Employees & Users Area of Configuration

Use the Employees & Users area in the Configuration workspace to enter basic information about your employees. For those employees who require access to Deltek CRM, you also enter their user names and default passwords and assign a security role.


Alternative: If your employee information is available in an application from which you can download data to a .CSV (comma-separated values) file, you can add your employees more efficiently by importing them from a .CSV file rather than entering them one by one in the Employees & Users area as described below. You can run the import process using either the Import from CSV link in the Employees & Users area or the Employees link on the Imports tab in the Integrations & Imports area.

If you activate the Resource Planning module, entering employees individually as described below should not be your normal method. Using the option to import from a .CSV file or to import using the API enables you to bring much more planning-related information for your employees into Deltek CRM. You can also use the import process or the APIs to bring in updated information for employees that already exist in Deltek CRM.

Field Description
Employee search field If the list of employees is long and you want to locate a particular employee, type one or more characters from any of the items listed below in the search field above FULL NAME. That filters the list so that it only displays a list of employees for whom one or more of these data items contain those characters. To restore the full list after filtering, click X at the end of the search field.
  • Employee ID
  • First name, middle name, last name, or preferred name
  • Suffix
  • Title
  • Status
  • Organization
  • Work phone or mobile phone
  • Email address
  • User name
  • Security role
Import from CSV

To import employees into Deltek CRM from a .CSV file, click this link. You then select the .CSV file, and use the Import Employees From CSV dialog box to map fields in the .CSV file to fields in Deltek CRM.

Tablets and other devices that use the iOS operating system cannot upload files through the browser. As a result, you must run the import process using a different device, such as a laptop or an Android tablet. If you are using an iOS device, the Import from CSV option is not available.


If you have implemented the Resource Planning module, enter a unique employee ID in EMPLOYEE ID when you add a new employee.

If you have not implement the Resource Planning module, this grid column does not display.


Enter the employee's first name and last name in the normal sequence and separated by a space. To also enter a personal or professional suffix, such as Jr. or AIA, type a comma followed by the suffix at the end of the name. The name as it displays in this field is the name that appears in employee lookup lists and elsewhere in Deltek CRM.

Either enter the employee's name in this field in the normal sequence, or hover over the grid row and click near the end of the row to enter the name in the Employee Information dialog box. If you enter the name in this field and want to include a suffix such as Jr. or AIA, type a comma after the last name and then type the suffix. The name as it displays in this field is the name that appears in employee lookup lists and elsewhere in Deltek CRM.

If you enter a preferred name in the Employee Information dialog box, this field is updated to display the preferred name in place of the first name. For example, if you enter Randolph Ash in this field and then enter Randy in PREFERRED NAME in the Employee Information dialog box, this field displays Randy Ash.

Click the name for a saved employee to display a tooltip containing employee information: job title, location, organization, phone numbers, email address, and status. (If the row is in edit mode, you cannot display the tooltip. In that case, click anywhere outside the row to take it out of edit mode and then click the name.)


This column displays the status of each of the employees: active (green), inactive (gray), or terminated (red). By default, a newly added employee is active. To change the status of an employee, click the status icon and select the status.

Inactive and terminated employees cannot log on to Deltek CRM. In addition, an employee with the Terminated status does not appear in employee lookup lists, but that person's historical associations with opportunities, those associations created prior to his or her termination, remain.


If you are using organizations, select the organization to which you want to assign the employee.

To select the organization, do one of the following:

  • To select from a list of organizations with names that start with a specific character, type that character in this field.
  • To select from a list of organizations with names that contain a specific sequence of characters, type the characters in this field and pause.
  • To specify the organization by navigating to it through organization levels, click in this field to display the Edit Organization dialog box. In the grid on that dialog box, expand the levels to display the lowest-level organization. (You can also use the field above the grid on the Edit Organization dialog box to search for the organization by typing one or more characters from the organization name.)
WORK PHONE Enter the employee's work phone number.

Enter the employee's email address.

Entries must have at least three components in this format: <user or account name>@<domain name>.<top level domain>.


If you set up a user name for the employee in Deltek CRM, it displays in this field.

To enter or change a user name, hover over the row and click to display the User Setup dialog box.

If the employee will also need access to Deltek CRM, click to use the User Setup dialog box to enter the employee's user name and password for Deltek CRM and assign him or her a security role.

If an employee has no user information, this icon is not visible until you hover over the grid row. If user information has been entered for an employee, this icon always displays on that employee's row. (A dimmed version of the icon displays if Disable Login is selected for the employee in the User Setup dialog box.)

User Setup: USER NAME

Enter the employee's user name for Deltek CRM.

An employee can only have one user name, and a user name can only be assigned to one employee. The only special characters allowed are hyphen (-), underscore (_), and period.

User Setup: PASSWORD Enter the employee's default password for Deltek CRM.
User Setup: Force password change

To require the employee to change his or her password the next time he or she logs in, click this link.

The link is replaced with User will be prompted to change password. When the user makes the password change, the Force password change link is again displayed.

User Setup: SECURITY ROLE Click in this field and select the security role that provides the employee with the appropriate level of access to Deltek CRM.
User Setup: Disable Login Select this check box to prevent the employee from logging in to Deltek CRM using this user name and password. This check box is automatically selected for inactive and terminated employees.
User Setup: Remove User

To remove the user information entirely, click Remove User.

This action does not remove the employee, only the employee's user information so they can no longer access Deltek CRM.

User Setup: Save/Cancel Click Save to save the entries that you made in the User Setup dialog box. Click Cancel to discard your unsaved entries.
Hover over the row, and click to display the Employee Information dialog box and enter or review additional information about the employee. The dialog box displays default values for the name fields based on your entry in FULL NAME, but you can change those defaults. In most cases, changing individual name fields also updates the full name.
Employee Information: FIRST NAME Enter the employee's first name.
Employee Information: MIDDLE NAME Enter the employee's middle name or initial.
Employee Information: PREFERRED NAME

Enter the name that the employee prefers to be addressed by.

If you enter a preferred name, it is used instead of the first name in the FULL NAME field and in the name as it appears elsewhere in Deltek CRM.

Employee Information: LAST NAME

Enter the employee's last name.

If the employee's name has a suffix (Jr., for example), enter it as part of the last name.

SUFFIX If the employee's name has a suffix (Jr., for example), click in this field to select it.
Employee Information: TITLE Click in this field to select the employee's job title. If none of the standard titles apply, you can enter a title that is not on the list. If you enter a title that is not on the list, however, be aware that your entry is not automatically added to the standard list of job titles. If you think it should be on the list, go to the Customization area and add it to the list of values for the Employee Title system field.
Employee Information: MOBILE PHONE Enter the employee's mobile phone number.
Employee Information: Save/Cancel Click Save to save the entries that you made in the Employee Information dialog box. Click Cancel to discard your unsaved entries.

To delete an employee, hover over that employee's row in the grid, and click X at the end of the row.

If the employee has any planning assignments or labor charges, you cannot delete the employee. A message displays to notify you.

If the employee is associated with any opportunities or related records, a message displays to notify you. You can still delete the employee, but you may instead want to change his or her status to Inactive or Terminated, rather than deleting, to preserve those associations. If you delete the employee, those historical associations are also removed.

When you delete an employee, the employee's user name and related security information are deleted also.

+ Add Employee To add a new employee, click + Add Employee below the grid to display a blank grid row for entering employee information.