings screen (Configuration » General Controls » Configure General Settings).


When a user accesses the Web version of the timesheet application through a smartphone browser (as opposed to using the actual Mobile Time application), this setting controls whether the timesheet displays using the Mobile Responsive Design (MRD). The MRD displays on smartphone browsers using a Portrait (vertical) mode that imitates the standard Mobile App User Interface.


Select Enable New Mobile Responsive Design Interface to enable MRD display as the default for all users accessing the timesheet application from the smartphone browser.


When this check box is selected, the Manage Timesheet application displays in Portrait (vertical) mode in smartphone browsers when users select the Smartphone Mode check box on the sign-in screen. MRD imitates Mobile Time display, which is optimized for the smaller screens featured on smartphones.


When the Enable New Mobile Responsive Design Interface check box is clear, the timesheet display matches the standard Web version, which is designed for optimum viewing on larger PC monitors and laptop screens.


The function of the Smartphone Mode check box on the Costpoint logon screen is dependent on the status of the Enable New Mobile Responsive Design Interface configuration setting:


  • If the configuration setting is selected, users selecting the Smartphone Mode check box can view the Manage Time application in MRD mode.

  • If the configuration setting is not selected, users will see their timesheets displayed in Web mode whether or not they select the Smartphone Mode check box.

Note: When both check boxes are selected and users view their smartphones in Landscape (horizontal) position, the display switches from MRD to Web mode.

Software Issues Resolved


Accounts Payable >> Manage Vendor Employees

Defect 1229816: When you deleted a vendor employee that is assigned to a project, the record was automatically deleted from the Selected Vendor Employees table window on the Manage Vendor Employee Work Force screen, but was not deleted in the PROJ_VEND_EMPL table. As a workaround, manually delete the vendor employee record from the PROJ_VEND_EMPL table.

General Ledger >> View Account Activity

Defect 1231337: The section, table window, and subtask titles did not display.


Security >> Manage Users

Defect 1038038: You were still able to view the layout changes in an application even when the Allow Saving of Personal Screen Configurations check box was cleared on the Manage Users application.

As a workaround, you can:

1. Request the administrator to select the Allow Saving of Personal Screen Configurations check box.

2. Open the application with layout changes and, on the menu bar, click Options » Screen Configuration.

3. Click the Reset button, save the configuration, and log off.

4. Request the administrator to clear the Allow Saving of Personal Screen Configurations check box, and log on to Costpoint to check if the default application layout is restored.

Security >> View User Authentication Passcode History

Defect 1200945: On the View User Authentication Passcode History screen, there was no user authentication passcode history for users who used a one-time passcode.

System Administration >> Administrative Messages

Defect 1155105: The Administrative Messages (SYMMESS) application was not available to license holders of only Time and Expense. The application should have been available if you were licensed for Time and Expense.

System Administration >> Configure User Preferences

Defect 1223835: When you changed from the main taxable entity to other taxable entities in the Reporting Company field on the Configure User Preference (UPMUSRPR) screen, the changes reflected correctly. 

Changing taxable entities also worked properly when you changed to another entity that did not include the main entity. The Manage User (SYMUSR) screen default taxable entity would also update. However, when you switched back to the main taxable entity, the change did not happen, even though the screen displayed "Record modifications successfully completed". 

System Administration >> File Download

Defect 1230701: When you used a CMS ID as an alternate file location, the following error occurred when you clicked the Execute icon to download files in the alternate location: The documentation states that if the location is in your CMS, leave the URL/Folder field blank and complete the fields in the Content Management Interface area.

System Administration >> Manage Alternate File Locations

Defect 460217: The title of the Query dialog box did not match the application name in the Manage Alternate File Locations application. This issue also affected other applications.


Affected Applications

Defect No.

Manage Application/Content Links


Manage Countries


Manage Customs Declaration Point


Manage EU Nature of Transaction Codes (NOTC)


Manage European Union Commodity Codes


Manage European Union Correction Codes


Manage European Union Countries


Manage European Union Mode of Transportation


Manage Organization Security Groups


Manage Organization Security Profiles


Manage Postal Codes


Manage Report Archive Categories


Manage Report Categories


Manage Report Fonts


Manage Report Groups


Manage States and Provinces


Manage System Printers


Manage Tax Types


Manage User Groups


Manage User Interface Profiles


Manage Value Added Tax Supply Codes


Print Archived Reports


Rebuild Global Settings


Resize Dynamic Tables and Indexes


System Administration >> Manage Message Boards

Defect 785691: You were unable to delete a topic with a folder that does not exist in Microsoft Exchange. This application verifies the content of a folder before deletion. If the folder does not exist in Exchange, the application throws an exception error, which prevents deletion.

