
Ad Hoc Reports Feature

Ad Hoc Reports are custom reports with person, action, or transaction data. You can select which columns to include in the report, add filters, group the data, and summarize the data. You can also use Advanced Criteria to define additional criteria that will be used to select data for the report.

The Ad-Hoc Report Definition form is used to create and preview the Ad Hoc Report. To run and print the report, use the Ad-Hoc Reports form.

You can use your Security Roles to configure which employees have access to the Ad Hoc Report forms. For example, an administrator may have access to the Ad-Hoc Report Definition form in order to create the report. A supervisor may only need access to the Ad Hoc Reports form so he or she can run the report.

The reports that are available in the Ad-Hoc Reports form will depend on how the ADHOC_REPORT_NAME item is configure in the user’s Security Data Role.

See Also:

License Requirements

Defining the Ad Hoc Report


Viewing SQL

REST Preview

Viewing and Printing the Ad Hoc Report


License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select Adhoc Reports Viewer and Definition under the Module Name column.

  3. Ensure that the following check boxes are selected: Licensed and Module Enabled.


Defining the Ad Hoc Report

The Ad-Hoc Report Definition form (Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Ad-Hoc Report Def) is used to define the Ad Hoc Reports.

The Ad-Hoc Report Definition form has the following detail tabs:



The Preview button displays the report in the same format that it will display on the Ad Hoc Reports form. Filter fields will be visible as well as any summary rows or grouping columns you have defined.

In the Report Preview window, you can change the order of the columns, show/hide columns, and change the sort order of the columns. These column configurations can also be done on the Ad-Hoc Reports form. See Configuring and Sorting Columns in the Ad-Hoc Reports Form.


Viewing SQL

The View SQL button in the Preview window displays the query used to obtain the report.

The query will be based on the filter settings, if any, that you configure in the Preview window.

If the View SQL button is not visible, you will have to enable it in your Security Role.



REST Preview

The REST Preview button displays the report in HTML, JSON, XHTML, XSD, or XML format. Filter fields, summary rows, and groupings will not be visible.

You can change the Content Type and click Find to see how the report will look in a different format.

Note: REST Preview displays better in Firefox than Internet Explorer due to browser limitations.


View the REST Report in a Web Browser

The URL displayed at the top of the REST Preview form can be used to view the report from a web browser. When you enter this URL in your browser window, you will be asked for your username and password.

Enter your Shop Floor Time User Name and Password to continue.

Your login attempts will be subject to the Password Profile that is assigned to you. These settings also apply when you log into the Shop Floor Time application. If you enter the wrong password too many times (exceeding the Max Pwd Tries setting), then your password will have to be reset before you can view the report or log into the Shop Floor Time application again. For example, your Max Pwd Tries is 5 and you have entered the wrong password 4 times when logging into the application. If you enter the wrong password 2 more times when logging into an Ad Hoc Report, you will have exceeded the Max Pwd Tries setting. The message Exceeded Login Attempts will display the next time you log into the application.


Format of the REST URL

The URL displayed at the top of the REST Preview form has the following format:


host: The host name of the application server.

port: The port of the application server.

application: The name of the application (autotime).

content_type: Format that determines how the report data will be displayed (html, jsn, xhtml, xsd, xml).

report_name: The name of the report as defined on the Ad-Hoc Report Definition form.

filter: Each filter field must be separated by an ampersand (&). You can also include a value for the filter field (for example, &person_num=1101).


Example – URL for the html report named “Person” from localhost on port 8080:



Example – URL for the html report named “Action” from localhost on port 8080 for Person Number 1102:



Formatting the Date Filter in a REST Report

If your REST URL includes a date or timestamp filter, you will need to format the date you enter. The date format must match the rest_date_format or rest_datetime_format Application Settings. If the date/time you enter in the filter is not formatted according to these settings, the date filter will not be used to obtain the report data.

For example, the URL for the following Action Report includes a filter for the Posting Date:

http://kasgvm:8080/autotime/rest/form/report_adhoc.html?report_name=Action Report A&posting_date=

You want to view the report data for October 6, 2014 and the rest_date_format Application Setting is yyyy-MM-dd. Your URL would be:

http://kasgvm:8080/autotime/rest/form/report_adhoc.html?report_name=Action Report A&posting_date=2014-10-06


Viewing and Printing the Ad Hoc Report

The Ad-Hoc Reports form (Main Menu > Reporting > Ad-Hoc Reports) allows you to view and print reports created on the Ad-Hoc Report Definition form.

You can configure which employees can access this form by enabling it or disabling it in a Security Role.

You can define which Ad Hoc Reports a user can access by configuring the ADHOC_REPORT_NAME item in the user’s Security Data Role.

Once you run the report, you can click Print Report to display your browser’s Print form and print the report. You can also click Download to open or save the report as a .CSV file.