Workflows provide you with a way to assign actions to one or more users as part of a process to complete a given task. For example, giving someone an action to complete or routing a form through an approval process. The Control Account Manager (CAM) and other personas use this feature to create and assign tasks to themselves and others. You can also use workflows to manage changes to data that is in the cost and scheduling systems where those changes may involve multiple process steps each of which may require approval.
PM Compass workflows are organized under categories and types. There are three categories that support specific processes:
Change Management
Explain Variance
Work Authorization
For example, the Change Management category supports all of the processes needed for Change Management. Similarly, the Explain Variance category supports the processes of auto generating workflows based on the defined variance thresholds.
You can rename these specialized categories in List Tables, but you cannot create a new category and assume the change management process will work for workflows in that category. For example, change numbers are only created when the workflow is in the Change Management category.
You can create a new category for a general workflow such as an action workflow that does not perform specialized processes.
Workflow types are comprised of forms and steps which are intended to be customized to each organization's needs. PM Compass includes several default workflow types. You can create your own workflow types within the standard categories using Workflow Type Configuration. You can also customize the workflow form using the Form Designer.
The workflows display in two formats:
When you access Workflows, the List View displays workflows and user assignments in the right pane of this view. You can use it to perform the following tasks:
View and complete workflows that are assigned to you
Complete step actions for multiple workflows that are assigned to you
Click the Form View button on the toolbar to display the form for the selected workflow. The form that displays depends on the workflow type selected.
All workflow categories in PM Compass share common grid columns and toolbars.
There are two toolbars:
List View toolbar — Use this toolbar for tasks such as creating a new workflow or selecting a step action.
Form View toolbar — Use this toolbar for tasks such as starting a step or deleting a workflow.
Use Workflow Type Configuration to perform such tasks as:
Copy and rename a workflow type that you want to use
Edit workflow steps
Specify the tabs that display on the workflow form
Set up scheduling
Set access control
Access Workflow Type Configuration by clicking Administration » Workflow Type Configuration on the Navigation menu.
PM Compass provides special filters to enable you to quickly view:
Your assigned workflows
Workflows you have created
All workflows to which you have access
In addition, you can use the toolbar Search feature to filter based on other criteria. See Filter the List View for more information.
Workflow types are comprised of forms and steps, which are intended to be customized to each organization's needs. You can remove the default workflow types from the menu or deny access to them.
See Delete a Workflow Type and Define Access Permissions for a Workflow Type for more information.
Workflow Category |
Description |
Change Management |
You can use Change management change requests to document proposed changes, including the impact and justification of the changes. These change requests also provide access to the Change Details view where changes can be made to the schedule and cost data and where reviewers and approvers can see the detailed schedule and cost changes. Change Management includes the following default change request types:
See the Change Management Process for a detailed description of each step in the change request process. |
Contractual Nonconformity |
Use the Corrective Action Request (CAR) when a contractor’s systems or processes do not adhere to one (or more) of the 32 guidelines discussed in the standard for earned value management systems. PM Compass provides a repository for the CAR using a customizable workflow that identifies which guidelines have not been met as well as providing a method for tracking the actions to correct the nonconformity. Actions on CAR workflows address nonconformities, assign them to people, and track the progress of the workflows. Contractual Nonconformity includes the following default workflow types:
See the Contractual Nonconformity Overview for more information. |
Explain Variance |
Minimize schedule delays and cost overruns on projects by early detection and corrective action. Set thresholds (or tolerances) for acceptable cost and schedule variances in the cost system; for example, on the WBS. When the cost or schedule variance exceeds the threshold, the variance is color-coded and documented in the Explanation of Variance workflow. Explain Variance includes the following default workflow types:
See the Explain Variance Overview for more information. |
Risk Workflow |
Use this workflow to document potential risks to a project. These risks are included in multiple management reports so that all team members can focus on reducing the likelihood of the risk event. Risk workflows includes the following default workflow types:
See the Risk Workflows Overview for more information. |
To-Do (Action Items) |
Use an action item to tell someone they have been assigned something to do. You can create new workflows, assign them to someone, and track the progress. To-Do includes the following default workflow types:
See the To-Do Overview for more information. |
Work Authorization |
Use Work Authorization to gain approval for the expenditure of effort and budget for the associated control account. It confirms the control account budget and scope of work required to meet the projects objectives and goals. Work Authorization includes the following default workflow types:
See the Work Authorization Overview for more information. |
If you have some projects not connected to a schedule, or you want to edit cost data without editing activities, you need a special workflow type that doesn’t allow you to change the schedule from PM Compass. See Create a Workflow Type for Non-Schedule Changes for more information.
Use Progress to progress schedule or cost data and approve the information before updating the schedule or cost system. Scheduled alerts and workflow facilitate the process by notifying users when they need to update or approve progress.
Progress does not appear in the All Workflows navigation menu, nor can you ever see it in the All Workflows area.
For more information about Progress, see Progress Overview.
Rules for editing Change Details data
Concepts for change management
Selecting the correct workflow table
View the workflows assigned to you
View the workflows you created or that are associated with your control accounts
View field descriptions and formulas
Customize the workflow form using Form Designer
View the steps of a workflow type
Modify the steps of a workflow type
Create a new workflow category
Provide access so the correct users can view or create workflows