As a workaround, delete the assigned screens for that message board and start over with a new one with new folders that will match Exchange. Alternatively, you can delete non-existing folders from the MB_MBOARD_FOLDER table in the admin schema.

System Administration >> Reverse Failed Posting

Defect 1041557: The word "covered" displayed as "coverd" on the Reverse Failed Posting screen.

System Administration >> View License Information

Defect 1072982: The Client ID (License ID) was missing from the View License Information (SYMLICEN) screen. The screen only displayed the license name.



Defect 1222376: The line "EXIT FULLSCREEN MODE” displayed on the screen in the Classic Version interface but did not display in the New Version interface.

Defect 1223863: On the Home Dashboard (DBDHM) screen, dashboards would sometimes display incorrectly. As a workaround, go to the Parameters screen and ensure all dashboard result sets contain data. Click Save, and then reopen the application.

Runtime >> Client

Defect 1230255: Various issues occurred when you used Google Chrome version 79 with Costpoint.

Defect 1230647: After you edited a field in Table view, using the up and down keyboard arrows should have moved the focus on the screen up or down within the subtask, instead of up and down the drop-down list in the edited field. As a workaround, you could display the app in Form view.

Runtime >> Server

Defect 1221046: The list of public static HTML files in web.xml needed to be simplified in order to keep files and the list of files up to date.


Bills of Material >> Apply Mass Component Changes to Bills of Material

Defect 1211976: When you ran the process to apply mass component change, the MFG_BOM.COMP_PART_RVSN_ID table was populated even if you cleared the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box.

Bills of Material >> Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material

Defect 1216993: When you changed a component revision, the application added an item revision ID and a component part revision ID to the system even though the system was set to disallow multiple revisions for each item.

Inventory >> Enter Inventory Transfers

Defect 1205004: When the payback transfer was completed, the calculations in the inventory table were incorrect.

Master Production Scheduling >> Manage Master Production Schedules

Defect 1180920: When you loaded a master production schedule (MPS), Costpoint created duplicate forecast rows with different surrogate keys.

Defect 1221021: When multi-revision was turned Off, and you queried the MPS_FORECAST_RQMT, the PART_RVSN_ID table was set to the revision instead of being blank.

Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions

Defect 1219987: When you rejected a purchase requisition by adding a buyer approval step and increasing the quantity, the requisition quantity remained unchanged.

Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line

Defect 1141060: You were unable to add lines from multiple purchase requisitions (PRs) to a single request for quote (RFQ).

Defect 1222748: You encountered application performance issues when a buyer has not been specified on the screen, and the number of purchase orders (PO) being processed increased. As a workaround, you can either enter a buyer in top level result set or filter rows in the Assign PO-Combine subtask to limit the number of rows iterated in the process.

Procurement Planning >> Import Purchase Requisitions

Defect 1213795: Costpoint allowed for Company 1 parts to be used, but not Company 1 commodity codes, when the system was set up to process from Company 2 using Company 1 materials data, and with parts not separated by company.

Procurement Planning >> Manage Purchase Requisitions

Defect 1182995: The system allowed you to manually set the requisition line status to PO Generated instead of displaying a warning message and setting it to Pending. The PO Generated status can only be used when processing a requisition record on the Create Purchase Orders screen, where the system automatically sets the requisition status to PO Generated.

Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs

Defect 1192587: When you processed an issue to manufacturing order (MO) through the Web Integration Console (WIC), the system allowed a partial issue without displaying an error message. Issue to MO through the UI does not allow partial issues, and an error message should display instead.

Defect 1218351: The application incorrectly calculated the relieved charge hours when the partial relief costing option selected was either ETC or Invt Average. This resulted in an incorrect business analysis report.

Production Control >> View Manufacturing Order Status

Defect 1110746: When you changed a subassembly part from Make to Buy on a specific bills of material (BOM), and you looked up the manufacturing orders (MO) for the BOM, the loaded part remained as Make instead of Buy.

Purchasing >> Manage Purchase Orders

Defect 1215431: When you changed the period of performance (POP) on the blanket purchase order (PO) after creating a change order, the original due date on the PO release was not automatically populated upon save. As a workaround, you can change the date manually.

