Export Field

The Export Field tab on the Export Definition form is used to configure the Header, Detail, and Trailer sections of your export output file. The Field Function tab is used to format the output of a field in the export file.

Note: You cannot use the same Field Name in multiple sections of the export file (Header, Detail, and Trailer). The Field Name must be unique in each section.

See Also:

Export Field Tab - Field Descriptions

Add an Export Field

Modify an Export Field

Delete an Export Field

Change the Order of the Export Fields


Export Field tab - Field Descriptions

Export Name

Defines the export instance that you will run from the Exports form. Click the button next to the Export Name field to find, add, modify, copy, or delete an Export Name. See Export for more information.

Record Type

You can configure the Header, Detail, and Trailer sections of your export output file. When you add, modify, or delete an export field, you first need to select the Record Type from the top of this tab. The fields that display on the Export Field tab will be for a particular Record Type.

Record Type



A header is a line of data displayed at the top of the output data file. You can configure the header to display in three different ways:

  1. Static - The header is a set value. Whatever you enter as the record's Field Name is the header. To use this setting, select Static as the Field Source when adding the header record.

  2. Empty Text Box - The header displays as an empty text box in the filter area of the Exports form. The value the user enters in the text box at the time of the export will display as the header in the export file. To use this setting, select User Field as the Field Source when adding the header record.

  3. Drop-down Menu - The header displays as a drop-down menu in the filter area of the Exports form. The value the user selects from this drop-down at the time of the export will display as the header in the export file. To use this setting, select User Field as the Field Source and enter the comma separated valid values in the Field Value field when adding the record.


A detail record is used to configure the data that will be exported. One record equals one column in the export.


A trailer is a line of data displayed at the bottom of the output data file. You can configure the trailer to display in six different ways:

  1. Static - The trailer is a set value. Whatever is reflected in the record's Field Name is the trailer. To use this setting, select Static as the Field Source when adding the trailer record.

  2. Empty Text Box - The trailer displays as an empty text box in the filter area of the Exports form. The value the user enters in the text box at the time of the export will display as the trailer in the export file. To use this setting, select User Field as the Field Source when adding the trailer record.

  3. Drop-down Menu - The trailer displays as a drop-down menu in the filter area of the Exports form. The value the user selects at the time of the export will display as the trailer. To use this setting, select User Field as the Field Source and enter the comma separated valid values in the Field Value field when adding the record.

  4. Count - The trailer will count how many records are listed in the column you specify and list the value in the trailer.

  5. Count Distinct - The trailer will count how many different records are listed in the detail record you specify and list the value in the trailer. You must have a detail record already configured. To use this setting, select Count Distinct as the Field Source and select a detail record from the Field Value field.

  6. Sum - The trailer will sum up the value of the records listed in the column you specify. The value will display in the trailer. To use this setting, select Sum as the Field Source and select a detail record from the Field Value field.


Field Name

The identifying name of this record. The Field Name is used as the name for the Header/Trailer records when the Record Type is Static.

You cannot use the same Field Name in multiple sections of the export file (Header, Detail, and Trailer). The Field Name must be unique in each section.


A description of the record.

Sequence Number

Each field in the record will have a unique sequence number that will define the position/order of the field in the record. No duplicate sequence numbers are allowed for a record layout. The first record you add is number 1. That is the record located on the far left in the output file.  You can change the sequence order by using the Move Up/Move Down buttons.

Start Position

Start position is only applicable for fixed length layouts. It defines where each field starts in the record layout.

End Position

End position is only applicable for fixed length layouts. It defines where each field ends in the record layout.

Field Length

Field Length is only applicable for fixed length layouts. Identifies the length of the field.

Group By

The Group By check box is only available for Payroll exports. It is used to group field values of equal value. If this box is checked, then the system will group same values into one row in the output.

Depends on Field

Used to determine if the current field can have a value. At run time the system will evaluate the dependent field. If the field value is not empty, then the current field will display.

Data Type

The Data Type identifies the type of data that is displayed.

Data Type



The value is a fixed value.


The value is a timestamp.


The value is expressed as MM-DD-YYYY.

Date Time

The value shows the date and time.


A numeric value.


The value is expressed in seconds.


The value is expressed in hours.


The value is expressed with decimal points.


Show in Output

The Show in Output check box determines if the field will display in the output data. This is useful if you have configured several Export Definitions for an Export Name but don't always want to include all the fields when you run the export. Instead of deleting the fields, you can un-check the Show in Output box.

Field Source

The Field Source determines where the data for the record comes from. The available options depend on whether you are defining a header, detail, or trailer record.

Field Source

Available for Record Type


Action Prompt


This option is available when the Export Context is Action. The field's value will come from an event prompt with the Std Validation ID "Insert Action Process Status to Export Action Record(s)." See Event Validation for more information.




The system will count how many records are listed in the column specified in the Field Value field.


Count Distinct


The system will count how many different records are listed in the column specified in the Field Value field.


Generated Value

Header and Trailer

The system will populate the field with the Field Value (CURRENT_DATE or FILE_NAME).




The system will extract data from system tables according to the Export Rule selected in the Field Value field. Export Rules are defined on the Calc Rule form




The system will extract data from system tables according to the Export Ruleset selected in the Field Value field. Export Rulesets are defined on the Rulesets form with the Context Name ExportRuleset.



Header and Trailer

A set value - the Field Value is used as the value.




The system will sum the value of the records in the column specified in the Field Value field.




Identifies that the value should be extracted from a system table.


