Organization Structure Setup Dialog Box

You have the option to associate employees, generic resource, projects, and opportunities with organizations. To do that, you first use the Organization Structure Setup dialog box to select the type of structure and other properties of the structure.

Deltek strongly recommends that you carefully plan the organization structure you want before you set it up in Deltek CRM. Once you have set up your organizations and, in particular, once you have assigned employees, projects, opportunities, and generic resources to those organizations, it is difficult and time consuming to change the number of levels.

For more information about setting up and using organizations, see Organizations.


To display the Organization Structure Setup dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Configuration workspace, click on the left edge of the Deltek CRM page to go to the General area.
  2. Do one of the following on the Organizations tab:
    • If you have not yet set up your organization structure, click + Set Up Organization Structure.
    • If you previously set up and saved an organization structure and want to make changes to the structure settings, click next to the Organizations field in the upper-left corner of the tab.


Field Description
TYPE Select the general type of organization structure you have:
  • If all of the following are true for your organization structure, select Fixed:
    • Your organization structure has a standard number of levels.
    • Within each level, each ID and name means the same thing across all branches of the organization structure.
    • You have no more than 5 levels.
    • You have no more than 14 characters in your organization IDs, including level delimiters.
  • If one or more of the requirements listed above are not true for your organization structure, select Variable.

If you have not implemented the Resource Planning module, the only available options are Fixed and None.

Additional Options for a Variable Structure

If you select Variable in TYPE, the following options are available:

Field Description

If you have more than one level in your organization structure, enter the character that you use to separate the levels in your organization IDs (a period, for example.

The delimiter cannot be a letter, number, single quotation mark, or double quotation mark.

When you import the organization IDs, Deltek CRM uses the delimiters in the IDs to determine the organization structure hierarchy.


If you are sure that the Variable organization structure type is the right choice, click Save to establish the organization structure.

Important: After you save the structure and import organizations, you cannot change the structure type from Variable to Fixed or None unless you first delete all of the organizations.

Cancel Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the structure options.

Additional Options for a Fixed Structure

If you select Fixed in TYPE, the following options are available:

Field Description
NUMBER OF LEVELS Select the number of levels in your organization structure. The maximum is five.

If you have more than one level in your organization structure, enter the character that you use to separate the levels in your organization IDs (a period, for example).

The delimiter cannot be a letter, number, single quotation mark, or double quotation mark.

ORGANIZATION LEVEL This column displays the levels in your organization structure.

For each level in your structure, enter the number of characters that the organization ID segment for that level contains.

For example, if Level 1 in your organization structure is the company level and you use a 3-character ID to represent each of your companies, enter 3 in this grid column for Level 1.

Sample ID As you use the grid to enter the number of characters for each level, Deltek CRM updates this field to show the organization ID format. This field also displays how many of the 14 maximum number of characters are currently not being used.

If you are sure that the Fixed organization structure type is the right choice and that the other options are correct, click Save to establish the organization structure.

Important: After you save the structure, you can click next to Organization on the Organization tab and make changes to the structure options, but some changes are not allowed and some, while allowed, have a significant impact on your data. It is recommended that you do not begin using Deltek CRM if you are not certain that your organization structure is configured the way you want it.

After you save the structure and set up organizations, you cannot change the structure type from Fixed to Variable or None unless you first delete all of the organizations.

Cancel Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the structure options.