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SyncProjectAndCalendarStatus Enumeration

Specifies whether the status date of the project or TODATE period in the calendar will be synchronize when advancing the calendar of a selected project.

Namespace:  Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.Application.Files
Assembly:  Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI (in Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.dll) Version: 8.3.715.2595 (8.3.0715.2595)
public enum SyncProjectAndCalendarStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
SynchProjectWtihCalendarStatus0 If the calendar set 18 contains a TODATE label, the status date of the project will be updated to match the date in the TODATE calendar entry.
SyncCalendarWithProjectStatus1 The TODATE period in the calendar will be updated to match the status date of the project.
See Also