
Timesheet Defaults

Use this screen to assist you in establishing timesheet line defaults.  

You should establish timesheet line defaults before you enter timesheets.  Establishing timesheet defaults facilitates data entry.

There are 12 levels of timesheet line defaults, each associated with a specific application.  With the exception of the Employee Timesheet Line Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults) and the Timesheet Line Type Defaults screens (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), each application allows you to establish timesheet line defaults based on a specific project.  There are 10 applications, therefore, that are project-specific, and the timesheet line defaults are based on the project you enter on a timesheet line.

If you establish timesheet line defaults, you should create records in one or more of these applications before you enter timesheets.

After you enter a project and tab through the Project field in the Enter Timesheets program, default information will populate specific fields on the timesheet line based on the defaults you established.

The Employee Timesheet Line Defaults and the Timesheet Line Type Defaults screens represent the first two levels of timesheet line defaults:

Employee Timesheet Line Type Defaults

The Pay Type, Pay Type Description, Account, Account Name, Organization, and Organization Name fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults for a specific employee in this application.

You can designate up to nine employee timesheet line defaults in this application.  Each default will be associated with a line type, 1 through 9.  For example, if you associate timesheet line type "1" with pay type "OT," account "550," and organization "1.100.2," each reference to line type "1" in the Enter Timesheets screen will default "OT," "550," and "1.100.2" into the respective fields.

The Employee Timesheet Line Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), therefore, represents the first (non-project specific) level of defaults imported when you enter a timesheet line type, 1 through 9. The system uses this level when there are no project level defaults defined.

The information you enter in the Employee Timesheet Line Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults) will be overwritten when you enter a project on a timesheet line if, in fact, defaults have been established in other project defaults screens.

Timesheet Line Type Defaults

The Pay Type, Pay Type Description, Account, Account Name, Organization, and Organization Name fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.  Unlike the Employee Timesheet Line Type Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), the defaults you establish in this application are not employee-specific.

You can designate up to nine timesheet line defaults in this application.  Each default will be associated with a line type, 1 through 9.  For example, if you associate timesheet line type "1" with pay type "OT," account "550," and organization "1.100.2," each reference to line type "1" in the Enter Timesheets program will default "OT," "550," and "1.100.2" into the respective fields.

Since the Employee Timesheet Line Defaults and the Timesheet Line Type Defaults screens function independent of projects, they are the first "non-project" timesheet line defaults programs evaluated as you enter timesheet lines. If you do not establish any project line defaults but you have established records in both of these screens, it is the information in the Employee Timesheet Line Defaults application that will default onto a timesheet.

The Timesheet Line Type Defaults program, therefore, represents the second (non-project specific) level of defaults imported when you enter a timesheet line type, 1 through 9. The system uses this level if you have not created records in the Employee Timesheet Line Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults).

The information you enter in this application will be overwritten when you enter a project on a timesheet line if, in fact, defaults have been established in other project defaults screens.

The following applications represent project or PLC-specific default levels:

Level 1: Assign PLC to Employee Work Force

Only the PLC field is populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.

This is the first level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

You may use the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force) to assign a PLC and employee to a specific project.

The PLC must have been defined in the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories) before you can assign it; in addition, you must assign the employee to the project in the Employee Work Force screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories).

This setup must be performed before you can assign the employee to the PLC and project.

If the employee and project are linked to a PLC, the PLC along with the "Y" default value, will default onto the timesheet line.

Note:  With respect to PLCs, before evaluating data at any default level, the system examines data in the Project User Flow screen (Projects\Maintain\Project).

Specifically, the system will first use the transaction project setup to determine which project should be used to default the PLC.  If the transaction project has the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected, the transaction project's top level will be used.

If the transaction project's Use Top Level Work Force checkbox is not selected, the system will then determine whether a source project is assigned to the transaction project in the Def Rate Seq subtask of the Project User Flow screen.

If a source project exists in the first row of the Define Rate Sequence screen, that source project will be used to determine the PLC default value.  If you did not select the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox and no source project exists for the transaction project, the system will use the transaction project to determine the PLC default value.

Level 2: Employee Project Timesheet Defaults

The Account, Account Name, Organization, Organization Name, Ref 1, Ref 2, Pay Type, GLC, PLC, Labor Location, and Workers' Compensation Code fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.

You can use the Employee Project Timesheet Defaults screen to create defaults for a timesheet line based on projects you associate with specific employees.

This is the second level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If the system finds a default PLC in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), it will use that PLC instead of the data you enter here.

 Level 3: Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults

The Account, Account Name, Organization, Organization Name, Ref 1, Ref 2, Pay Type, GLC, PLC, Labor Location, and Workers' Compensation Code fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.

You may use the Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults) to create defaults for a timesheet line based on projects you associate with specific employees.

This is the third level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you have entered information in any of the default fields in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force) or in the Employee Project Timesheet Defaults screen, that information is used instead of the data you enter here.

 Level 4: Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults

The Account, Account Name, Organization, Organization Name, Ref 1, Ref 2, Pay Type, GLC, PLC, Labor Location, and Workers' Compensation Code fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.

You may use the Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults screen to establish defaults for a timesheet line based on projects you associated with a specific labor group/union within an account group.

This is the fourth level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you entered information in any of the default fields in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), Employee Project Timesheet Defaults, or the Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults screens (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), that information is used instead of the data you enter here.

Level 5:  Project Timesheet Defaults

The Organization, Organization Name, GLC, PLC, Pay Type, Labor Location, Workers' Compensation Code, Ref 1, and Ref 2 fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.

