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IntegrateActualCostsServiceArgumentsAllowPostingActualCostsToPlannedControlAccountOrWorkPackage Property

Determines whether to allow entry of actual costs against a control account or work package that has a status planned. Optional. If configuration file is used and this is not set, the setting in the saved configuration is used. If configuration file is not used and this is not set, the setting in the project preference is used.

Namespace:  Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.Application.Files
Assembly:  Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI (in Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.dll) Version: 8.3.715.2595 (8.3.0715.2595)
public Nullable<bool> AllowPostingActualCostsToPlannedControlAccountOrWorkPackage { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: NullableBoolean
See Also