User Field

Header, Detail, and Trailer

If you select User Field and leave the Field Value empty, the header/trailer displays as an empty text box in the filter area of the Export form. Whichever value the user enters in the text box at the time of the export will display as the header/trailer. To use this setting, select User Field as the Source Field when adding the header record.

If you select User Field and enter comma separated valid values in the Field Value field, the header/trailer will display as a drop-down menu in the filter area of the Export form. Whichever value the user selects at the time of the export will display as the header/trailer. To use this setting, select User Field as the Field Source and enter the comma separated valid values in the Field Value field when adding the record.



Field Value

If the Field Source requires a field value, it is entered or selected here.

Field Source

Field Value

Action Prompt

The Field Value is a drop-down menu of event prompts. The available event prompts are for an event with an Event Validation record that has the Std Validation ID "Insert Action Process Status to Export Action Record(s)." See Event Validation for more information.



Select the column for which you want to provide a count of the number of records. The available options are determined by the Detail records in your export.


Distinct Count

Select the column for which you want to provide a count of the number of different records. The available options are determined by the Detail records in your export.


Generated Value

Select CURRENT_DATE to place the current date in this export field.

Select FILE_NAME to place the name of the output file in this export field.



Select the Export Rule that will be used to calculate this field's value.

If you only want the output to show certain values, enter these values in the Output Valid Values field. The values must be comma separated. For example: R,O, OVT,12. Note: Rules are created on the Calc Rule form.



Select the Export Ruleset that will be used to calculate this field's value.

 If you want to limit the output to show only certain values, enter the valid values in the Output Valid Values field. The values must be comma separated. For example: R,O, OVT,12. Note: Rulesets are created on the Rulesets form.



Enter a constant value in the Field Value field.



Select the table column that will be used to determine this field's value. The available table columns will depend on the Context Name of your export. For example, if your Context Name is “Person,” then the Field Value list will contain columns from the person tables. If your Context Name is “Charge Element,” then the Field Value list will contain table columns related to charge elements.


User Field

If the Field Value is left blank, a text box will display on the Exports form so the user can input the value. If you want this field to display options, enter the comma separated values in the Field Value field. The user can make the selection from this list.



Output Valid Values

This field is available when your Field Source is Rule or Ruleset.

Valid values are used to limit the records available in the output. Values must be separated by a comma.

Output Data Map

If your export has Enable Audit checked, you need to use the Output Data Map field to specify the column in the export_output_data_map table where the field will be mapped. Data in the export_output_data_map table can be accessed by an Ad Hoc Report with the Export Audit context.

For example, a Payroll Export includes the fields Person Number, First Name, Last Name, Duration, Payroll Amount, and Payroll Rate. The Output Data Map field maps each field to the corresponding column in the export_output_data_map table. Enable Audit is also checked for the Payroll Export. At the end of the month, an administrator runs an Ad Hoc Report (with the Export Audit context) to check the Payroll Amounts for a specific employee. The report selects records from the export_output_data_map table.

Available options for the Output Data Map field are the columns in the export_output_data_map table.

The Duration column in the export_output_data_map table should only be used for a transaction's duration amount. If you map any value other than a transaction's duration to the Duration column, the value may not display correctly.

The columns listed below are stored as raw data in the export_output_data_map table and will not be formatted according to the Field Function settings. The data will be formatted correctly in the export file, but will not be formatted in the export_output_data_map table.







If you need to store this data with formatted values in the export_output_data_map table, you should map to one of the Adhoc Value fields instead.


Add an Export Field (Header, Detail, or Trailer)

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name to which you want to add a header/detail/trailer record.

  3. Go to the Export Field tab.

  4. Select the Record Type (Header, Detail, or Trailer).

  5. Click Find. The existing export field records (if any) appear in the grid.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Enter a Field Name.

  8. Enter a Description.

  9. If the Export Name is for a Fixed Length Format, specify a Start Position of the data and the Field Length.

  10. Check the Group By box to group field values of equal value. If this box is checked, then the system will group same values into one row in the output file.

  11. Depends On Field is used to determine if the current field can have a value. At run time the system will evaluate the dependent field. If the field value is not empty, then the current field will display.

  12. Select a Data Type.

  13. Keep the Show in Output box checked if you want this field to display in the filter area of the Exports form. It will allow you to filter the Export records.

  14. Select a Field Source and, if necessary, a Field Value.

  15. If your export has Enable Audit checked, you will need to use the Output Data Map field to select the column in the export_output_data_map table to which the field will be mapped.

  16. Click Save when you are finished.

  17. If you want to add more than one Export Field, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add  window open. Or click Save to save your Export Field and return to the main form.


Modify an Export Field

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name for which you want to modify a header/detail/trailer record.

  3. Go to the Export Field tab.

  4. Select the Record Type you want to modify (Header, Detail, or Trailer).

  5. Click Find. The Export Field records appear in the grid.

  6. Select the export field record you want to change and click Modify.

  7. Modify the record and click Save.


Delete an Export Field

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name from which you want to delete a header/detail/trailer record.

  3. Go to the Export Field tab.

  4. Select the Record Type you want to delete (Header, Detail, or Trailer).

  5. Click Find. The Export Field records appear in the grid.

  6. Select the export field record you want to delete and click Delete.

  7. Click OK to confirm the action.


Change the Order of the Export Fields

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name to which you want to add a header/detail/trailer record.

  3. Go to the Export Field tab.

  4. Select the Record Type of the fields you want to reorder (Header, Detail, or Trailer).

  5. Click Find. The Export Field records appear in the grid.

  6. Select an Export Field record and click the Move Up or Move Down button at the top of the form.

  7. Repeat step 6 for any other fields you want to reorder.