The Weekly Summary Report shows the hours posted by each employee in a particular group for each day in a week. For each day, the report shows the hours posted for each Pay Code and the total hours posted for the day. The report also shows the weekly total for each Pay Code and the total weekly hours.
Along with each employee’s daily and weekly totals, the report shows the daily and weekly hours posted by all the employees in the group and in the report.
The Weekly Summary Report will also include Auxiliary (Bonus) hours. These hours will be shown with the Pay Designator specified in the Auxiliary Hours Rule that calculated the hours.
See Also:
Parameters in the Weekly Summary Report
Data in the Weekly Summary Report
To run the Weekly Summary Report:
Navigate to Main Menu > Reporting > Reports.
Find the Weekly Summary Report. If the report is not visible, make sure it is enabled in your Security Role.
Click Select Report or double-click the report name.
Enter the report parameters.
Click Run Report or Run and Save Report.
The report data appears on the screen.
See Reports for more information on running reports.
Start Date
Enter or select the start date of the week you want to view. This is a required field. The default date is the current date.
Schedule Name
Select an option from this field if you only want the report to include employees who are assigned to a specific Schedule Cycle.
Premium Pay Only
Check this box if you only want to display the following:
Hours that have a Premium Coefficient greater than 1. Typically, these hours classifications include Overtime (Time and a Half) and Double Time. Premium Coefficients can be viewed in the person's Hours Class Group Detail. The coefficient is the multiplier of the base pay rate. For example, a 1.5 coefficient means the hour is paid at time and a half and a 2.0 coefficient means the hour is paid at double time. A person's base rate is defined in the Pay Class form and assigned to the person via the Pay Scale tab of the Employee form.
Select a facility record if you only want the report to include employees who are members of a specific facility (Person Group of type FACILITY).
Person Num
Leave this field blank if you want to run the report for all your employees.
To run the report for a
single employee, enter the employee number in the Person Num field. You
can also lookup an employee number by clicking the quick link
button to display the Employee form. In the Employee form, you can
use the Supervision Type Filter
to find a specific employee. Once you have selected the Person for whom
you want to run the report, click OK
in the Person form.
Supervision Type
If you left the Employee/Person Number field blank, you can still narrow down the person records by supervisory type from the Supervision Type drop-down menu.
Include Direct
When this box is checked, person records that report directly to the logged in Supervisor via Employee Group type DIRECT_MANAGER are included in the results.
Start Date: Date range entered into the Report Parameters when the report was generated. The report will include hours posted on the Start Date and for the seven days that follow.
Print Date: Date and time the report was generated.
Facility: Displays the name of the Facility of which the employee is a member.
Org. Group: Hierarchy Name to which the person belongs. Displays only if the employee is member of a Hierarchy Element.
Reporting Group: Element in the Hierarchy of which the person is a member.
Schedule Name: Schedule Cycle to which the person is assigned.
Person Number, Person Name: Identifies the employee whose hours classifications are shown in this report.
Pay Code: The Pay Code associated with the Hours Classification is shown in a separate row in the report. Note that the Weekly Summary Report will also include Auxiliary (Bonus) hours. These hours will be shown with the Pay Designator specified in the Auxiliary Hours Rule that calculated the hours.
Sub Employee Total: There is a column for each day in the week and each column lists the number of hours posted on that particular day. The hours amount are shown for each Pay Code, with the total number of hours for the day at the bottom.
Total: The Total column shows the total weekly hours for each Pay Code and for the entire week.
Reporting Group Total: Total daily and weekly hours for all the employees in the Reporting Group.
Grand Total: Total daily and weekly hours for all the employees in the report.
The hours amounts and totals shown in this report will always display in decimal format, regardless of the Duration Format setting in the Preferences form.