Copy Classes

Use the Copy Classes dialog box to copy one or more classes from the selected project to other projects.

To copy classes from one project to other projects, complete the following steps:

  1. Display the Project Properties dialog box, select the Classes tab, and click Copy Classes.
  2. In the Copy Classes dialog box, use the Class Type drop-down list to specify the type of classes to display on the left pane. Your options are All, Actual, Budget, Forecast, and Earned.
  3. In the left pane, select the check boxes for the classes that you want to copy to another project.
  4. In the right pane, select the check boxes for the projects that you want to copy the classes to.
  5. Select the Allow existing classes to be replaced option to overwrite classes that have the same names as the classes that you want to copy. If you do not select this option, and a class with the same name already exists in the target project, Cobra will not copy that class to the target project.
  6. Click Copy to copy the selected classes into the target projects that you selected.

    Once the copy process is complete for a target project, classes that are referenced in an included class but which are not included in the class list are reported in the Copy Classes message window. This allows you to see whether there are any other classes you should add to the target project, or at least notifies you that the classes in the target project reference non-existent classes.

    You cannot update an existing class if that class does not have the same level or type as the source class. For example, if class GG is a budget class in the source project but is a forecast class in the target project, Cobra will not copy the class to the target project even if you select the Allow existing classes to be replaced option.