Opportunities Plan Structure

Before you can assign resources to an opportunity, you need to create a plan structure for the opportunity in the Opportunities area. An opportunity plan structure is a hierarchy consisting of levels and level elements that is similar to the work breakdown structure for projects.


Field Description
Find opportunity

Use the Find opportunity field immediately above the opportunity name to search for and select the opportunity for which you want to add, edit, or review the plan structure.

On the drop-down list at the left end of the field, select a standard or custom search:
  • Click ACTIVE to select from a list of active opportunities only.
  • Click ALL to select from a list of all opportunities (both active and inactive). The closed opportunities in the list are dimmed slightly so you can distinguish them from the active opportunities.
  • Click MINE to select from a list of active opportunities with which you are associated. If your firm activated the CRM module, that list includes opportunities that you created or for which you are a member of the team. (You are on an opportunity's team if you are listed in the Team Members grid on the Team tab in the Business Development workspace.) If your firm did not activate the CRM module, the list includes opportunities that you created or for which you are the project manager.
  • Click a previously saved custom search to display the opportunities returned by that search. (To see the search criteria for the currently selected custom search in a tooltip, hover over the search name if the search is saved, or over Custom if it is not saved. Tablet users can display the search in the Custom Opportunity Search dialog box to see the search criteria.)
  • Click Custom at the bottom of the list to create and save or apply a new custom search.
To further restrict the list of opportunities, do either of the following in the search field:
  • To display a list of opportunities with names or IDs that begin with a specific single character, type the character in the field and pause.
  • To display a list of opportunities with names or IDs that contain a specific sequence of two or more characters, type the characters in the field and pause.

If you enter characters in the search field and then want to remove them, click the icon at the end of the field to clear the field.

The number of opportunities in the current search results displays at the right end of the Find opportunity field.

+ Add Opportunity

Click + Add Opportunity to add a new opportunity.

This link is only available if your firm did not activate the CRM module and if you have the access rights that are required to add records. If your firm did activate the CRM module, add and edit opportunity information, other than the plan structure, in that workspace.

Click this icon to use the Edit Opportunity form to make changes to the opportunity information, other than the plan structure, for the currently selected opportunity or to delete that opportunity.

This link is only available if your firm did not activate the CRM module and if you have the access rights that are required to add records. If your firm did activate the CRM module, add and edit opportunity information, other than the plan structure, in that workspace.

Click this icon to do the following for the currently selected opportunity:
  • If your firm activated the CRM module, you can display opportunity information in the Business Development workspace for review or editing.
  • If a plan exists for the opportunity, you can display plan information for the opportunity in Project View for review or editing.

If the Business Development workspace is not available and no plan exists for the opportunity, this icon is disabled.

Opportunity name

The name of the opportunity displays above the plan structure information. If the name is too long to display completely, hover over it to display a tooltip containing the full name.

To edit the name, hover over the name, click , and enter the name in the field that displays.

The option to edit the name is only available if your firm did not activate the CRM module. If your firm did activate the CRM module, go to the Opportunity area in the Business Development workspace to change an opportunity name.

Last modification information

If your firm did not activate the CRM module, these fields, located just below the opportunity name, display the date the opportunity information or plan structure was last changed and the name of the person or process that made the changes.

If your firm did activate the CRM module, these fields display last modification information for the opportunity information, whether that modification occurred in the Resource Planning workspace or the Business Development workspace, and a separate set of last modification information for the plan structure.

Status This field displays the opportunity status: Active or Inactive.
+ Create Plan Structure After you add an opportunity but before you have set up a plan structure for it, this link displays. Click this link to begin creating the plan structure.
Copy Structure from Another Plan After you add an opportunity but before you have set up a plan structure for it, this link displays. Click this link to begin creating the plan structure by copying the plan structure set up for another opportunity or for a project. When the Copy Plan Structure dialog box displays, select the opportunity or project from which you want to copy the structure. When you click Copy, the levels and level elements from the copied structure display under Plan Structure.
Edit Plan Structure For a saved plan structure, click this link to change the names of structure elements, add elements to a level, move elements from one level to another, change the order of elements, or delete elements.
INCLUDE PLAN IN UTILIZATION CALCULATIONS Deltek CRM calculates an employee's utilization percentage as follows: Planned hours for billable projects for the forecast range / Available hours for the forecast range. If you select this check box for an opportunity, the opportunity is treated as a billable project for purposes of calculating utilization hours and utilization percentages for employees who are assigned to it. This option applies to the entire plan structure for the opportunity.
Plan Structure Use the Plan Structure grid to define the levels of the opportunity plan structure and the structure elements at each level.
Field Description
Save Plan Structure To save a new plan structure or changes you make to an existing plan structure, click this option.

The first time you save a new plan structure, Deltek CRM creates the plan for the opportunity, and you can then begin making resource assignments for it in either Project View or Resource View.

Cancel To discard the unsaved changes you make to an opportunity plan structure, click this option.

This column displays the names of the elements in the opportunity plan structure. Indentation is used to indicate that a group of elements is at a lower level of the structure. You can expand and collapse the levels to view the structure elements at any level. For elements with resource assignments, displays next to the element name.

When you add an element to the plan structure, enter the element name in this field. You can also edit element names for existing elements.

If your firm did not activate the CRM module, you can change the name of the top-level element, and that also changes the opportunity name. If your firm did activate the CRM module, you cannot change the name of the top-level element in the Resource Planning workspace. Display the opportunity in the Business Development workspace and change the name there. One way to quickly open the opportunity in the Business Development workspace is to click the name in this field to display a tooltip containing information about the opportunity, and click Open in Business Development at the bottom of the tooltip.


This column displays the project manager assigned to the opportunity.

To change the project manager, type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters, or click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you enter a project manager for an element that has lower-level elements below it in the structure, you can choose to assign that project manager to all of those lower-level elements also.


This column displays the organization to which the opportunity is assigned.

To change the organization, type one or more characters from the organization name to select from a list of organizations with names that contain those characters, or click to select from the full list of organizations.

When you enter an organization for an element that has lower-level elements below it in the structure, you can choose to assign those lower-level elements to that organization also.

To add a new level element below an existing structure element, hover over the element row, click this icon, and enter the element name in the newly added row.

To move a level element to the next higher level in the structure, hover over the element row and click .

To move a level element to the next lower level in the structure, hover over the element row and click . You can have up to 15 levels in a plan structure.

When you move an element that has lower-level elements below it, those elements move also.

The top level is always the opportunity. You cannot move other elements up to the top level.

Resources can only be assigned to lowest-level structure elements. Because of that, if an element has assigned resources, you cannot move another element under it in the structure. You also cannot move an element with assigned resources to a higher level if the result is that the element is no longer at the lowest level of a branch of the structure.

To move a level element up in the list of elements for that level, hover over the element row and click .

To move a level element down in the list of elements for that level, hover over the element row and click .

When you move an element that has lower-level elements below it, those elements move also.

Resources can only be assigned to lowest-level structure elements. Because of that, you cannot move an element with assigned resources up or down if the result is that the element is no longer at the lowest level of a branch of the structure.

To delete a level element and any lower-level elements below it in the structure, hover over the element row and click this icon.

You cannot delete an element if it has assigned resources. Delete the resource assignments first and then delete the element from the plan structure.