Group Search Dialog Box Advanced Search

The Advanced search of the Groups Search dialog box allows you to select comparative operators to further narrow down the number of displayed records. You can save the Advanced search criteria for future use.

Two grids display when you select Advanced.

There are two ways to find users in Deltek PM Compass. You can search by individual users using the User Search dialog box or by group of users using this dialog box. The search dialog box for users or group of users, however, varies depending on whether available records consist only of PM Compass users or a larger pool that also includes anyone set up in Deltek EPM Security Administrator.

For more information on search types and options, see Search Overview.

Display Type

This field displays Advanced. You can also select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

The SQL Where Clause display type, however, is only available for users who are members of the SYSADMIN group.

In addition, modifying the display type changes the interface of this dialog box.


After changing the information on the dialog box, you must click this button to populate the list box of results. The records that PM Compass displays in a grid depend on the search filters that you define. The columns in the grid vary, depending on the display type that you select.


This field is optional. It allows you to enter the name of a saved search, or it displays your selection after clicking and then selecting a saved search.  


Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box, which allows you to save your search and give it a name.

 Search Criteria

This grid contains the following toolbar and columns:

Grid Toolbar




Click this button to add a filter or criteria line to the grid. The added line displays below the current line, where the control prompt (triangle symbol) displays. Inserting the line rearranges the order of the advanced search.

If the grid is empty, only the Insert button is enabled on the grid toolbar.


Select a criteria line and then click this button to add a new line to the grid. The new line contains exactly the same data as and displays below the original line.

Move Up

Select a criteria line and then click this button to move the line up in the grid. If the selected line is already at the top of the grid, clicking this button does not change anything.

Move Down

Select a criteria line and then click this button to move the line down in the grid. If the selected line is already at the bottom of the grid, clicking this button does not change anything.


Select a criteria line and then click this button to remove the line from the grid.

Grid Columns



Parenthesis ()

Parenthesis control the order in which the advanced criteria lines are executed. The opening parenthesis displays at the beginning of each advanced grid criteria line and the closing parenthesis before the Condition (Cond) column at the far right column of the advanced grid criteria line.

For Projects, both columns for the opening and closing parentheses are empty.

Search Field

This column displays the Search by value of the Standard display type. Select a field from the drop-down list, which contains all available fields in the Project table.

It contains the following options:

  •   Delegate

  •   Department

  •   Email

  •   Failed Login

  •   First Name

  •   Last Name

  •   Manager

  •   User ID

When creating an advanced search, this column contains a list of fields available to build a filter. The list of fields include special calculated fields but not include UIDs or internal values.

  • If you select a date field, you could pick a date by clicking the calendar icon at the right of a particular cell in the Search List column.  

  • If you select a role field, you could use a lookup to search for it based on the search text for existing names in that role.

  • If you select a currency field, you could enter an amount in the corresponding cell of the Search List column.

  • If you enter non-amount value, you could use a lookup as well as enter search text to find records to select from the search list.

  • If there is a user field in the Search Field drop-down list, two related fields display. The first listing contains the field name (like Control account manager); the second listing contains the field name with "name" as part of the listing (like Control account manager name.)

    • If Search Field contains the first value (without "name") the search occurs in the User ID field.

    • If Search Field contains the second value (with "name"), the search occurs in the first name/last name field.

This field has the Quick Find functionality. After you enter a character, the Quick Find feature performs a type-ahead search, and locates the record that best matches the characters that you have entered. You can specify either a single character, such as the letter "a", or a string of characters, such as "ab".


This column displays an operator applicable to the Search Field value. If you select checked, the Search List column becomes disabled. Not all of these operators, however, are available if you select Failed login in the Search By field.

For more information, see Advanced Search Operators.

Search List

This column is empty by default. You can also select a value that you want to compare to the value specified in the Search Field column. Alternatively, you can enter a value manually. The displayed values depends on the value that you select in the Search Field column.


This column displays And by default. You can also select OR.

PM Compass remembers the last search filters that you use such that when you display this search dialog box again with display type set to Advanced, the default values are replaced by the previous search criteria.

Display Search Text

Select this check box to display the coded search (text string) currently in the Search Criteria grid. It displays the coded search on a box below the grid.

If you do not select this check box, the box below the Search Criteria grid is initially empty. Clicking Search displays the search results in a grid, replacing the empty box.

The columns in the search results grid vary, depending on the search type that you select. For examples, searching for users displays the First Name, User Name, and User ID columns, and searching for projects displays the Project and Description columns.

Search Results

This grid displays the search results after you define your filter criteria and then click Search. The column headings of this grid vary depending on the field that you select from the Search By drop-down list.

Total Rows

This field displays the total number of records that are available in the result set of the search.


Click this button to delete all records in the grid. To view the records again, click Search or close the search dialog box and then reopen it.


Select a record from the grid and click this button to display the corresponding data. You can select multiple records by pressing either the CTRL key or the SHIFT key and then clicking the selected entries. The search dialog box displays the first record that best matches the criteria, following the numerical-alphabetical order for all records.

This button is disabled until you click a record in the grid.  


Click this button to exit the dialog box.


Click this button to display the help topic of the search dialog box. Clicking this button, however, displays the Standard display type by default.

What do you want to do?

Perform an advanced search

View location

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