Pay Period Detail

The Pay Period Detail form is used to define the start and end dates of the periods in a Period Calendar. For example, you may want to add six months' worth of semi-monthly pay periods to one Period Calendar.

See Also:

Pay Period Detail Field Descriptions

Find a Pay Period Detail

Add a Pay Period Detail

Modify a Pay Period Detail

Delete a Pay Period Detail

Add Range


Pay Period Detail Field Descriptions

Start Date

Identifies the Start Date of the pay period.

End Date

Identifies the End Date of the pay period.

Period Number

Identifies the consecutive number of the pay period.

Update Date

Identifies when this record was created or update last

Updated By

Identifies who created or updated the record.


Find a Pay Period Detail

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Period Calendar.

  2. Find and select the Period Calendar record you want to view.

  3. Navigate to the Pay Period Detail section on the lower half of the form.

  4. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  5. In the Start Date filter field, enter the start date of this pay period detail record. Click the calendar button to select a date.

  6. In the End Date filter field, enter the end date of this pay period detail record. Click the calendar button to select a date.

  7. Click Find. The records that match your criteria will display.


Add a Pay Period Detail

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Period Calendar.

  2. Select the Calendar Name of the Period calendar to which you want to add a pay period record.

  3. Navigate to the Pay Period Detail tab and click Add.

  4. Enter the pay period's Start Date and End Date.

    If there is already a Pay Period Detail record for this calendar, the Start Date and End Date will display the next available dates.

    The Start Date you select must correspond with the Period1 Start or Period2 Start in the Period Calendar. Likewise, the End Date you select must correspond with the Period1 End or Period2 End in the Period Calendar.

  5. Select the Period Number for the pay period you are defining.

    If there is already a Pay Period Detail record for this calendar, the Period Number will automatically display the next chronological number for the period.

  6. Click Save.


Modify a Pay Period Detail

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Period Calendar.

  2. Select the Calendar Name of the period calendar with the detail record you want to modify.

  3. Navigate to the Pay Period Detail tab and select the record you want to modify.

  4. Click Modify on the Pay Period Detail tab.

  5. Modify the information in the applicable fields.

  6. Click Save.


Delete a Pay Period Detail

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Period Calendar.

  2. Select the Calendar Name of the period calendar with the detail record you want to delete.

  3. Navigate to the Pay Period Detail tab and select the record you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete on the Pay Period Detail tab.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.


Add Range

Use the Add Range button to add pay periods to the calendar for a specific date range. The periods will be created automatically based on this range. For example, if your range is from 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2015, and the calendar is Semi-Monthly, then a total of 24 pay periods will be created in this range.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Period Calendar.

  2. Select the Calendar Name of the Period calendar to which you want to add a range of pay periods.

  3. Navigate to the Pay Period Detail tab and click Add.

  4. In the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the date range for the pay periods (e.g., Start Date 01/01/2015 and End Date 12/31/2015).

  5. In the Period Number field, enter the number for the first period in the range. The periods will be numbered chronologically from this number.

  6. Click Save.

    The new pay periods will appear in the grid.