Set Up Kettle Properties

This section describes the steps you need to follow to set up Kettle Properties.

The ETL for Business Performance Management Analysis utilizes the file to provide default values to variables used when running Jobs and/or Transformations. This section will describe the parameters that need to be added and the values they should contain.

The file is located at the following directories by default:

  • For Windows: C:\Users\<username>\.kettle\
  • For Unix/Linux: .kettle folder is placed in the $HOME folder

If multiple users are to share the properties, we recommend you create a copy of the file to another commonly accessible folder. Create a new system environment variable KETTLE_HOME and assign the path of the file to that variable. After this is done and a Pentaho application is run, the folder .kettle is created automatically in the path designated by KETTLE_HOME. Make sure to copy the file down into that folder.

To set up, you must:

  • Set up parameters for BPM
  • Test the value is set correctly

Set Up Parameters for BPM

To set up parameters for BPM, follow these steps:

  1. Open in any text editor.
  2. Remove all contents of the, if it is automatically generated. The evaluation installer includes pre-defined log schema in the file which conflicts with the logging configuration of the ETL provided by Deltek.
  3. If the Maconomy database runs Oracle, add the parameter:


    If the Maconomy database runs MS SQL Server, add the parameter:


  4. If the Data Warehouse runs Oracle, add the parameters:


    Note: The parameter "DWH_DEFAULT_SCHEMA=" has no value after the equal sign.

    If the Data Warehouse runs MS SQL Server, add the parameters and values:


  5. Add the parameter stating whether to run a full load or an incremental load.


The FULL_LOAD parameter is not used in the pure standard flows of creating a data warehouse or performing a full or incremental load. These Pentaho jobs set the parameter themselves. But if other jobs are run the parameter may be read.

Note: Pentaho tools read these variables when starting. Whenever a Pentaho tool is open at the moment of resetting the variables, you must restart the tool to use new variable settings.

Test the Value is Set Correctly

To test that the value has been set correctly, run the Test FULL_LOAD variable transformation. The job is part of the BPM Analysis ETL and will be available after you have installed that in the Install the ETL section.