Service Schedule

The Service Schedule tab on the Service Instance form is used to configure and maintain schedules for existing services. A service instance may contain several service schedules. For example, you may want to run the same service instance daily and weekly, which would require you to configure two different service schedules for the instance. You must have a Service Instance before you can configure a schedule for it. To create a new service, see Add a Service Instance.

See Also:

Service Schedule Field Descriptions

Find a Service Schedule

Enable a Service Schedule

Add a Service Schedule

Copy a Service Schedule

Modify a Service Schedule

Delete a Service Schedule

Restart the Service Schedules (Restart All)


Service Schedule Field Descriptions

Instance Name

Identifies the service instance to which this schedule applies.


Description of the service schedule.

Schedule Type

Cron: The service instance has been scheduled via a cron expression. When you select Cron as your Schedule Type, you need to define the CRONn Expression (see below).

Simple: The service schedule has a repeat count value and a repeat duration value (instead of a cron expression).

For Daylight Saving Time, if you want your service to keep running at the same scheduled time, you should use a Cron schedule.


Indicates how often the schedule is set to repeat.

Indefinitely: The schedule will repeat indefinitely according to the Repeat Duration and Duration UOM.

Never: The schedule will not repeat.

Repeat: The schedule will repeat for the number of times specified in the Repeat Count field. The schedule will be based on the Repeat Duration and Duration UOM.

Repeat Count

If you select Repeat from the Repeat field, use the Repeat Count field to set the number of times the schedule will repeat itself. In the example below, the service is scheduled to run every hour, and this schedule will repeat 4 times.

Duration UOM

Unit of measure for the Repeat Duration. Select Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days.

Repeat Duration

Set the Repeat Duration if your Schedule Type is Simple and the Repeat field is set to Repeat or Indefinitely.

The Repeat Duration is the duration between each run of the service. The unit of measure for this duration is defined in the Duration UOM field.

For example, if Repeat Duration is set to 4 and Duration UOM is set to Seconds, the schedule will run every 4 seconds.

CRON Expression

If you select Cron as your Schedule Type, you need to enter the Cron Expression. The CRON Expression represents the service instance's schedule. The expression includes a value for Seconds, Minutes, Hours, day of Month, Month, and day of Week. Year is not mandatory. See cron expressions for more details.


When this box is checked, the service schedule is enabled.

Start Timestamp, End Timestamp

Time period when the schedule is active.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Service Schedule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Find and select the service instance record that contains the schedule you want to view.

  3. Click the Service Schedule tab in the lower half of the form. Any configured service schedules will appear on the form.


Enable a Schedule

The default service schedules are disabled by default. You must enable a service's schedule for it to run.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Select the service instance record that contains the schedule you want to enable.

  3. Click the Service Schedule tab in the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the schedule you want to enable and click Modify.

  5. On the Modify form, check the Enabled box.

  6. Click Save. The service schedule is now enabled and will run according to the schedule configuration and parameters.


Add a Service Schedule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Select the service instance to which you want to add a schedule.

  3. Click the Service Schedule tab in the lower half of the form.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Enter a Description for the schedule.

  6. Select Cron or Simple from the Schedule Type field.

    For Daylight Saving Time, if you want your service to keep running at the same scheduled time, you should use a Cron schedule.

    If you selected Cron, skip to step 10. If you selected Simple, continue below.

  7. Select a Repeat value of Indefinitely, Never, or Repeat.

  8. If you selected a Repeat value of Repeat, you must also enter a numeric Repeat Count value.

  9. If you selected a Repeat value of Repeat or Indefinitely, select a Duration UOM and a Repeat Duration.

    For example, if you select Days in the Duration UOM field, and enter the number "2" in the Repeat Duration field, the schedule will repeat every 2 days.

  10. If you selected Cron as the Schedule Type, enter a CRON Expression. The cron expression must include a value for seconds, minutes, hours, day of month, month, and day of week. The year is not mandatory.

  11. Check the Enabled box if you want to keep this schedule to run.

  12. In the Start Timestamp field, enter the start date and time that this record will become active.

  13. In the End Timestamp field, enter the end date and time that this record will become inactive.


Copy a Service Schedule

Use the Copy function when you want to create more than one schedule for a service instance and the values are similar.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Select the service instance for which you want to copy a schedule.

  3. Click the Service Schedule tab in the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the service schedule you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  5. Modify the duplicate schedule as necessary and click Save.


Modify a Service Schedule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Select the service instance for which you want to modify a schedule.

  3. Click the Service Schedule tab in the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the service schedule you want to change and click Modify.

  5. Modify the schedule as necessary and click Save.


Delete a Service Schedule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Select the service instance to which you want to delete a schedule.

  3. Click the Service Schedule tab in the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the service schedule you want to remove and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.