You can use the Project Timesheet Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults) to default timesheet line data based on a specific project.

This is the fifth level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you entered information in any of the default fields in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), Employee Project Timesheet Defaults, Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), or the Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults screen, that information is used instead of the data you enter here.

Level 6:  Employee User Flow - (Defaults subtask)

The Account, Account Name, Organization, Organization Name, Ref 1, Ref 2, Pay Type, GLC, Labor Location, and Workers' Compensation Code fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.  No PLC defaults onto a timesheet line based on the data you enter in this application.

The data you enter in the Default subtask of the Employee User Flow screen (People\Maintain\Employee) populates the timesheet line when you click the Default Line pushbutton in the Enter Timesheets screen.

The Default subtask of the Employee User Flow screen is the sixth level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you entered information in any of the default fields in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), Employee Project Timesheet Defaults, Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults, or the Project Timesheet Defaults screen (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), that information is used instead of the data you enter here.

Level 7:  Employee Salary Information

The PLC and GLC fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.  The Overtime State field is also a default associated with this application.

This is the seventh level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you entered information in any of the default fields in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), Employee Project Timesheet Defaults, Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults, Project Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), or Employee User Flow (People\Maintain\Employee), that information is used instead of the data you enter here.

Level 8:  Linked GLCs

The PLC field is populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.  

You may use the Linked GLCs screen (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Linked GLCs) to establish the link between the GLC and PLC for a specific project.  The PLC must already be assigned to a project in the Assigned PLCs screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories) before you can link it in this screen.

This is the eighth level of defaults imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you entered information in any of the default fields in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), Employee Project Timesheet Defaults,  Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults, Project Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), or Employee Salary Information (People\Maintain\Employee), that information is used instead of the data you enter here.  Only the PLC will default from this screen.

Level 9:  General Labor Categories

The PLC field is populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application.

You may use this screen to establish the GLC codes and related descriptions; in addition, you can link PLC codes to GLC codes.

This is the ninth level of defaults that is imported when you enter a project on a timesheet line.

If you entered PLC defaults in the Assign GLC to Employee Work Force subtask (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow\Empl Work Force), Employee Project Timesheet Defaults,  Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), Labor Group Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults, Project Timesheet Defaults (People\Maintain\Timesheet Defaults), Employee Salary Information (People\Maintain\Employee), or Linked GLCs (Projects\Maintain\Project\Project User Flow), that PLC is used instead of the PLC you enter here.

Level 10:  Labor Settings - (Defaults group box)

The Timesheet Cycle, Pay Type, Pay Type Description, and Workers' Compensation Code fields are populated on a timesheet line if you establish defaults in this application; in addition, if the line type is "M" (Manufacturing Order), the employee home organization or the manufacturing home organization will default into this field, based on setup you established in the Manufacturing Order Timesheet Lines group box in the Labor Settings screen.

This is the 10th level of defaults imported when you enter a project on the timesheet line.

This is the last level of timesheet line defaults.  If there are no other defaults established, this data will default onto a timesheet line after you enter the project.

In addition, if you establish pay type and workers' compensation code defaults in this screen, they will default on the timesheet line even if you do not enter a project.  This is common when you enter indirect accounts on the timesheet.

PLC Validation

The PLC field validation proceeds as follows (PLCs are required only for timesheet lines containing a project number):

Step 1:  The system will determine whether a PLC is required for the transaction. If no project exists on the transaction, a PLC is not required and the validation process will end without error. If a PLC does exist on the transaction but no project is specified, the system will display an error message.  If a project exists and no error occurred, the validation process will proceed to the next step.

Step 2:  If you have selected the Project Work Force Required checkbox for the project in the Project User Flow screen (Projects\Maintain\Project), the work force validations will be performed. The system will use the appropriate project (top level, source, or transaction) to validate the employee against the work force. If the employee is not assigned to the appropriate work force, the system will display an error message. If the employee is assigned to the appropriate work force, the validation process will proceed to the next step.

Step 3:  If the top level/source/transaction project does not exist in Assign PLCs screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories), the validation process will end without error. If the project does not exist in Assign PLCs screen, all PLCs are linked to that project.  If the project does exist in the Assign PLCs screen, the validation process will continue to the next step.

Step 4:  If the PLC field does not display data, the system will determine the project/account combination's function code in the Project Account Groups screen.  If the function code is "Labor," the system will display an error message to inform you that the PLC is required.  If the function code is not "Labor," the validation process will end without error. If the PLC field is not blank, the validation process will continue to the next step.

Step 5:  If the PLC field is not blank, the next step depends on the project's Project Work Force Required checkbox in the Project User Flow screens.

a) If you selected the Project Work Force Required checkbox for the project, the project/employee/PLC combination will be validated against the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask. If the combination exists there, the validation process will end here without error. If the combination does not exist in this table, the system will display an error message.

b) If the Project Work Force Required checkbox is not selected for the project, the project/PLC combination will be validated against the Assign PLCs screen. If the combination exists there, the validation process will end here without error.  If the combination does not exist in this screen, the system will display an error message.

Note:  Since the Labor Settings screen is not available in this web release, you must make settings changes in the client/server version.

After you complete your settings modifications, you must return to the web version and access the Reload Global Settings screen (Administration\Utilities\System Administration). This utility establishes continuity between the web and client/server environments.

Select the appropriate checkbox and click the Action icon to execute synchronization.

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