The Message Settings tab of the Message Policy form is used to modify the various Message Definition settings for Dialog, System, and Exception Messages.
Message settings determine such options as when a message will be sent, whether the recipient will have to acknowledge it, and how it will be deleted.
See Also:
Message Settings Field Descriptions
Message Policy Name
Message Policy to which the Message Definitions are assigned.
Message Name
Name of the Message Definition assigned to the Message Policy.
Setting Type
Identifies the Message Setting for the Message Name you selected on the Definition tab. See Message Setting Types below.
Setting Value
Value of the Setting Type. The Setting Value options will depend on the Setting Type.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
True or False
Indicates whether users will have to acknowledge that they read the message.
an Acknowledge button (or a green checkmark in the
Shop Floor Time Web) will appear along with the message. When a message
has an Acknowledge button, you must click this button or you will continue
to see the message each time you log in. You will not be able to clock
in/out, start/stop labor, etc. until you acknowledge the message. When
you click this button, the message's status changes to Acknowledged.
Note: If ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_REQUIRED is True and AGREEMENT_DISAGREEMENT is also True, the Agree and Disagree buttons will appear instead of the Acknowledge button.
True or False
When this setting is True,
a user must agree or disagree with the message. The Agree and Disagree
buttons will appear with the message (thumbs-up
and thumbs-down
icons in the Shop Floor Time Web).
You must click one of these buttons or you will continue to see the message each time you log in. When you click this button, the message's status changes to Acknowledged and Agreed or Acknowledged and Disagreed.
Note: The AGREEMENT_DISAGREEMENT trigger setting is not available for the BROADCAST_MESSAGE trigger or TERMINAL_STATUS_CHANGE trigger.
Indicates whether duplicate messages can be sent. Set this option to Always Allowed, Not Allowed, or Allowed with Threshold.
Always Allowed (0): Enter 0 in the Setting Value to always allow duplicate messages to be sent.
Allowed with Threshold: To allow duplicate messages to be sent after a threshold period, enter the threshold in decimal format. For example, enter 3.25 in the Setting Value field to allow duplicate messages to be sent 3 hours and 15 minutes after the message's create date.
When you specify a threshold, the system finds the create date of the last message for the person of the named message. If the current time is beyond the threshold from the create date timestamp, then the message can be sent again. For example, if you set this option to “1,” then the threshold is 1 hour. Duplicate messages can be sent one hour after the original message was created.
Not Allowed (-1): Enter -1 in the Setting Value to never allow duplicate messages to be sent.
Note: If your Message Definition ruleset includes the Is Message Not Duplicate operand, this operand will override the ALLOW_DUPLICATE setting.
True or False
Determines whether email messages generated by the Message Name will be consolidated or sent individually.
If CONSOLIDATE_EMAIL_MESSAGES is TRUE, the MESSAGE_DELIVERY service will group all the email messages that result from the same Message Name and send them to the recipient in a single email.
True or False
If this setting is True, the message will be deleted after the user has read, acknowledged, agreed, or disagreed with it. The message's status will change to Read or Acknowledged depending on how the user responded. The system will permanently remove the message from the database and it will not be visible the next time the user logs in. The message will also not be visible on the My Messages form, the Message Log form, or the Message View (terminal) form.
If this setting is False, you must run the PURGE service to delete the message.
True or False
This setting is used to determine whether a message on the terminal will continue to appear after the user reads or acknowledges it.
The DISPOSE_ON_READ setting does not affect messages that appear in the message pop-up form in the Shop Floor Time Web application. Once a message is viewed or acknowledged in the Shop Floor Time Web, the message will no longer appear in the message pop-up the next time you log in.
If DISPOSE_ON_READ is True, the message will not appear again after the user reads, acknowledges, or agrees/disagrees with it on the terminal.
If DISPOSE_ON_READ is False, the message may appear again in the client terminal, depending on the user's response. If you click Done, the message will appear the next time you log in (the message's status remains Unread). If you click OK, Acknowledge, Agree, or Disagree, the message will not appear the next time you log in.
This setting type establishes an expiration date for the message, after which it will not be delivered.
The Setting Value is the number of days after the message was created when the message will no longer be delivered.
When you enter a value greater than zero (0) for this setting type, the system will not deliver messages after this number of days have passed since the message was created. If you set this value to zero (0), the message will not expire.
This setting type establishes an effective date when the message will be delivered.
The Setting Value is the number of days after the message was created when the message will be delivered.
When you enter a value greater than zero (0) for this setting type, the system will not deliver messages until this number of days have passed since the message was created. If you set this value to zero (0), the message will be sent on the date it was created.
True or False
When this setting type is True, the PURGE service will not be able to delete the message.
High, Medium, or Low
This setting type determines the priority of the message.
High: This message will be sent to the receiver before any other messages. If you have several messages listed as high, the message with the oldest Start Date will be sent first.
Medium: Medium priority will be sent after High and before Low
Low: Low priority is sent after any messages that are set to High/Medium High/Medium/Low
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Message Policy.
Select the Message Policy Name with the Message Definition and Message Settings you want to modify.
Click the Definition tab and select the Message Name with the settings you want to modify.
On the Message Settings tab, select the Setting Type you want to modify.
Click Modify and change the Setting Value. Refer to the table above for information on these settings.
Click Save when you are done.
Use the Reset button on the Message Setting tab to return a setting type to its default value.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Message Policy.
Select the Message Policy Name with the Message Definition and Message Settings you want to reset.
Click the Definition tab and select the Message Name with the settings you want to reset.
On the Message Settings tab, select the Setting Type you want to reset.
Click Reset.
Click OK to confirm the action.