Receiving Control >> Enter Miscellaneous Inventory Receipts

Defect 1222813: Purchase Requisition displayed as an option in the Order Type drop-down list, but when you selected this option, you received the following error: "text not found for the resource id: MM_WRONG_ORDERREF_CD"

Receiving Control >> Manage Purchase Order Receipts

Defect 1212546: When you entered a subcontract agreement purchase order with the PO Line set to QC inspection required and clicked Auto-Receive, the Accepted Qty field was populated.

Routings >> Manage Routings

Defect 1217854: In a single revision environment, Costpoint allowed the duplication of routing lines for an MES revision because there was no validation against the same effectivity date of the router.

Routings >> Manage Subcontractor Operations

Defect 1216998: When you changed a component revision, the application added an item revision ID and a component part revision ID to the system even though the system was set to disallow multiple revisions for each item.

Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues

Defect 1185013: Costpoint created multiple sales order (SO) issues for the same Issue number instead of creating an issue for one line with multiple cost elements.

Defect 1206601: In a multi-company system, Costpoint displayed inventory abbreviations from Company 1 even though the user was in Company 2.


Employee >> Manage Employee Information

Defect 1187304: The screen should not require values in the following fields even if the user has Deltek Talent Management:

This defect affects Costpoint - Deltek Talent Management users who do not use Deltek Talent Management for offboarding purposes. These users may opt to enter termination information only on the Salary Details subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Employee >> Manage Employee Salary Information

Defect 1187105: The application should not display the following warning message: "This employee is not eligible for FLSA exemption based on his/her rate type."

Employee Self Service >> Life Events/New Hires

Defect 1235724: When the Federal Withholding tab was not updated, its status on the Summary tab was blank instead of No Change. As a result of this issue, when you confirmed your life events on the Summary tab, the application displayed an error message.

If you require a workaround before applying this hot fix, use the following steps:

  1. Update the Federal Withholding tab on the Life Events/New Hires screen, and then save your changes. The Federal Withholding tab will have a status of Saved status on the Summary tab.

  2. Go to the Summary tab and confirm the life event.

Employee Self Service >> Payroll Checks

Defect 1237990: The application displayed different pay type descriptions in the Earnings section and the Hourly Rates section. The pay type descriptions in both sections should be the same.

Labor >> Apply Weighted Average Rates to Timesheets

Defect 961364: The application used the timesheet line's functional amounts instead of the transaction amounts to determine the weighted average rates.

Labor >> Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense

Defect 1142395: The parent/child branch information in the output file was incorrect, which resulted in a critical system error when importing the file into Deltek Time and Expense version 10. This defect affects Costpoint/Time and Expense 10 users with an Oracle database.

Labor >> Export Timesheets to Ceridian

Defect 991248: To prevent you from entering invalid file locations, the application should generate a validation error message when you enter a location that is not included in the lookup. This hotfix addresses security risks.

Labor >> Export Timesheets to Paychex

Defect 1063082: The Online Help should provide an explanation on what occurs when you select or do not select the Include Correcting Timesheets check box.

Leave >> Post Leave Accruals

Defect 1183018: When the Compute Leave process resulted in a zero (0) hours/amount of accrual, which usually occurred when the Leave Compute Method was Unit of Hours Worked, the Post Leave process inserted a record in the general ledger (GL) with a zero hours/amount accrual. The application should not insert a GL record with zero hours/amount accrual.

Payroll >> Create ACH Bank File

Defect 1139070: A null pointer exception error displayed when you saved a parameter ID with a blank Taxable Entity field.

Payroll >> Print Paychecks

Defect 1188799: A system error displayed when you attempted to print the report with the Consolidate link pay types option selected in the Pay Hourly Rate Consolidation Method group box.

Defect 1189785: The application did not consolidate the hourly rate correctly. It did not factor in the child hourly rates.

Defect 1201395: A system error displayed when you printed paychecks using the Z-Fold check type for record X and Y record types.

Payroll >> Print Payment Advices

Defect 1185357: A system error displayed when you printed payment advices using the Z-Fold advice type for record X and Y record types.


Administration >> Refresh Process

Defect 1229749: You experienced a performance issue on step 350 of the refresh process.

Organization Budgeting >> Budget Profit and Loss By Org/Acct (AOC1,AOC2)

Defect 1236338: When you changed Owning to Performing Org, Costpoint Planning did not isolate the Financial Statement code by Company ID.

