Action Move Quantity

Detail Forms:

Action Move Detail

Process Status

The Action Move Quantity form is used to track quantity movement between operations resulting from the posting of an event on a terminal or Web. An Order can have several operations and each operation can have several activities. Only operations have quantities associated with them.

There are two events that can move quantities within or between operations: Move and Work Order.

The Action Move Quantity form can also be used to determine if the quantities posted have been submitted to the ERP.


Filtering Options

You can specify which records you want to display using the filter fields at the top of the form: Order Num, From Operation Num, To Operation Num, Start Trans Date, and End Trans Date.

Click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Enter the values of the records you want to display and click Find.


Action Move Quantity Field Descriptions

Move Direction

Direction that the quantity has moved.

Back indicates the quantity has moved to the previous operation.

Forward indicates the quantity has moved to the next operation.

Neutral means the quantity has not moved (is within the same operation).

Order Num

Order (work order) number. Defined on the Charge Element form.

From Operation Num

Operation number from which the quantity originated.

To Operation Num

Operation number to which the quantity moved.

From Operation Step

Indicates the type of quantity from which the material has moved (Available, To Move, Reject, or Scrap).

To Operation Step

Indicates the type of quantity to which the material has moved (Available, To Move, Reject, or Scrap).

Quantity Entered

Quantity completed, scrapped, rejected, etc. that was moved.

Primary UOM

Primary unit of measure for the order (as defined on the Order form).

Entered UOM

Unit of measure entered in response to the Unit of Measure (UOM) prompt for this move transaction.

Quantity Overcompleted

Indicates the amount overcompleted compared to the Order Qty Planned (which is defined on the Order form).

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.