Paid Rate Rules Operands

Paid Rate rules determine how a transaction’s payroll and labor rates will be calculated. The rules in the Paid Rate Ruleset will be used to calculate the PAID_PERSON_PAY and PAID_PERSON_LABOR rates for a transaction. See Trans Rate for a description of the various rates that are stored with a transaction.

Paid Rate Rulesets are assigned to a person's Pay Policy in the Pay Rate Ruleset and Labor Rate Ruleset fields. If the ruleset is assigned to the Pay Rate Ruleset in the Pay Policy, it will be used to calculate the PAID_PERSON_PAY rate. If the ruleset is assigned to the Labor Rate Ruleset in the Pay Policy, it will be used to calculate the PAID_PERSON_LABOR rate.

Paid Rate Rules are created in the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

See Also:


Define the Paid Rate Rules for Vendor Rates



When you create rules, a combination of operands and operators make up the IF and THEN clauses. The combination of operands and operators must return a Boolean value or be a Boolean expression (True or False) in order for the rules to work. The IS operands will return a Boolean expression (True or False statement). The GET operands will return a value.

The following is a list of the available operands for the PaidRateRuleset.


Get Adhoc Rate

Get Rate

Get Transaction Rate

Get Vendor Rate

Has Rate

Has Transaction Rate

Has Vendor Rate

Is Event SubType




Rate Not Set

Set Paid Rate

Set Vendor Rate

Stop Processing



Define the Paid Rate Rules for Vendor Rates

Vendors are outside agencies that employ subcontractors. The pay rates for subcontractors may be different from the company’s regular employees. You can import vendor pay rates and configure the pay rules to calculate the vendor rates. See Subcontractors for more information.

To make sure a transaction will receive a vendor pay rate or vendor labor rate, you must define Paid Rate Rules with the following operands:

Has Vendor Rate

Get Vendor Rate

Set Vendor Rate


Example 1:

IF Has Vendor Rate(Pay, From transaction, From transaction)
THEN Set Vendor Rate(Get Vendor Rate(Pay, From transaction, From transaction))

Example 2 (the vendor rate is a multiplier for the person’s default rate):

IF Has Vendor Rate(Pay, From transaction, From transaction)
THEN Set Paid Rate(Get Transaction Rate (Default Person Payroll Rate) Multiply Get Vendor Rate(Pay, All, From transaction))


In some cases, more than one vendor rate could be applied to a transaction. For example, the employee may have the following vendor rate records:



Hours Classification








If the employee posts a transaction with a Shift of 1 and an Hours Classification of O, either of the above records could apply. To determine which record to use, the system will use the following precedence order:

1. Exact match of Shift and Hours Classification

2. Shift match

3. Hours Classification match

In the above example, there is no exact match of Shift and Hours Classification. There is a record with the same Shift as the transaction, and this record is the one that will be used. The employee will receive the vendor rate of 20.00.