
SAP Interface

This section explains how the Shop Floor Time import and export forms and services can be used to import and export data with SAP using IDOCs.

Shop Floor Time uses the SAP Listener to receive IDOCs from SAP. When you enable and configure the SAP Listener, a connection between SAP and Shop Floor Time is created. When SAP sends an IDOC to Shop Floor Time, the SAP Listener places the IDOC data on the Interface In Queue form (interface_in_queue table).

The IN_SAP service converts the IDOC data that is in the Interface In Queue to a format that Shop Floor Time can read. It then places this data on the In XML Queue form (interface_in_xml_queue table).

Finally, the IN_SAP service imports the data from the In XML Queue to the appropriate Shop Floor Time table. To do so, the IN_SAP service uses its SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_GROUP parameters to look up a record in the Distribution Model that will indicate the Import Name to use.

To look up the record in the Distribution Model, the IN_SAP service first checks to see if the Interface In Queue record has a Transaction Name Alias. If the record does have a Transaction Name Alias, the IN_SAP service will use this alias to look up the record in the Distribution Model. If the record does not have a Transaction Name Alias, or if the record’s Transaction Name Alias does not match any records in the Distribution Model, the service will look up the record based on the Transaction Name.

Once the IN_SAP service finds the correct Distribution Model record, the service will know which Import Name to use. The Import Name, defined on the Import Definition form, defines the source data that will be imported.

To export data from Shop Floor Time to SAP, the OUT_SAP service uses its SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_GROUP parameters to look up a record in the Distribution Model that will indicate the Export Definition to use. The Export Definition has a PROCESS_NAME Export Parameter. The OUT_SAP service will select transactions that have this process name. The OUT_SAP service uses the Export Definition to select data from these transactions to export.

The OUT_SAP service places this data on the Out XML Queue form (interface_out_xml_queue table). It then converts the Out XML Queue data into an IDOC format, and places the data on the Interface Out Queue form (interface_out_queue table). Finally, it takes the SAP records that have a Ready status on the Interface Out Queue form and sends them to SAP as IDOCs.

See Also:

Application Server Configuration

Configure the Interface Hosts

Enable the SAP Listener

Test the Interface Host Connections to SAP

Configure the Import Definitions for SAP

Configure the Export Rules for SAP HR Exports

Configure the Export Definitions for SAP

Configure the Process Policy

Configure the Distribution Model

Configure the Service Instances

Shop Floor Time Configuration Requirements for HRMD_A Download

Supported IDOCs

Importing Custom IDOCs


Application Server Configuration

This configuration is also explained in your Shop Floor Time Installation guide, and was most likely completed as part of your Shop Floor Time installation.

To allow Shop Floor Time to communicate with SAP, you need to obtain the following library files from SAP:

You will need to deploy these files in your application server. The steps for deploying these files will depend on the type of application server you have - JBoss/Wildfly or WebLogic.

Shut down the application server before you start this configuration.



  1. Copy the sapjco3.dll file (for Windows) or file (for Linux) into a folder called native in a location of your choice. This path will be referenced in a java parameter in a standalone.conf file in a later step.

  2. Copy the sapidoc3.jar and sapjco3.jar files to the following location:


    You may need to create these folders if they do not already exist. Note that JBOSS_HOME is the folder where JBoss or Wildfly is installed.

  3. Create an XML file called module.xml and place it in the above location with the sapidoc3.jar and sapjco3.jar files.

    The module.xml file will have the following text:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="">
    <resource-root path="sapjco3.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="sapidoc3.jar"/>
            <system export="true">
                    <path name="javax/crypto"/>

  4. Add this module as a global module to the standalone.xml file. The standalone.xml file is in the JBOSS_HOME\standalone\configuration folder.

    In the standalone.xml file, look for the subsystem urn:jboss:domain:ee.

    Add the following lines under that subsystem:

           <module name="" />

  5. Set the java library path for the sapjco3.dll or file you copied to the native folder in step 1.

    Windows: Add the java library path to the beginning of the Path environment variable. For example, if the sapjco3.dll file is in C:\ShopFloorTime\native, you will add this directory location to the beginning of the Path environment variable.

    Linux: Add the native folder from step 1 to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Linux. You can set this path using bash or shell commands. You can also edit the standalone.conf file, located in the JBOSS_HOME/bin folder. For example, if the file is in /home/ShopFloorTime/native, you will enter the following in the standalone.conf file:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ShopFloorTime/native:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  6. Define a port in your Windows or Linux operating system for the SAP Listener and the SAP client.

