Set Up BPM Reporting Dashboard

This section describes the steps you need to follow to set up the BPM reporting dashboard.

This setup is required for BPM Reporting Dashboard Components only.

BPM Dashboard Components allows you to view different dashboard components in a window tab.

To properly view the Company Performance, Customer Performance, and Job Performance workspaces in the Workspace Client, copy the BPMDashboards.war file from the download server to the local machine.

To copy and prepare the Dashboard Component iFrames, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the BPMDashboards.war file from the download server and place in an appropriate location on the local machine.
  2. Navigate to C:\Business Objects\Tomcat7\conf and update tomcat-users.xml
  3. Insert the following lines between the above </tomcat-users> end tag. This creates the user admin that has the role for manager-gui:
    • <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    • <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manage-gui"/>
  4. Navigate to the http://<servername>:8080/ Tomcat interface.
  5. Click on the manager webapp link and use the credentials that you created for admin.
  6. In the Deploy directory or WAR file located on the server section, deploy the BPMDashboards.war and complete the following:
    • Context Path (required) - (Starts with a backslash (/) and is concatenated with the war file name, for example, /BPMDashboards).
    • WAR or Directory URL - (Complete URL of the WAR file to be deployed, including the name of the war file, for example, C:\temp\BPMDashboards.war).
  7. Click Deploy.
  8. Once the webapp is deployed, check whether the web app is started. If not, start the web app.