Change management and cost progressing in PM Compass require specific data configurations. To help you set up your Cobra cost sets and classes, and schedule integration file correctly, the PM Compass installation includes a template Cobra project (PM Compass Template.cmp) and an Integration Wizard Configuration file (PM Compass Template.icd).
You can copy the template classes and cost sets to other Cobra projects to ensure that you have the correct settings and configure PM Compass with the correct classes and cost sets.
The template backup files are located in the PM Compass\Templates folder.
This topic includes information about:
Restoring a template Cobra project with correct classes, cost sets, and also restoring a correctly configured Integration Wizard Configuration (IWC) file.
Copying the template classes and cost sets to other Cobra projects to ensure that you have the correct settings.
Configuring PM Compass with the correct classes and cost sets.
In order to use the template project and IWC file, you first have to restore them.
To restore the template project, complete the following steps:
In Cobra version 8.x, click
File » Manage » Restore.
In the lower right corner, select Project Backup (*.cmp) as the file type to restore.
Navigate to <your server>\PM Compass\Templates.
Select PM Compass Template.cmp.
Click Restore.
To restore the integration configuration, complete the following steps:
In Cobra version 8.x, click
File » Manage » Restore.
In the lower right corner, select Integration Configuration Definition Backup (*.icd) as the file type to restore.
Navigate to <your server>\PM Compass\Templates.
Select PM Compass Template.icd.
Click Restore.
PM Compass supports editing a time phased ETC in the Enter Progress module when you indicate that the PM Compass project is configured to update the cost system (Progress Tab of the Projects Form » Source System to Update).
Before configuring PM Compass to support this option, you must have a cost set in your Cobra project that is correctly configured:
The cost set only contains one class.
The class is a forecast class.
The forecast type is M (retain ETC).
The forecast class level = work package.
The class is not in the EAC cost set or the ETC cost set.
A simple way to add this class and cost set to all of your Cobra project is to restore the template Cobra project and copy the cost set to all of your Cobra projects. The steps below show you how to copy the CAMs EAC class to all projects, but you can use these steps to copy any class from the template project to your other Cobra projects.
To copy the CAMs EAC class and cost set to all projects, complete the following steps:
After restoring the template data (see steps at the top of this help page), in Cobra, display the Project Properties dialog box for the PM Compass Template project.
On the Classes tab, click Copy Classes....
On the Copy Classes dialog box, in the left box, select CAMs EAC.
In the right box, select all projects.
Click Copy to copy the CAMs EAC class to all projects.
Select the Cost Set tab and click Copy Cost Sets....
On the Copy Cost Sets dialog box, in the left box, select CAMs EAC.
In the right box, select all projects.
Click Copy to copy the CAMs EAC cost set to all projects.
The next step is to configure the PM Compass project to use this cost set for editing ETC.
To set the cost set for editing ETC, complete one of the following sets of steps:
If you set the progress options at the system level:
In PM Compass, navigate to Administrations » System Settings.
On the System Settings Progress tab, in the Options When Entering Cost or Schedule Progress group box, select Allow Editing a Forecast.
Navigate to Projects » Projects, select the project, and click Form View.
On the Projects Progress tab, in the Cost Set field, select the CAMs EAC cost set (or whatever cost set you copied from the template project).
Click Save.
If you set the progress options at the project level:
In PM Compass, navigate to Projects » Projects, select the project, and click Form View.
On the Progress tab, in the Options When Entering Cost or Schedule Progress group box, select Allow Editing a Forecast.
In the Cost Set field, select the CAMs EAC cost set (or whatever cost set you copied from the template project).
Click Save.
Change management requires special classes to store change requests. If the classes do not exist, PM Compass automatically copies the classes to your project.
When PM Compass is installed into a new database, the change management workflow types are already configured to use the template project. After you restore the template project, you can use it to copy the correct class information to the projects that you will be using in PM Compass. If you view the Change Details on Form tab (Administration » Workflow Type Configuration), you can see that the template project (PM Compass Template) is selected to be used for class settings in the Change Management workflow types (in the Select Template Project used for Class Settings field).
If you installed PM Compass into an existing Cobra database, you can restore the template data into Cobra from the PM Compass\Templates folder. For steps, see Restore the Backup Files section at the top of this help topic. If you already have a template project, you can use the Copy Class option in Cobra to copy the classes from the PM Compass Template project to your template project. For steps, see Edit the ETC in Cost Progressing in this help topic.
During the change process, changes are applied to the schedule and then schedule integration is called to load the changes into Cobra. In this step, a Schedule Integration Configuration file is used to identify the linking fields, code assignments, EVT, and so on. The Schedule Integration Configuration file to be used is identified in Workflow Type Configuration on the Change Details on Form tab.
Before creating a change request, you should review the template Integration Configuration file in Cobra to ensure the linking fields, code assignments, EVT, and so on in the template match your project setup.
To review an Integration Configuration File, complete the following steps:
After restoring the template data (see steps at the top of this help page), in Cobra 8.x, select the Integration ribbon.
In the Import menu group, click Open Plan.
On the Integration Wizard page, click Open an existing configuration.
Click the Ellipses and select PM Compass Template from the list.
Click Next two times.
On the Project Selection page, select your Cobra and schedule projects and click Next.
On the Date Selection page, select a baseline in your schedule project and click Next.
On the Schedule Mapping page, select the correct linking fields and code assignments and click Next.
On the Progress page, specify how the EVT should be determined and click Next.
On the Resource Assignment page, do not make any changes unless you are creating a forecast change request that will update the schedule. For more information, see step 9 on the Cobra Integration Wizard Configuration File Settings.
Click Next until you see the Save and Load page.
On the Save and Load page, uncheck Load Now and select the option to Save your configuration and click Next.
Click Finish.
If you chose to use a different name for your configuration file in step 12, you must update the workflow type in PM Compass to use the new configuration name.
To update the workflow type, complete the following steps:
In PM Compass, navigate to Administration » Workflow Type Configuration.
Select the change management workflow type.
On the Change Details on Form tab, in the Schedule Integration Configuration field, select your configuration file.
Click Save.