    If your application server is on the Windows operating system, you need to edit the services file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

    If your application server is on the Linux operating system, you need to edit the services file located in the /etc folder.

    Add a line such as the following to open the port for a TCP connection:

    sapgw00          3300/tcp

    The port name and port number that you enter (sapgw00 and 3300 in the above example) will depend on how your SAP client is configured in SAP.

  7. When you are done, restart the JBoss/Wildfly application server.



  1. Copy the sapjco3.dll file (for Windows) or file (for Linux) into a folder called native in a location of your choice. This path will be referenced in a java parameter in a setDomainEnv file in a later step.

  2. Copy the sapidoc3.jar and sapjco3.jar files to the following location. Note that ORACLE_HOME is the folder where WebLogic is installed.


  3. Set the java library path for the sapjco3.dll or file you copied to the native folder in step 1.

    Windows: Add the java library path to the beginning of the Path environment variable. For example, if the sapjco3.dll file is in C:\ShopFloorTime\native, you will add this directory location to the beginning of the Path environment variable.

    Linux: In the file, set the java library path for the file. For example, if the file is in /home/ShopFloorTime/native, you will enter the following in the file:

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${JAVA_PROPERTIES} -Djava.library.path=/home/ShopFloorTime/native:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
    export JAVA_OPTIONS

  4. Define a port in your Windows or Linux operating system for the SAP Listener and the SAP client.

    If your application server is on the Windows operating system, you need to edit the services file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

    If your application server is on the Linux operating system, you need to edit the services file located in the /etc folder.

    Add a line such as the following to open the port for a TCP connection:

    sapgw00          3300/tcp

    The port name and port number that you enter (sapgw00 and 3300 in the above example) will depend on how your SAP client is configured in SAP.

  5. When you are done, restart the WebLogic application server.


Configure the Interface Hosts

Your SAP system needs to be defined on the Interface Host form (Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Interface Host). The Interface Host form is used to define the senders and receivers in the Distribution Model. The IN_SAP and OUT_SAP services use the Distribution Model form to look up the Import and Export Definitions for importing and exporting data to SAP. The Interface Host is also used to define the Sender in your SAP Process Policy, and the sender configured for the SAP Listener.

You will need to create four Interface Host records – two records for your SAP system and two records for the Shop Floor Time system that you defined in SAP.


Create the Sender and Receiver for the Shop Floor Time System

  1. Click Add on the Interface Host form and add the following record:

    Host Name = Logical name for your Shop Floor Time system that you defined in SAP.

    Host Type = Receiver

  2. Click Save and Add.

  3. Change the Host Type to Sender and click Save.

    You should now have two Interface Host records for your Shop Floor Time system as it is defined in SAP – one a Sender and the other a Receiver.


Create the Sender and Receiver for the SAP System

  1. Click Add on the Interface Host form and add the following record:

    Host Name = Enter a name for the SAP server

    Host Type = Receiver

    Connection Type = SAP

    Login Name, Password = CPIC user name and password defined in the SAP system

    Host System Name = Computer Name of the SAP server

  2. Click Save and Add.

  3. Change the Host Type to Sender and click Save.

    You should now have two Interface Host records for your SAP system – one a Sender and the other a Receiver.

  4. Select the record with the Host Type Receiver. On the Host Param tab, add the following Parameter Names and Values:

    CLIENT_ID = SAP Client Number (JCO_CLIENT)

    GATEWAY_SERVER = Logical name for the SAP port


    PROGRAM_ID = Program ID value defined in SAP for the Shop Floor Time RFC destination.

  5. Select the record with the Host Type Sender. On the Host Param tab, add the following Parameter Names and Values:

    CLIENT_ID = SAP Client Number (JCO_CLIENT)



Enable the SAP Listener

Shop Floor Time uses the SAP Listener to receive IDOCs from SAP. If you will be importing IDOCs from SAP, you will need to enable the SAP Listener.

When you enable and configure the SAP Listener, a connection between SAP and Shop Floor Time is created. When SAP sends an IDOC to Shop Floor Time, the SAP Listener places the IDOC data in the Interface In Queue table. The IN_SAP service moves the IDOC data to the In XML Queue table and uses an Import Definition to determine which records to import to the appropriate Shop Floor Time table.

Enable the SAP Listener on the Servers tab of the Application form.

Select the Host Name of the server where you configured the SAP files.

On the Server Settings tab, change the settings explained below.

Set the enabled setting to TRUE for the SAP_LISTENER.

Use the sender_name1, sender_name2, sender_name3, and sender_name4 settings to define the SAP systems from which Shop Floor Time will receive IDOCs. You created an Interface Host record for the SAP system earlier. The available options for these settings are Senders defined on the Interface Host form.