Organization Budgeting >> Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets

Defect 1232484: When you updated the org budget, the project budget revenue was uploaded to the incorrect org budget.

Organization Budgeting >> Plug Project Review (NOP1,NOI1,AOP1,AOP2,AOP3)

Defect 1232489: You could not remove previously calculated plug values.

Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Account (COP2,BOP2,POP2)

Defect 1232439: When you changed Owning to Performing Org, Costpoint Planning did not isolate the Financial Statement code by Company ID.

Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Organization (COP1,BOP1,POP1)

Defect 1232417: When you changed Owning to Performing Org, Costpoint Planning did not isolate the Financial Statement code by Company ID.

Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Project (COP3,BOP3,POP3)

Defect 1232458: When you changed Owning to Performing Org, Costpoint Planning did not isolate the Financial Statement code by Company ID.

Project Budgeting >> Import Budget/EACs from Excel

Defect 1229752: You experienced slow performance using an Oracle system while uploading budgets/EAC.

Project Budgeting >> Project Budgets / EACs

Defect 1202716: You encountered a system error when you updated a record.

Defect 1227520: When you viewed the Burdened Cost Report, the data from committed budgets displayed in the wrong column.

Defect 1229268: EACs were not importing actuals for Labor entries that existed in GL but not in Labor History.


Advanced Project Budgeting >> Mass Add Project Budgets

Defect 1225329: When you created a workplan budget from an existing project baseline budget, Costpoint copied the Total Burden Amount value into the Hourly Burden Amount field. As a result, the following error message displayed when you tried to update the timing and amount of the costs: "The values are inconsistent."

Billing >> Manage Manual Bills

Defect 1220904: Costpoint did not correctly calculate the due date based on the project or customer terms in manual bills. As a workaround, you can manually edit the due date on the Manage Manual Bills screen.

Billing >> Post Standard Bills

Defect 1203294: When you reversed an invoice from the sending project that has a line with a functional receiving amount of zero and a transactional receiving amount of 0.01, that line was not sent to the receiving project. This resulted in the Open Billing Detail having both the original positive entry for the original invoice and a second positive entry for redoing the invoice that was reversed. There was no negative entry for the reversal to offset the original invoice entry. As a workaround, you can manually enter a negative entry in Open Billing Detail.

Cost and Revenue Processing >> Manage Allocation Journals

Defect 1201918: A system error occurred when you tried to post the pool allocation journal. You were able to print the allocation journal, but unable to post it.

Inter-Company Work Orders >> Create IWO Allocations

Defect 1177140: The Create IWO Allocations job process took too long to complete.

Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Update Project Status Report Tables

Defect 1223242: The full hint that was added to this application when computing all projects worked well when you partitioned the PSR_FINAL_DATA table. However, when you did not partition the table, the process got stuck at 99%. This affects Oracle users of Costpoint who are not able to partition the table.

Project Setup >> Manage Modifications

Defect 1216627: After you entered values in the Value and Fee% fields while Cost and Fee were blank, a rounding issue occurred and the amount you entered in Value changed. This occurred in both the Value Modifications and Funding Modifications group boxes.

Project Setup >> Mass Add Project Master Data

Defect 985090: The application allowed you to add new projects with inconsistent project level lengths.

Subcontractor Management >> Create Subcontractor Invoices

Defect 1214892: The application tagged timesheets that were still within the hours ceiling of the work assignment resource as unallowable labor in the subcontractor invoice.

Time and Expense

Expense >> Manage Batch Expense

Defect 1216514:  The pay method for the imported expense failed to update, even though you selected Add Pay Method.

Expense >> Manage/Approve Expense Reports

Defect 1222346: Even though configuration did not allow the individual submitting the report to also approve charges, a workflow task to approve a newly created line level charge was assigned to the submitter of the expense report, and since a backup approver had not been assigned, the task was created but the charge could not be approved.

Time >> Manage Timesheets

Defect 1199831: Updating transaction types failed in the Integration Console.

Defect 1223498: When the timesheet period was closed and you clicked Correct on the timesheet, you could not reverse a line entry even though the action was allowed for your timesheet class.

Defect 1228117: When using Lookup in SQL server, system performance was poor.

Time >> Manage/Approve Timesheets

Defect 1228177: On the Manage/Approve Timesheets screen, the period end date did not populate after you clicked New to create a new timehseet. This occurred when the end date of the previous timesheet was the same as the starting date of the new timesheet.

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