Test the Interface Host Connections to SAP

Once you have defined your Interface Host records for the SAP system and configured the SAP Listener, you can test the connections.

Select each Interface Host record for the SAP System (Sender and Receiver) and click the Test Connection button. A message will display if you can successfully connect to the SAP system.


Configure the Import Definitions for SAP

The Import Definition form (Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition) is used to define the SAP source data that you are importing to Shop Floor Time.

Shop Floor Time comes with several pre-defined Import Definitions for SAP. It is recommended that you copy the system-defined Import Definitions and use the duplicate versions, which can be modified as necessary.

SAP_HRCC1DNCOSTC – Use this Import Definition to import Cost Centers from SAP HR.

SAP_HRCC1DNINORD – Use this Import Definition to import Internal Orders from SAP HR.

SAP_HRCC1DNWBSEL – Use this Import Definition to import WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Elements from SAP HR.

SAP_HRMD_A – Use this Import Definition to import the following personnel information from SAP HR:

Note that you must have shifts, schedule cycles, and other settings configured in Shop Floor Time prior to running this download; see above for more information.

SAP_OPERA2 – Use this Import Definition to import production planning order operations from SAP.

SAP_OPERA3 – Use this Import Definition to import plant maintenance order operations from SAP.

SAP_OPERA4 – Use this Import Definition to import project systems order operations from SAP.

SAP_WORKC2 - Use this Import Definition to import production planning work centers from SAP.

SAP_WORKC3 - Use this Import Definition to import plant maintenance work centers from SAP.

SAP_WORKC4 - Use this Import Definition to import project systems work centers from SAP.


How the Import Definition is used in the SAP Interface

The SAP Listener receives IDOCs from SAP and places the data on the Interface In Queue form (interface_in_queue table). The IN_SAP service converts the IDOC data that is in the Interface In Queue  to a format that Shop Floor Time can read. It then places this data on the In XML Queue form (interface_in_xml_queue table).

To import this data into the appropriate Shop Floor Time tables, the IN_SAP service uses its SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_GROUP parameters to look up a record in the Distribution Model that will indicate the Import Name to use. The Import Name, defined on the Import Definition form, defines the source data that will be imported. The IN_SAP service then imports the appropriate data from the In XML Queue to the appropriate Shop Floor Time tables.


Disable Quantity Updates in Charge Element Imports

If your import will include operations with quantities, the Disable Qty Updates setting can be used to prevent the quantity values in Shop Floor Time from being overwritten by the values you are importing.

This setting is added to the Operation context of your Import Definition using the Record Value Map tab. It affects only the Quantity Available, Quantity Complete, and Quantity Scrapped.

The steps below explain how to add the Disable Qty Updates setting to your Import Definition.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition, and select your charge element Import Definition.

  2. On the Destination Records tab, select the Operation Context Name.

  3. On the Record Value Map tab, click Add.

  4. For the Field Name, select Disable Qty Updates – FI_DISABLE_QTY_UPDATES.

  5. Set the Field Value Type to Static and in the Field Value box, enter Y. If you set this value to N, and the Operation being imported already exists in Shop Floor Time, the Operation’s quantities will be updated in Shop Floor Time.

  6. Click Save.


Using FreeMarker Expressions in the Import Definition

The SAP Import Definitions may use FreeMarker expressions to map the SAP data to the correct Shop Floor Time field. For example, the SAP_HRMD_A import uses FreeMarker expressions to set an employee’s Event Filtration Group based on their WERKS (personnel area) and PERSG (employee group) values in SAP.


Configure the Export Rules for SAP HR Exports

If you need to send payroll data to SAP HR, you will need to define the rules and rulesets for determining Wage Types and Attendance/Absence Types.

For example, the SAP_ATT_ABS01 export uses the SAP_WAGE_TYPE_RULESET to determine the ABS_ATT_TYPE to export to SAP.

Use the ExportRuleset context on the Calc Rule and Rulesets forms to define these rules. The SAP_WAGE_TYPE_RULESET (mentioned in the above example) is a system-defined Export Ruleset.

It is recommended that you copy/modify the system-defined rulesets before using them in your Export Definitions.


Configure the Export Definitions for SAP

The Export Definition form (Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition) is used to define the export records for data you are exporting to SAP.

To export data from Shop Floor Time to SAP, the OUT_SAP service uses its SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_GROUP parameters to look up a record in the Distribution Model that will indicate the Export Definition to use. The Export Definition has a PROCESS_NAME Export Parameter. The OUT_SAP service will select transactions that have this process name. The OUT_SAP service uses the Export Definition to select data from these transactions to export.

The service places this data in the interface_out_xml_queue table (Out XML Queue form). It then converts the Out XML Queue data into an IDOC format, and places the data on the Interface Out Queue form (interface_out_queue table). Finally, it takes the SAP records that have a Ready status on the Interface Out Queue form and sends them to SAP as IDOCs.

You can batch the transactions you are exporting so that the records in the export file will be separated into groups or batches based on the value of a particular field. To do so, select the Batch checkbox on the Export Record Field form. See Out XML Queue Export Batching for more information.

Shop Floor Time comes with several pre-defined Export Definitions for SAP. It is recommended that you copy the system-defined Export Definitions and use the duplicate versions, which can be modified as necessary.

SAP_ACC_ACT_ALLOC02 - Use this Export Definition to send the time charged against WBS elements and Internal Orders to SAP. The application includes two system-defined events for charging these types of labors: SAP_INTERNAL_ORDER and SAP_WBS_ELEMENT.

SAP_ATT_ABS01 – Use this Export Definition to send payroll data including attendance/absence types to SAP with no monetary amounts.

SAP_ATT_ABS_WITH_COST01 – You can also use this Export Definition to send payroll data including attendance/absence types to SAP with no monetary amounts (similar to SAP_ATT_ABS01). However, this Export Definition includes additional elements to export (Company Code, Business Area, Cost Center, etc.).

SAP_CONF21 – Use this Export Definition to send labor for Production Planning Orders/Operations to SAP. If you need to send negative hours for this type of labor to SAP, use the SAP_ZCAN21 Export Definition.

SAP_CONF32 – Use this Export Definition to send labor for Plant Maintenance Orders/Operations to SAP. If you need to send negative hours for this type of labor to SAP, use the SAP_ZCAN32 Export Definition.

SAP_CONF42 – Use this Export Definition to send labor for Project Systems Orders/Operations to SAP. If you need to send negative hours for this type of labor to SAP, use the SAP_ZCAN42 Export Definition.

SAP_REM_SPEC01 – Use this Export Definition to send payroll data including wage types to SAP along with the monetary value.

SAP_REM_SPEC_WITH_COST01 – You can also use this Export Definition to send payroll data including wage types to SAP along with the monetary value (similar to SAP_REM_SPEC01). However, this Export Definition includes additional elements to export (Company Code, Business Area, Cost Center, etc.).

SAP_ZCAN21 – Use this Export Definition to send adjusted (negative) hours of labor for Production Planning Orders/Operations to SAP. If you need to send positive hours for this type of labor to SAP, use the SAP_CONF21 Export Definition.

SAP_ZCAN32 – Use this Export Definition to send adjusted (negative) hours of labor for Plant Maintenance Orders/Operations to SAP. If you need to send positive hours for this type of labor to SAP, use the SAP_CONF32 Export Definition.

SAP_ZCAN42 –Use this Export Definition to send adjusted (negative) hours of labor for Project Systems Orders/Operations to SAP. If you need to send positive hours for this type of labor to SAP, use the SAP_CONF42 Export Definition.

SAP_ZERO_CONF21 - Use this Export Definition to send a zero order CONF21 IDOC to SAP to indicate when the first labor activity has started on an order or operation. This IDOC will have zero hours and zero quantity. It will be sent only once for each work order or operation when the first labor activity starts. See Send Zero Order Confirmation to SAP.


Configure the Process Policy

The Process Policy form (Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Process Policy) is used to assign export processes to your transactions.

Shop Floor Time comes with a predefined Process Policy for SAP. If you want to modify this policy, you will need to copy it and modify the duplicate version.

Make sure you assign your SAP Process Policy to the persons whose labor transactions will be exported to SAP.

Set the Charge Types in the Process Policy to the Charge Types to which employees can post events.

Use the Process and Event tabs in the Process Policy to define the Process Name and Sender Name that will be assigned to transactions.

The OUT_SAP service will look at a transaction's Process Name when determining whether to export the data to SAP.


Configure the Distribution Model

The IN_SAP and OUT_SAP services use the Distribution Model (Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model) to determine which Import or Export Definition to run. These services use their SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_GROUP parameters to look up the Import Name or Export Name in the Distribution Model.

You need to define the Sender Name, Receiver Name, and Import Name or Export Name for the SAP import or export you want to run.

The application comes with predefined Distribution Model records for importing and exporting SAP data. It is recommended that you copy these records and use the duplicate versions, which can be modified as necessary.


Configure the Service Instances

You need to configure the following service instances to import and export data with SAP using IDOCs.


After the SAP Listener receives an IDOC from SAP and places the data on the Interface In Queue form (interface_in_queue table), the IN_SAP service will convert this data into a format that Shop Floor Time can read and place it on the In XML Queue form (interface_in_xml_queue table). Next, the IN_SAP service will import the data into the appropriate Shop Floor Time table.

Shop Floor Time includes the pre-defined instances of the IN_SAP service listed below. Each instance corresponds to the type of record that is being imported. It is recommended that you copy the system-defined service instances and use the duplicate versions, which can be modified as necessary.


Make sure you set the SENDER_NAME parameter of the IN_SAP service to the name of the SAP system you defined on the Interface Host form.



The OUT_SAP service uses its SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_GROUP parameters to look up a record in the Distribution Model that will indicate the Export Definition to use. The Export Definition has a PROCESS_NAME Export Parameter. The OUT_SAP service will select transactions that have this process name. The OUT_SAP service uses the Export Definition to select data from these transactions to export.

The service places this data on the Out XML Queue form (interface_out_xml_queue table). It then converts the Out XML Queue data into an IDOC format, and places the data on the Interface Out Queue form (interface_out_queue table). Finally, it takes the SAP records that have a Ready status on the Interface Out Queue form and sends them to SAP as IDOCs.

Make sure you enable the OUT_SEND_RFC_SAP task of the OUT_SAP service so that the IDOCs will be sent to SAP.

Shop Floor Time includes the pre-defined instances of the OUT_SAP service listed below. Each instance corresponds to the type of record that is being exported. It is recommended that you copy the system-defined service instances and use the duplicate versions, which can be modified as necessary.



Shop Floor Time Configuration Requirements for HRMD_A Download

Before importing HR data from SAP (SAP_HRMD_A Import Definition), the following items must be configured in Shop Floor Time:


Supported IDOCs

Shop Floor Time to SAP:

ACC_ACT_ALLOC02 = Used to send the time charged against WBS elements and Internal Orders to SAP.

ATT_ABS01 = Used to send payroll data including attendance/absence types to SAP with no monetary amounts.

ATT_ABS01_WITH_COST01 = Similar to ATT_ABS01. Also used to send payroll data including attendance/absence types SAP with no monetary amounts. However, this IDOC contains additional elements (Company Code, Business Area, Cost Center, etc.).

CONF21 = Labor for the Production Planning Order/Operation, which originated from OPERA2 (see below).

CONF32 = Labor for the Plant Maintenance Order/Operation, which originated from OPERA3 (see below).

CONF42 = Labor for the Project Systems Order/Operation, which originated from OPERA4 (see below).

REM_SPEC01 = Used to send payroll data including wage types to SAP along with the monetary value.

REM_SPEC01_WITH_COST01 = Similar to REM_SPEC01. Also used to send payroll data including wage types to SAP along with the monetary value. However, this IDOC contains additional elements (Company Code, Business Area, Cost Center, etc.).

SAP to Shop Floor Time:

HRCC1DNCOSTC = Cost Centers. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type COST_CENTER.

HRCC1DNINORD = Internal Orders. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type INTERNAL_ORDER.

HRCC1DNWBSEL = WBS Elements. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type WBS_ELEMENT.

HRMD_A06 (with Message Type HRMD_A) = Human Resources data. Maps to Shop Floor Time’s Employee, Employee Assignment, Employee Group, and Hierarchy tables.

OPERA2 = Production Planning Order. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type ORDER.

OPERA3 = Plant Maintenance Order. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type MAINTENANCE_ORDER.

OPERA4 = Project Systems Order. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type PROJECT_ORDER.

WORKC2 = Production Planning Work Centers. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type ORDER_WORKCENTER

WORKC3 = Production Planning Work Centers. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type MAINTENANCE_ORDER_WORKCENTER.

WORKC4 = Project Systems Work Centers. Maps to Shop Floor Time Charge Type PROJECT_ORDER_WORKCENTER.


Importing Custom IDOCs

If the supported IDOCs listed above do not meet your business needs, you may need to import a custom IDOC into Shop Floor Time. The custom IDOC may have a custom segment name and additional custom fields. You will need to make some additional configuration changes to import a custom IDOC.

If your IDOC includes a custom segment name, the custom segment must be within the main segment name that is used to determine the record selector. For example: if the OPERA2 IDOC has the segment name E1OPER2 and a custom segment within it called Z1OPER1, you must use the structure shown below.





The Shop Floor Time-SAP Interface will not support a structure such as the one shown below.



